oppinion on Quad exzos

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DME or ECU... different name, same function.
O2 sensors, IAT sensor, knock sensors, and etc alter your A/F. Not your exhaust.
To maintain optimal engine operating temperature, that's what your thermostat, radiator and fans do.

If DME can control "thermodynamic", engine's overheating would have been a history
turbology;368985 said:
DME or ECU... different name, same function.
O2 sensors, IAT sensor, knock sensors, and etc alter your A/F. Not your exhaust.
To maintain optimal engine operating temperature, that's what your thermostat, radiator and fans do.

If DME can control "thermodynamic", engine's overheating would have been a history

:stupid: what engine's overheating ??? your enginer ever overheat??? :alberteinstein:

DME did not control thermodynamic, but it was programmed with the "thermodynamic FORMULA, timing setting...bla..bla alot more" for the operating system with the sensor value as input data.

welll, overheating was mechanical or electrical sensor fault, any one of fault will break the thermodynamic LAW... when the law was breaks, off course the engine will overheat and the DME will be automatic KILL by IHKA system.. soon when it detect out break of the RULEss

you should use very big exhaust and catalist if you got turbocharge in your turbology 's engine :34:

you better buy/borrow book to study more... there had many interesting scientific explanation
related for those car... and all other living application.. :pcguru: or just download from internet
quad exhaust, no problem when u install after muffler...but not very nice looking..same performance.. no engine fault...for the catalytic converter, 6 cylinder has 4 cats, 2 in front and 2 behind o2 sensor, if u remove cats behind, the powe will increase about 5hp, no problem for dme. but if u remove cats infront, the power and tork much different,, but sometime ur check engine lamp will light. to settle this, both of the o2 sensor u must ( alihkan ke belakang satu kaki setengah) . it just to reduce the heat for o2 sensor.
wan syahmi;369169 said:
quad exhaust, no problem when u install after muffler...but not very nice looking..same performance.. no engine fault...for the catalytic converter, 6 cylinder has 4 cats, 2 in front and 2 behind o2 sensor, if u remove cats behind, the powe will increase about 5hp, no problem for dme. but if u remove cats infront, the power and tork much different,, but sometime ur check engine lamp will light. to settle this, both of the o2 sensor u must ( alihkan ke belakang satu kaki setengah) . it just to reduce the heat.

WOW who said that 6-pot got soo many catalist???, M52TUB28 engine had it catalist placed at the exhaust header/manifold, and should be no more catalist in the mid-pipe!!! , remove the remainning CAT, these CAT was sucker!!!

One cat for one car, cat should not be remove and no more then one... it filter the toxic gas!!

last time there had alot of HERO, mouse DEER, V-technic .... TOFU car with thier Catalist removed and speeding over me!! thier loud engine noise shocked me ... :107:

EVEN the two wheel :bike: also removed his CAT and meet me at the traffic light!!!,,
ha ha ha ah ah ha ..... :aetsch: :34: :driver:
wan syahmi;369201 said:
my car 325ci have 4 cats. check it, and already remove it...thats why i know.

maybe they want your car to be ninja turtle :turtle: , these people could be YAKUZA..???
wan syahmi;369169 said:
o2 sensor u must ( alihkan ke belakang satu kaki setengah) . it just to reduce the heat for o2 sensor.

O2 sensor works within a temperature range. Most advance O2 sensors nowadays is pre-heat by wires.
Too close or to near to exhaust exits, cat, or muffler can get turbulence which affect the reading.
Hi there...
If you're interested in just for looks.... My original exhaust with quad outlets is for sale...

B33mEr;366225 said:
Go for it bro :top::top::top: not only it looks wicked but with the proper setup will sound orgasmico bro :top: :D
For reference here's a setup by OSS from e46fanatic.com


Simple, elegant and effective :top:


I second you on simple and elegant but how effective can it be?
Where can I find that set? Price of the set?

Thanks bro for sharing the info. Cheers :)
form the belakang it looks not bad, but this pic above from under the car looks bad.
there is no heat shield on the right side.. and the quality of install just looks cheap. the pipes look like they been bent too many ways..it looks like it was hammered into shape.
imho, if you ain't driving M3 then don't do it.
If you look at the M3, the quality of the quads mounted look subtle and tame. most of the modded quads out there seem to go all at trying to look vulgar.
BTW the setup above would only cost 200rm from ja'par(RIP), how much you think your original one costs to buy?
Shahrul Idzham;371512 said:

I second you on simple and elegant but how effective can it be?
Where can I find that set? Price of the set?

Thanks bro for sharing the info. Cheers :)

Well effective as in it does d job which is to look, sound and have a quad setup (rather than faking it) .... wether or not it increases the hp well only a dyno machine can tell ... i got d pic from e46fanatics.com forum but at least it gives us some ideas as how to do it on a budget :top:

guru;371515 said:
form the belakang it looks not bad, but this pic above from under the car looks bad.
there is no heat shield on the right side.. and the quality of install just looks cheap. the pipes look like they been bent too many ways..it looks like it was hammered into shape.
imho, if you ain't driving M3 then don't do it.
If you look at the M3, the quality of the quads mounted look subtle and tame. most of the modded quads out there seem to go all at trying to look vulgar.
BTW the setup above would only cost 200rm from ja'par(RIP), how much you think your original one costs to buy?

Well it's a quad on a budget custom set-up what do you expect???.... and are you sure jafar can do that for rm200??? if i'm not mistaken jafar can do mandrel bent as well and does quality work .... you pay peanuts you get monkeys and i can tell you jafar dun do exhaust work for peanuts lol

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