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It was an exciting Saturday at the tracks. The participation this year was awesome. We even had an S2000 running. Met up with many friends there. Old and New. From our club I met with Redbaron, Al Bundy, Wolverine, Joe, Fabiyan, Ah Lian and of course XXX who had his first monoxide experience...
... Took some shots. Sorry for the bad photography, took it with my Hand Phone only lah !!! I didnt manage to take shots of all the cars, so sorry again
I dont know if this was the LKM Porsche, coz if it was I feel real sorry for this team. last lap and leading second and the car caught fire. Big Scene. No casualties tho'... Shot taken just after turn 4.. Aparently the guys managing the team was the Singapore Porsche Club... Would be nice if could have a race team huh
Just before Turn 5. No suprise here... The darn Porsche had that the puny lil' twitty bird Satria for Lunch
My teams puny lil' twitty bird Satria with a Bull tattoo... hahahahaha... Not bad at all.. the ladies did quite well. 26 cars in class and we came out 7th... It's not great but it wasnt that bad either considering we had an electrical fault at noon and broken axle in the evening...
Philippa about to go out for the start of the Race..
I think it was trying to say something !!!! You guys see anything edible there ?? Sheesshhh !!!!
The R300 R3 Lotus going to the tracks... This hybrid tiny monster really looked like one of the creatures from the animated movie Monsters Inc. Driven by a 14 year old boy some more.. together with Bill Ng and Racing Pro Tommy Lee
Here you can see the R300 charging up the slope just after turn 4... Real Gila Gila car !! Sadly this car didnt finish the race. Just after lunch the car had a relay problem and had to be towed in... and as we all know ' Once Towed In, You Can not Get Back In The Game '... Took the cup last year tho' FOR THE NEXT SHOTS... CALLLING NIKKAZWAA aka NIKITA.... Where are youuuu... This ones for you... You think Your car very big ahhh... Eat Dis lah if you dare!!!! :thefinger: :rock: :burnout: JENG JENG JENG !!!!!!Apparently this is a fully race prepared E24 from factory... Not only is it a real Classic, but it sounded like the the sky had fallen... 635i straight six.. didnt know this engine still had it... But of course it didnt qualify for some odd reason... SIGH !!!
NIKK... Having a woody yet !!!!!
roud: :biggrin: Look at the freaking dish on that rim... You could put a farm rat there and make it run.... Now do you all believe me when I said it sounded like Thunder... Check out that punk'd ass below man... Reminds me of the Sigue Sigue Sputnik...:rock: This ole' 6 series was trully an awesome looking car. It made heads turn.... Michelin Porsche - The car only made it till early evening, then it retired... RSR worrr.......... The winner... Mokhzani's Team.... Won by Luck !!! NOW... This was the true star that day... sadly it had major mechanical failure at the 11th hour... 40 mins before the race ended, the car stalls right smack center in front of the Grand stand and in front of the Honda pits which incidentally had loads of supporters cheering for when everytime the Honda's passes.... cheh.. Honda's arent even real cars to begin with... Car being set up before the race.... A real beauty... Cilcked too soon... DAMNNNNN !!!!!!! Just before Turn 5... Even the side profile looked sexy This car sounded like it had the F1 engine inside it and when night fell the exhaust on each side of the car turned amber.. looked like it had lights on the rear bottom part of the bumper.... Mighty awesome !!!! It was leading and it was 18 laps from the second car before it got nackered and retired... Rumors has it that it will be back next year with vengeance... The Juniper Porsche... No No BR... calm down... she wasnt driving... :burnout: Cabutzzzzzz.... Some dudes Levin lah !!! Nuthin to scream about... The Car was screaming tho'.... hahahahahaha OK Now heres our club hero... Every year he tries and tries and no matter what problmes he faces, he finishes the race. Three Hipps and Hurrahs to XXX... Next race we all go support him lah, better yet we all tong RM 100 to help him run the race better...
This fellow if given the right budget would put the fear of God in the best of racers there that day... See him zooming into turn 5... Balls of steel... No fark the werld kinda fellow.... Even when he drove stoned, he was better than most in his class. See him whacking the Mivec Mitsubishi Cyborg..... he is as passionate about racing as he is about making all of us here happy in BMWCM.... another 3 Hipps and Hurrahs to XXX... Good Job Man !!! SAVED THE BEST FOR LAST !!!! Few of us were lucky enough to get a picture with him... It was a worthy wait at the Petronas pitt... Yes it was a picture with Mr Hans Stuck himself... Amazing how this 61 year old driver handles a machine... I even got his signature on my name card... How cool is that !!!! :rock: Those of you who were at the tracks and have more pictures, please post them up.... CheersSith