Unker Lamooo
The ikan bakar that we went to last night is not the same as the last drive, its supposedly better then the last one even better was that we had a master chef amongst us to select us the freshest seafood to be 'Bakared'.....
Coming back was even crazier...,..courtesy of a F02 730 and a E90 325 ....it took me less then an hour to get back home, toll to toll.
Anyways due credit should be given to the orgys for orgynising especially the Melaka boys and not forgetting the committee that were present T2,WC9922, traveller, chillie30 and special appearance by the prez himself (who graciously bought us breakfast by the sea)...a token of appreciation was given to the kepala of the Melaka Boyz, Chille30 with a plate of Sotong Goreng that was enough to feed at least 50 people by me. ...till the next drive.