Two GTR35 Serious Crash in Kuantan...

  • Click here to become an Official Member of BMW Club Malaysia Download Form like to think that they needed a lil bit more brain power, so existing horse power will be kept inside safe boundaries.. :)
tIANcI;777337 said:
You missed the BMW that was wrapped around a tiang lampu ar?

Alaa..that one very rare case... the GTR involved in more accidents than BMW... Correct me if I'm wrong :wink:
Liza;777586 said:
Alaa..that one very rare case... the GTR involved in more accidents than BMW... Correct me if I'm wrong :wink:

There's more BMW than there are GTR, so chances are there are more accidents involving BMW cars... ;)
And BTW, idiot drivers can drive ANY car...
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