Hi fellow sifu's,I have a question on my M50B20 radiator that I hope to seek the truth :rock: I had an low coolant level this morning and started to add distilled water into the radiator, with the radiator cap and bleed screw opened. However, the coolant level never reach the "COLD" mark.
After adding about 2 litres of distilled water and though I did not see the level reach "COLD", I decided it's enough and went ahead to close up and drive off. Temperature started rising and I stopped to check. Well, coolant level was not "COLD" but it's just 1 mark below "COLD".So I added more distilled water, again, with the radiator cap and bleed screw opened. The coolant level still doesn't reach the "COLD" mark. After adding another 1/2 litre, I closed up and drive off. Temperature rose after a while. I stopped to add distilled water again.This time, I only removed the radiator cap. The coolant level rose just above "COLD". I closed up and drove off. 20km later, the temperature is still in the middle of the gauge.What did I do right/wrong?Thank you.