JPJ to look into vehicles with TV screens -

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Why u all so against this?? hahaha... Aren't u lucky you're in Malaysia and not in developed countries with even more such regulations??? Stop thinking so negatively about such regulations.
Look at the issue this way, with all the China-mali in-car DVD with LCD screen, even kancils are fitted with one... There's even one DVD player with screen in the shape of the passenger side sun visor selling at below RM400... It's so affordable that u can see more and more of that...

Not against roof mounted LCD screen for the rear passengers, but there shudn't be one at the front...
fabianyee;604179 said:
Why u all so against this?? hahaha... Aren't u lucky you're in Malaysia and not in developed countries with even more such regulations??? Stop thinking so negatively about such regulations.
Look at the issue this way, with all the China-mali in-car DVD with LCD screen, even kancils are fitted with one... There's even one DVD player with screen in the shape of the passenger side sun visor selling at below RM400... It's so affordable that u can see more and more of that...

Not against roof mounted LCD screen for the rear passengers, but there shudn't be one at the front...

I too don't understand why must be so against this.... regardless of demands for statistics, it's human nature to be attracted to interesting things (which somehow will be the lcd screens). So I'm all out for banning on retro-fitting of entertainment TV panels which is in the view of the driver. and as for datuk and datins, i believe their tv panels are situated at the 2nd row, which is fully out of the view of the driver.
I for one, think it's about time the JPJ started enforcing the law. Having fancy gadgets fitted from the factory is perfectly alright. Millions are spent every year by the manufacturers to ensure that these advanced features are safe for use while on the road. Safety features are built-in to ensure they do not distract the driver or other road users while the car is being operated.

Certainly these rules and the enforcement of such rules are to protect other road users from the select few who haphazardly modify their cars to the point where they're barely safe for road use and/or make it dangerous for others to be on the road at the same time.

Classic example - all those Jap mobiles retrofitted with blinding Xenon bulbs aimed sky high, blinding anyone in front of them.

Or the joker in the Kancil on the road when I was driving back home earlier watching the Transporter on his sunvisor screen (it couldn't have been his passenger watching cos he was alone in the car)....these modifications are inherently unsafe. Even if drivers "claim" they don't watch the screens, all it takes is one explosive scene on the screen to distract them long enough for them to get into trouble on the road...
haiyahh..Fabian..If you fitted one in your car you will understand, or if your car came with one fitted you will truly under 'stand'..
coming back to the point, the dvd players with screens has been there for more than 3 years and most mpv's are installed with the device... both my car's has these unit's installed thus my prerogative to address the stupidness or rather the moronic nature of our JPJ to actually impose a fine.. stop those accessory shops from selling and installing it.. stop the importers from importing it.. this can go on and on...back to the point being a responsible driver, we have to fully place our concentration on the road when we are driving... Someone commented on the Star paper to give statistic proof to prove that most accidents are caused by the DVD interference!! do it JPJ!!!haiZZZZZZ
from my point of view, asking for statistics on ppl getting into accident due to watching lcd screens is like asking to do a statistics on ppl getting into accident due to bald tires. We know that it is dangerous to drive around on with bald tires, as it is the characteristic of the tire to work properly only if it have enough thread. And do we see any news report on accident being caused by bald tires? though we sometime have the idea that most accident which happens in rainy days are caused by this, but we just don't have the statistics to prove on this, as we are just too obsessed with the phrase that "speed kills".

Same goes to having monitor which is in view of the driver. We all know that it is human characteristic and psychology to even get excited over something interesting, even for a short period of time. For example; We can't deny that we sometime see men get distracted when a pretty woman pass by, and somehow they land themselves in trouble after that (we can see this classic example in movies, though it is fictional but it is based on real life scenario) though it was only for a short period of time. Even for a split second that our eyes are off the road, something big can happen, and we all can't deny that. As all accidents happens in a split second, and it is hard to prove that such accidents are caused by monitor screens, but we all know that it is plausible. And as for GPS monitor, I believe that most GPS comes with voice command. And you don't even have to look away from the road ahead. Even if you really have to look at the GPS monitor, it will be in a cautious manner, as people who are lost, will certainly be VERY alert as they wouldn't want to miss even a junction.

And I would support if these items (monitors which are in the view of the driver) be banned from selling. But this is not as simple as 1+1=2. When there's demand, there will always be a supply. That's the world we live in. As long as there are demand for such monitors in the market, accessories shop will still be selling it, even though that it is illegal to do so, just like rokok kretek. So, by really imposing this law, I think it will help reduce this demand, and somehow would eventually put a stop to it. Though it may take such a long time to see the fruit of doing so, I believe it will be well worth it. Just like wine, you don't get the best wine right after you squashed the grapes, but it will take a lot of time to ferment it, to produce good wines.

p/s; would you put live on wire if you know that there is a plausibility for it happen? "Prevention is better than cure"
this is all seasonal stuff.. last one being the rear seatbelts. rationale is one thing, enforcement is a totally different matter.
MSport;604161 said:
Coming up next will be those GPS and iphone screens..... whatever they will think of next! Sheeesh! :rolleyes:

for this i called up the police station. :D asked whether it is illegal to hold a phone while driving, told the officer if i was using GPS on the phone... the officer said that it was not a violation against anything as long as the phone is not at your ear.

but he did advice to get those holders or something... but ultimately it is not against the law if you dont have it at your ear.. hehehe
Same ole, same ole...

Just dumb arse clowns in a three-ringed-circus!!! Nuff said...
If those JPJ people can differentiate which is factory fitted or which is retrofitted then it is fine. Same goes to HID lamp WITH PROJECTOR. I've always got caught up and have to give full length explanations for that. Which was approved during the Puspakom inspection, why should it be questioned by JPJ? For all they know is, every HID lamp is illegal, so thus all DVD screen. To stop this thing is to banned the import of all items, why let it still be sell in the market if they want it to be banned? It's not the item, it's the attitude of our driver is the problem.
If they must ban these DVD players on the basis that it may distract us...and for even a moment, it may cause an accident...then that whole reasoning is flawed... on the same basis, will they ban women from (subjectively based assessments on) wearing sexy clothing out on the roads.... may sound absurd, but so is the reasoning. Worst still, I dun think such a ruling on clothing may be impossible anytime soon, judging from the decisions these cretins come up with.... ;)
i think people are fed up with these seasonal operasis la.... waste of manpower cos we all know how its going to end. If they are really serious about road safety, start with the BASICS.
Motorcyclists are the biggest cause of accidents. Start with THEM. How many times I've seen family of 3 on a kapchai. No helmets, etc etc.
Enforce the seatbelts for ALL car passengers.
Enforce child seats ruling.
Enforce No handphone use.
Catch red light beaters.
Enforce vehicle road-worthiness for all private/public vehicles.
Enforce drink driving checks.
Enforce speed limits in residential areas.
Design better roads.

Need I go on?
rpmnut;604467 said:
Or the joker in the Kancil on the road when I was driving back home earlier watching the Transporter on his sunvisor screen (it couldn't have been his passenger watching cos he was alone in the car)....these modifications are inherently unsafe. Even if drivers "claim" they don't watch the screens, all it takes is one explosive scene on the screen to distract them long enough for them to get into trouble on the road...

I always see MPVs with kids standing sticking their heads out of the sunroof. WHILE MOVING. OMFG.
bimmerdude;604768 said:
i think people are fed up with these seasonal operasis la.... waste of manpower cos we all know how its going to end. If they are really serious about road safety, start with the BASICS.
Motorcyclists are the biggest cause of accidents. Start with THEM. How many times I've seen family of 3 on a kapchai. No helmets, etc etc.
Enforce the seatbelts for ALL car passengers.
Enforce child seats ruling.
Enforce No handphone use.
Catch red light beaters.
Enforce vehicle road-worthiness for all private/public vehicles.
Enforce drink driving checks.
Enforce speed limits in residential areas.
Design better roads.

Need I go on?

yeah i totally agree with you on that.. the thing is with malaysia's enforcer is that.. they have all big ideas and dreams in their heads, but the only problem is they lack enthusiasism to execute it. That's the only sad part. Apart from duit kopi
JPJ, Go and resolve the bus issues first than looking at cars...

somemore, buses have larger TV's...
pussy;604791 said:
JPJ, Go and resolve the bus issues first than looking at cars...

somemore, buses have larger TV's...

HAHAHHA this is the best so far!
bimmerdude;604768 said:
i think people are fed up with these seasonal operasis la.... waste of manpower cos we all know how its going to end. If they are really serious about road safety, start with the BASICS.
Motorcyclists are the biggest cause of accidents. Start with THEM. How many times I've seen family of 3 on a kapchai. No helmets, etc etc.
Enforce the seatbelts for ALL car passengers.
Enforce child seats ruling.
Enforce No handphone use.
Catch red light beaters.
Enforce vehicle road-worthiness for all private/public vehicles.
Enforce drink driving checks.
Enforce speed limits in residential areas.
Design better roads.

Need I go on?

Then again, some of the things we shud do voluntarily instead of doing bcos the police say so... That's the difference with our 3rd world country, tidak apa mindset...
Seat belt is one of them... Buckling up for the rear passenger is good for safety... Child seat shud be a must for parents who value their child's life... These things should be done voluntarily...
I'm not trying to be holier than thou but we shud not neglect certain things even if the enforcement is lax...
Do bcos it makes driving safer for u and those riding in ur car...

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