My Blackie ACS e30

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Club Guest
May 12, 2005
Having the car fer a while now but never posted up pix of her la..I hardly drive her arnd tho..... now its jus parked at home.. no one wans to use her.. hehehe.. soon it will be demod to original specs... wanna keep it original la. so original front lip n side skirt will b up for sale soon.
very nice shine..and it looks perfect as new as the car is hardly use i guess..and the plate number is same as all my cars.i think i saw your car before...nice....
pix can be deceivin bro.. haha..well.. it has its fair share of beating arnd.. as the car was use by lotsa other pple.. muahahaha

issit.. where u from in msia?.. well.. now i have no50,no60 n no70 on its way for my e39!...

How many car u have ler?? Lost count aredi. Why demod?
Nobody wan to take car issit. My house still hv place to take care:smokin:
mafia;317618 said:
pix can be deceivin bro.. haha..well.. it has its fair share of beating arnd.. as the car was use by lotsa other pple.. muahahaha

issit.. where u from in msia?.. well.. now i have no50,no60 n no70 on its way for my e39!...

i use to stay in puchong but moved to damansara perdana now..currently residing in abu dhabi....

wah u collecting number plate ah nowdays..tak cukup collect bmw lar..kekeke:rock:
turbology;317733 said:
Car looks good.
Keep as is

agree, why not keep it as is, the spoiler and skirts are discreet, but should you decide to sell ...where do i stand in line..seriously...
do u remember how many cars u hv ah?......running short of place? no worries bro,.. take a sunday leisure drive down to melaka, here got plenty of space and fresh air for your e30. Then u can remember-to-forget that u left it here,... muuuahahaha.....
Cheers mate
Brian :)
Muahahaha.. thx for the comments... cekap la you fellas... ok ok.. i rent it out on daily basis.. muahahahaha
sweett... i like it.. btw, pass me the key, let me start the engine for u! muahahaha..
mafia;317805 said:
hahahaha... :p

Is that a yes ? :love:
In exchange, it will get Motul 5.1 brake oil, Redline Fuel system cleaner, Radiator Flush & Fill, New Full Sync oil, and etc :D
Just to get it track ready.
wah.. ade chance.. semua mau lompat..

535i.. where can compare to ur car la.. my rim small one...
nice but if its not driven, wasted lor and only attracts "repairs"...

noted you have cross drilled brakes - what brand? zimmerman huh? Any good?
yeah the rear are zimmerman n front is groove ate.. both boought from forumers.
Wei, Mafia,

Sell to me lah...... your black E30. You won't miss it bro, cause u have so many others. It looks very good condition. What's the engine?

Btw, what's the secret weapon under the cover's? Maclaren F1 ah? Behind the covered car is another car....what is that?
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