Nomination and Voting Process for AGM

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Sorry pipa, as much as we would have like to allow everyone to vote, I guess we have to draw the line somewhere:) Well, get another BMW!!!! :nyehehe: :nyehehe:
Originally posted by vladd_tappish+Oct 22 2005, 01:54 AM-->QUOTE (vladd_tappish @ Oct 22 2005, 01:54 AM)
Originally posted by ALBundy@Oct 20 2005, 10:49 AM
Originally posted by babeblu@Oct 19 2005, 04:27 AM
By the way, how would the current committee determine eligibility for voting at the AGM?
Only persons who have signed and paid up prior to AGM? Would those persons have to be BMW car owners to be eligible to  vote?
What if they are BMW drivers and not owners? What about BMW enthusiasts but no car? What of ex-BMW onwners?
What about persons who turn up at AGM, but did not register earlier but willing to pay the RM35 - will they be allowed to participate in the AGM?
Well, babeblue has brought up some very pertinent points and it will only help avoid any controversy, should it arise.

Some answers,

For this AGM, anyone who owns a BMW (obviously) and forum members who have immediate family member that owns one (if they themselves happen not to be a member) Girlfriends, enthusiasts, ex-owners and etc are not allowed to vote.
However, the committee would like to stress that when the club is officially registered with the Registrar of Society (ROS), only BMW owners and enthusiasts who have a BMW in their household (owned by immediate family members - parents, spouse and siblings) will be allowed.

To encourage maximum participation from BMW owners especially, we will still allow last minute registration but of course as Jeffrey has mentioned, they will have to pay a RM10 surcharge.

How about us from the Southern and Northern region??? As I have mentioned earlier, if the AGM is on a Friday or Saturday, I or we would be pleased to turn up to the AGM! Monday is a working day!!!! We are 300++KM far from KL! Please think about us! Certainly we all want to vote also! Dont we have the right? We have to be allowed to vote via online. If no I have to live with the facts that this club is meant for the central region only!!!! I am saying this because even if it is a Sunday you guys can enjoy the evening and go back to work on Monday because you guys live nearby. Think about 300++ KM. Very far isnt it? I didnt want to be rude, but since the decision has been made I have to voice up or else I will not have any chance to do so. Think about it ppl! [/b]

I think the issue of logistic has been explained by DareDevil himself, so I wouldnt dwell too much into it.

Originally posted by Daredevil@Oct 12 2005, 11:07 AM
If I may make a suggestion (i'm sure i'll be shot for this :ph34r: )

In regards to vlad's issue... in stead of having 1 agm in central region, why not we use the forum to get the list of candidates (which we are currently doing) and have 1 agm(south) in southern region for the southeners to cast their votes, 1 agm(north) for the northerners to cast their votes and so on for east coast and sabah and sarawak.

send all voting ballots to central region to be counted and post the winners up on forum.

the analogy is this
the government is located in central region ie putrajaya. election is held everywhere. (this is not good analogy since the election is to vote for regional ADUN - but you get what i mean)

maybe this matter could be looked into for the next agm/elections.

just my 2 cents (LET THE SHOOTING BEGIN!!!)
Originally posted by DingChavez@Oct 22 2005, 01:10 PM
If I may make a suggestion (i'm sure i'll be shot for this :ph34r: )

In regards to vlad's issue... in stead of having 1 agm in central region, why not we use the forum to get the list of candidates (which we are currently doing) and have 1 agm(south) in southern region for the southeners to cast their votes, 1 agm(north) for the northerners to cast their votes and so on for east coast and sabah and sarawak.

send all voting ballots to central region to be counted and post the winners up on forum.

the analogy is this
the government is located in central region ie putrajaya. election is held everywhere. (this is not good analogy since the election is to vote for regional ADUN - but you get what i mean)

maybe this matter could be looked into for the next agm/elections.

just my 2 cents (LET THE SHOOTING BEGIN!!!)
Good idea.. but how to ensure that the ballot is secure. Who is going to be an indenpendant person to ensure that the casting is not rigged. etc. etc..

How to ensure that the ballot reached the central region on time. Use DHL.. Even that take a few hours... The result would then have to delayed...
Originally posted by vladd_tappish@Oct 22 2005, 09:54 AM

How about us from the Southern and Northern region??? As I have mentioned earlier, if the AGM is on a Friday or Saturday, I or we would be pleased to turn up to the AGM! Monday is a working day!!!! We are 300++KM far from KL! Please think about us! Certainly we all want to vote also! Dont we have the right? We have to be allowed to vote via online. If no I have to live with the facts that this club is meant for the central region only!!!! I am saying this because even if it is a Sunday you guys can enjoy the evening and go back to work on Monday because you guys live nearby. Think about 300++ KM. Very far isnt it? I didnt want to be rude, but since the decision has been made I have to voice up or else I will not have any chance to do so. Think about it ppl!
Ironic isn't it? The fate of the nominee to be decided by a minority of 70 odd people attending the AGM when we have a registered members of 1700..

vladd, I understand your concern about "being left out". The date for the date for the AGM was done by poll and majority of the people decided on that day. It was most unfortunate that the date fall on Sunday and even on the rahmadan month.

I have known you since the Grand TT. You have shown support for the club event which is an example that is hard to be followed by many. How many of us will take the trouble to travel all the way from JB to attend an event. Honestly, I don't think many of us would do that. Even for the projet outing, I know you initially have no intention of turning up but yet at the last minute you turn up due to the request of the people down here.. And all this for what... to get a free voucher of RM80 petrol.. yeah man right !!!. I don't think the voucher will even cover a fraction of your petrol and toll charges... I know you come and join because you believe in the club and the friends that you make over the past events.

I have even mooted on the idea of voting via SMS. (similar to malaysia idol) but after discussing with some of the protem the idea was dropped. Why? Because of the very simple reason that we cannot verify the genuine voters from the 1700 forummers. We will end up phantom voters and worst still, if somebody with malicious intents will create havoc to the voting process. To be fair to everybody, the voting have to be casted in person in order not to create any controversial later on. I hope you can understand the standing by the present protem...

Talking about fairness, a person who is a registered forummer and own a UDM directly or indirectly is allow to vote.. Even Pied piper who is a co-owner is not elegible to vote as it deem one vote per car.. parse... what about mafia...I think he owns three udm, does this means that he can vote three time because he owns three cars...

The present committee have done their duties as far as we are concerned. They set the policy for the club under the watchful eye of the BMW council which determined whether our club is legit or not... To make the club to be successful does not depend solely on the office bearer alone... it the members and people like you who make this club... Without your support, there is no club...

Another things that I have to added is that if voting can be done ONLINE, then who would come for the AGM... :cry: Sad to say this, it is a common known fact that most people will take the most convienient way to do things...

BTW, for the next IAD, I will nominate you to be "The Member of the Year"... :eek:k: :cry:
"Talking about fairness, a person who is a registered forummer and own a UDM directly or indirectly is allow to vote.. Even Pied piper who is a co-owner is not elegible to vote as it deem one vote per car.. parse... what about mafia...I think he owns three udm, does this means that he can vote three time because he owns three cars..."

pipa says to quote her......."In all fairness those points that you have mentioned are very well laid out and are very unbiased. True to the point, the committee has taken every measure to ensure that the voting process is done in the fairest way possible for all of us... Eventhough I am sad that I cant cast my vote, I will still say..."

Well said 2 cents...

sorry to use your name alot :blush:

anyways... it's just a sugesstion to be looked at. for all its worth, the present committee is doing a darn good job as it is, with all the 'kekurangan' that we have. Kudos to them and here's hoping to the committee to be at par or better than the out going ones..... :eek:k:
Just to clarify, the requirement for a vote is the ownership of a BMW vehicle, either by oneself or by immediate family, right?

Well, my family owns 3 BMWs in total. Does that mean I get 3 votes?
Originally posted by The Necessary@Oct 22 2005, 10:54 PM
Just to clarify, the requirement for a vote is the ownership of a BMW vehicle, either by oneself or by immediate family, right?

Well, my family owns 3 BMWs in total. Does that mean I get 3 votes?
i suppose if your family members are registered in the forum and come for the AGM then they would have one vote each. it is basically one vote per person. it shouldnt matter if you own 5 bmws, you are still one person.....unless you have twins or triplets... :p
imagine 2 or 3 Necc that would be cool....!!!!!
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