my e21 323i engine

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Club Guest
Jul 20, 2008
bro!my car engine has problem la cannot iddleing la. but when it over rev cun.any good e21 mechkanik who specialise e21 car. dont want sembelih want, want good realiable trusted mekanik. i have change the injector already and also some hose. but still the pblem arises. please help.
idle control valve suda check ka bro mandonna?maybe pipe2 vakum ada bocor? :)
injector k jet tukar n servis,vakum pun dah check and pump divider pun dah tukar. pening beb! time idleing sebelah hitam sebelah putih kat exhaust. dah tuning skap cantik, lepas tu jadi balik. please help
pehhh...really need serious help nih bro mandonna...camner ekk...hurm.nanti saya tanya kawan2...will get back to u later.
the sifus had spoken bro mandonna.... :) hope ur erratic idling will be rectified...ameen!!!~
KZ tu kat taman industri ara damansara.. pusing je kedai2 tu, mesti jumpa kedai yg tgh repair banyak range rover and bmw.

Try Abg Mat at Glenmarie...i'm used the send my car there. Let me know if anyone of you wanna go there. i'll direct you to his shop.

my ctc 012 2770146
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