New Primax 3 from Petronas............

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Hi sifus
Poured my first tank full of Primax3 today. The car feels smoother. Why is that so? Can someone give a logical explanation?
I tried it, still in my first tank...very smooth, easy to rev..and much much better fuel consumption.... :D

well like i have mentioned earlier...Primax 3 is using the different additives compared to the previous primax sources tell me that the additives used is actually slightly better than the additives used by Shell for its VPower fuel.
Thats the main reason why there are many members here are saying they can feel a difference :)

I've using Shell for the past 6 Month.Tried 2days in a row Primax 3, my comment well the engine run smoothly..Will fill up again later..

p/s; Have to apply for my kad mesra..
my unxpected xperiences....
after using primex 3 for 3 times full tsnk see no diff.but now i'm using shell vpower.....result as above
primax 3:
1st tank - rm100 can reach 220miles
2nd tank -rm100 ................220miles
3rd tank - rm100..................220 miles (average)

shell vpower:
1st tank - rm100 can reach 180miles
2nd tank -rm100 ................185miles
3rd tank - rm100..................220 miles (average)

now i'm on my forth tank

:D :D
Done 3 full tanks. Doesn't seem any much better.
I actually prefer the Caltex Techron.
ok guys keep it comin...gonna publish an overall result by next month :D

Need more data ! :p

not much difference performance wise but i guess tht it does last a lil longer thn the previous primax...
but my car tends to ping now though....i thought this was a higher octane???with the previous primax my ride nvr used to ping wor...

i notice tht u will only notice a marked improvement upon a full tank refill...

lets c wht the others say...
tyke...yup bro...most guys find the improvements sometime after filling the car with 3 full fill up of their tanks...maybe gotta give it some time before the magic kicks in kot :D

Originally posted by chubby@Jul 2 2006, 11:15 PM
tyke...yup bro...most guys find the improvements sometime after filling the car with 3 full fill up of their tanks...maybe gotta give it some time before the magic kicks in kot :D

yeah some of my mates say tht they only really notice a marked improvement in fc after the 3rd refill...

well at least it lasted me 1 day extra now tht i filled up with primax 3...

wonder whts the magic ingredient tht petronas used?palm oil???hehehe
tyke..all i can tell u is this...same additives as V power and a little bit more :D
Trust me :D

Originally posted by chubby@Jul 3 2006, 01:14 PM
tyke..all i can tell u is this...same additives as V power and a little bit more :D
Trust me :D


Taken from Motortrader:

The bench tests were done on standard ASTM test benches/procedures and the engine tests were done on a Perdana V6. For Petronas samples, the results u see are from the Klang Valley Deport Terminal (KVDT) where both Shell and Petronas fuel for Klang valley come from. Here goes:

Sulfur levels

Petronas Kertih has the least sulphur content - Euro 4 compliant levels, probably due to the sweet crude oil they refine over there. but for Klang Valley residence the sequence goes like this:

1. ExxonMobil
2. Projet
3. Petronas
4. Caltex
5. Shell V-power
6. Shell Super
7. BP

Please note that the difference in sulphur level is great, from Euro 4 compliant to MS compliant which is set at 1000 ppm. A few samples have less than 10 ppm sulphur!

Benzene content

Benzene is poisonous and a know carcenogen(cancer causing element)
All have around 2% to 4% Benzene. Best(lowest) being BP, worse being ExxonMobil.


MTBE is an oxigenate. it provides some 'built in' oxigen in the fuel so it burns more completely. Nevertheless, MTBE takes up the 'space' that would normally be taken by hydrocarbons(petrol components) thus adding MTBE actually reduces the energy content of the petrol thus lowering fuel economy. MTBE is also outlawed in USA and certain EU countries as it's also poisonous. MTBE is a chemical, not a hydrocarbon but adding MTBE is not considered as adding an additive as anything more than 5% volume added to the fuel is not considered an additive. Additives are added in the Parts Per million (PPM) level, not %volume. Here's how the brands stack up (1 being higest % of MTBE):

1. BP
2. ExxonMobil
3. Caltex
4. Petronas
5. Projet
6. Shell V-power
7. Shell super
The ranges are from less than 1% to almost 15%.


Olefins are a refinery product that is regulated it's content in the EU but not regulated here in Malaysia. They tend to give out alot of bad emmisions. Olefins are short chain molecules that burn very quickly hence giving the user a sence of 'better pick up'. Shell fuel has the most Olefins by far, double the next brand. Shell V-power and Shell super have the same Olefin content.

1. Shell Super
2. Shell V-power
3. BP
4. Petronas
5. Caltex
6. ExxonMobil
7. Projet

Detergent additive content

Measured in PPM. This additive give the cleaning effect of the fuel. Please note that GDI/FSI perfomance is not very effected by the cleaning effect of the fuel as the injector is inside the cylinder. The tops of the valves are not cleaned by the fuel hence FSI/GDI engines will benefit less from the detergent effects of the fuel. One noteworthy observasion is that Shell V-power has double the additive treat rate as Shell Super. Here's how they fare:

1. Shell Vpower
2. Petronas
3. ExxonMobil
4. BP
5. Caltex
6. Shell Super
7. Projet

Fuel Economy

All candidates did between 11 and 12 litres for every 100km ran. Best being Petronas, worse being Caltex. You get more miles with Petronas apparently than Shell.


Power was measured at 6000rpm. The range from best to worse is only 2.5 hp. Best being Shell Super and worse being BP. Shell super gives out 2 hp more than Shell V-power! supprise supprise.


Torque was measured at 5500 rpm. The difference best to worse was 4 Nm. Best being Shell Super and worse being BP.

A slight note on RON 92 fuels. Out of the ones tested, only Projet, BP and Caltex RON 92 fuels had significant additive contents. Others either had very little or no additives what so ever.

From the data I gathered, I think that ExxonMobil (Esso and Mobil) fuel is the best, marginally better than Petronas and Shell. Shell Super and Shell V-Power are the same, the difference being that V-power has double the additive treat rate.

____end of article____

N/B: AS Shell and Petronas have refineries in Malaysia, there will be fluctuations in the quality of the mixture as all petroleum is "mixed" with the various additives which each petroleum company claims to be better than the competition. Please do not attempt to "mix" in MaxKleen9 /Fab / Dettol etc detergents in some false hope of getting better "cleaning" mix for your engines.... :)
on my fifth full tank.. the engine response and power gets better and better..
Originally posted by pussy@Jul 5 2006, 01:27 PM
on my fifth full tank.. the engine response and power gets better and better..
I can feel it guys.. better acceleration now..
Any Oil company can come up with the likes of VPOWER... in a nut shell, add more octane booster and pass the cost to the consumer.

But for Petronas to come up with PRIMAX3 which many considers on par with VPOWER but at the same price per litre... my hats off to the PETRONAS R&D team... especially more when oil prices are at this level. GOOD WORK guys if you are reading this!

I use SHELL, ESSO .... inherited habit from the good old days of my parents ....

but now whenever convenient with choice, I would support locally owned kiosk .. like PETRONAS, BHP and PROJET.

Simply coz i see the foreign owned ones tranfering their massive profits from their operations here in Malaysia ... to develop their own far and away hometown and country.

I noticed that BHP has the lowest Sulfur content... good for environment too ( per Popeadrian's article above)
today is my first day of using primax 3, i felt the slight different in terms of acceleration as now the engine response faster and it feel smoother but will keep on trying until the 3rd tank.before tis i was using shell super
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