Little Brian enjoying our TT sessions!

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Club Guest
Dec 8, 2004
Hey guys, thanx for making it such a wonderful experience for my 4.5-year old son Brian. He was a bit disappointed when his friend Adam (5-year son of Hamdan, nick=Amizan, i think) didnt turn up at TT last nite at Streetsoccer Cafe. Both of them had fun during the first 2 TTs there. Then you guys "entertained" him with your mods. Marco, he was still talking about your 3-series coupe later....he's so "pumped up" after revving your car & listening to the Remus exhaust note! I think he will be asking me to mod my car soon.As i said, his b'day present wish when he's 18-years old is a 325i SMG BMW! (reason he said 18 is coz told him b4 that only at 18 can get driver's license). Some of you guys told me to get ready an M3 instead!Anyway, it is not good to take him out so late at nite but he wanted to meet Adam & also to :drool: at our UDMs. We were hungry on the way home & bought some supper....then he asked whether the BMWs are still there....if yes, he wants to go back there! :Dp/s: My previous nick "PowerSlide" was derived from his passion to watch Tiff Needell of TopGear doing that & also Clive Owen in .... he asked about the ASC button in my car ... when he knew what it was, he asked me to switch it off to do a PowerSlide! BTW, he doesn't like Mercs...other cars he likes are all Ferrari, Porsche, Lamborghini, Aston Martins ....& Lexus SC430! ..... better make more $$$.
Stephen great kid you got there (and also expensive taste in car)... Maybe you should line him up with albundy kid in a couple of years...
Wish my future kid (not sure if batang or lubang though) will be like that. Have the same passion as his/her father. Kekekekekekek. Hey, I was like that too when I was a kid!
:D he's not a demanding fella for e.g. we always educate him that things dont come easy and that some things are expensive. Of course he has a collection of toy cars.... he hardly ask to buy ....if i offer, he will choose those RM24.90 or lower (since i told him RM129 ones are too big & also expensive).BTW, anyone knows where to buy BMW shirts/pants with the all important logo ....for a little kid like Brian....Xmas present i want to buy for him. AB will be too expensive whilst Petaling Street only fake stuff ...Brian wouldnt know the difference anyway. :D
Stephen, so glad to hear Brian enjoyed himself last night. We are all in awe at his knowledge & passion (maybe BMW Malaysia is looking for a mascot... hint hint).This little boy is one hardcore BMW fan. Hey, he even knew about M3 rims !!!I remember we had some limited edition baseball caps during the AGM. Not sure if it can fit him. DD is probably the person to ask about this.I hope that we will see more of him at future TT's. It's always a good thing when such events can involve the whole family.Off topic: This is a good opportunity to suggest that we consider shifting TT's venue to a place that's more condusive for family.PS: An idea is to buy a white polo tshirt (or shirt) of his size & go to shops that can do embroidery. That way you can customise the design for him.
Originally posted by stephen@Dec 18 2004, 03:36 PM Hey guys, thanx for making it such a wonderful experience for my 4.5-year old son Brian. He was a bit disappointed when his friend Adam (5-year son of Hamdan, nick=Amizan, i think) didnt turn up at TT last nite at Streetsoccer Cafe. Both of them had fun during the first 2 TTs there. Then you guys "entertained" him with your mods. Marco, he was still talking about your 3-series coupe later....he's so "pumped up" after revving your car & listening to the Remus exhaust note! I think he will be asking me to mod my car soon.As i said, his b'day present wish when he's 18-years old is a 325i SMG BMW! (reason he said 18 is coz told him b4 that only at 18 can get driver's license). Some of you guys told me to get ready an M3 instead!Anyway, it is not good to take him out so late at nite but he wanted to meet Adam & also to :drool: at our UDMs. We were hungry on the way home & bought some supper....then he asked whether the BMWs are still there....if yes, he wants to go back there! :Dp/s: My previous nick "PowerSlide" was derived from his passion to watch Tiff Needell of TopGear doing that & also Clive Owen in .... he asked about the ASC button in my car ... when he knew what it was, he asked me to switch it off to do a PowerSlide! BTW, he doesn't like Mercs...other cars he likes are all Ferrari, Porsche, Lamborghini, Aston Martins ....& Lexus SC430! ..... better make more $$$.
stephen...tell me bout daughter is arguing with the wifey coz shelikes the M3 looks...(wifey prefers AC)...hmmmm maybe shall do RD,then both of them not happy xcept me....keh keh keh...will bring her the next time to join up with ADAM(same age group)
Originally posted by stephen@Dec 18 2004, 10:36 AMHey guys, thanx for making it such a wonderful experience for my 4.5-year old son Brian. He was a bit disappointed when his friend Adam (5-year son of Hamdan, nick=Amizan, i think) didnt turn up at TT last nite at Streetsoccer Cafe. Both of them had fun during the first 2 TTs there. Then you guys "entertained" him with your mods. Marco, he was still talking about your 3-series coupe later....he's so "pumped up" after revving your car & listening to the Remus exhaust note! I think he will be asking me to mod my car soon.As i said, his b'day present wish when he's 18-years old is a 325i SMG BMW! (reason he said 18 is coz told him b4 that only at 18 can get driver's license). Some of you guys told me to get ready an M3 instead!Anyway, it is not good to take him out so late at nite but he wanted to meet Adam & also to :drool: at our UDMs. We were hungry on the way home & bought some supper....then he asked whether the BMWs are still there....if yes, he wants to go back there! :Dp/s: My previous nick "PowerSlide" was derived from his passion to watch Tiff Needell of TopGear doing that & also Clive Owen in .... he asked about the ASC button in my car ... when he knew what it was, he asked me to switch it off to do a PowerSlide! BTW, he doesn't like Mercs...other cars he likes are all Ferrari, Porsche, Lamborghini, Aston Martins ....& Lexus SC430! ..... better make more $$$.
Brian, Papa Stephen & Mama BrianAdam was unable to attend the TT bcoz I was not feeling well on that day. I had a slight fever and headache, maybe due to heavy work load in the office that day. :huh: I reached home from work at 7:30pm last Friday and straight went to bed, slept till the next morning. Woke up the next morning, went to see doctor and took MC.( I work on Sat) We may meet again in the next coming meeting. Brian may pass some of his knowledge on BMW to Adam so that both of them can explore more on BMW. Frankly speaking, I myself have very little knowledge on BMW. ;) So KCTAM, where will be the next venue?
sorry bro to hear that u r unwell & also for getting your name wrongly. Hope u r feeling much better now la, my son & wife r coughing. During lunch today, Brian again mentioned about his wish. This time he added another 2 things to it .... from 325i SMG ... >>> 325i SMG coupe with AC rims/kit !! :blink:
Originally posted by stephen@Dec 19 2004, 04:20 PM sorry bro to hear that u r unwell & also for getting your name wrongly. Hope u r feeling much better now la, my son & wife r coughing. During lunch today, Brian again mentioned about his wish. This time he added another 2 things to it .... from 325i SMG ... >>> 325i SMG coupe with AC rims/kit !! :blink:
Stephen, you are in trouble. Better start saving NOW!
better keep him away from TT sessions ....hehehe.... after checking out Marco's coupe, he's head over heels with coupes now ...and then Kevster's AC kit .... then Fabian introducing him to AC Type 3 rims of Three28 .......pengsan! ;) ....asked him what my ride will be then, he said 330i and mama gets the 318i 2.0 (as if it will last till he's 18!)He surfed the Net & showed me this steering wheel he wants ...see attached.
Originally posted by amizana@Dec 19 2004, 09:34 PM We may meet again in the next coming meeting. Brian may pass some of his knowledge on BMW to Adam so that both of them can explore more on BMW. Frankly speaking, I myself have very little knowledge on BMW. ;) So KCTAM, where will be the next venue?
Amizana: Note quote below from DD (from StreetSoccer Cafe TT thread) click here Let's not confuse anyone. TT should remain at BU StreetCafe till further notice. The committee will gather again to discuss club issues in the next few days...
Woi, dont get me into trouble lah. Nanti kena ban or worse, the mad dogs will be set loose on me. I dont decide where or when any events are held. Me just a simple forummer who enjoys TT gathering.
Originally posted by stephen@Dec 20 2004, 05:35 AM better keep him away from TT sessions ....hehehe.... after checking out Marco's coupe, he's head over heels with coupes now ...and then Kevster's AC kit .... then Fabian introducing him to AC Type 3 rims of Three28 .......pengsan! ;) ....asked him what my ride will be then, he said 330i and mama gets the 318i 2.0 (as if it will last till he's 18!)He surfed the Net & showed me this steering wheel he wants ...see attached.
Stephen: Nice steering.... now just got to have the 325 SMG Coupe to go with it... he he he.Wow, Brian sure have good taste in cars. Will be an interesting event when he meets Mr.Hatge's daughter :D
Originally posted by stephen@Dec 19 2004, 04:20 PM During lunch today, Brian again mentioned about his wish. This time he added another 2 things to it .... from 325i SMG ... >>> 325i SMG coupe with AC rims/kit !! :blink:
Oh, you poor poor sucker! bwahahahaha!
stephen... great kid u have there ... hmmm cars at 5 and hmmm honeys ant 9 .. hehhehehehbe prepared for both ya ...cheers to your son .. bring him for convoys lar...cheers :D
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