Jerking when coming to standstill

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Club Guest
Jun 29, 2009
Hi,I used to have a problem where when I brake my car and bring it to a stand-still. I get a "kick" at the end, kinda like a jerk. talking to a few folks, the problem seems to point to the gearbox.That day, I went to AB in penang, and the mechanic told me that, the problem could be due to the gearbox didn't properly get trained. He also mention that, this problem is found on E60 and e90. He said that, there is a override, where when the car comes to a standstill, the gearbox will disengage partially, so that when you are not moving but in D, the engine will not just waste energy and drive the torque converter. He said that feature is the culprit and it can also be turnoff.So in the end, he adviced to reset the gearbox adaptive memory and see if the problem goes away, and if it doesn't he can program the gearbox to disable the idle disengage feature. I got my adaptive gearbox memory cleared, and that seems to solved my problem.While I was there, a e60 owner also complaint the same thing.
Hmmm, my E60 also seems to have that jerk while going down to first gear when slowing down. E66 oso kena. Those ZF 6HP boxes ah... I'll look into this, thanks.

Also, when I read your thread title I feared the worst... :p
I have the same problem too, what AB told me is the same as you mentioned. They basically reset the gearbox adaptive memory and the problem goes away, but it will some how comes back again. The mechanic also mentioned this is a common problem of e60 and e90
Yah, every problem is common problem. They just don't want u to feel "special".
Actually the mechanic showed me a memo they got on how to quickly train the adaptive gearbox. The program involves 3 step, and you're suppose to repeat the 3 step for 8-10 times.

step 1: Drive from 0 to 110km with 30% throttle smoothly, and continue to drive constantly at 110km for a while. (like 1-2 mins)
step 2: Let the car roll, without pressing break and let it slow down from 110 to 40.
step 3: Break the car slowly until it comes down to stop from 40. and then hold the break ( while in D) while stoped for at least 5 sec.

This is my take on what this excercise does. NOT PROVEN, just thinking about how the adaptive gearbox works. I think there is 2 parts to the adaptive gearbox.
Part 1 involves the gearbox learning the characteristics of the car ( load, engine, weight, the gears themselves, the torque converter slip and etc).
Part 2 involevs the gearbox learning to the driving style of the driver.

So, I think in Part 1, the gear is really learning how fast it switch between gears, when it needs to downshift when the car slows down, how to have a smooth transitions of gear... I would imagine it will built a table of slow, normal & agreessive upshift time for each gear transition and etc.

Now in Part 2, the gearbox will try to figure out if the driver is looking to be slow, normal or agressive for a particular shift. IE, if you floor your padel, you're looking for agreesive down shift. Or things like, if the gearbox should hold the gear longer vs shorter etc.

So I think, it is the part1 training which causes this problem, and I think it might be worth clearing the memory, if we change something whcih effects the driving dynamics of the car, just so that the gearbox will relearn the new characteristic of the car (part 1) faster.
What I did last time was to change the ATF and get the system reset. Problem solved.
I thought there was an easier way to reset the gearbox. Something like insert key, press start without stepping on brakes and then step on accelerator for 15-30 sec or something like that.
yes there is an easier way it seems. works for some people. You can try your luck :)

found this on the bimmer site

Simple steps

1. Turn cars electronics on-push start button once or twice without turning the actual engine on.

2.Hold the gas pedal to the floor for 25 seconds
3. Most times you will hear the gearbox resetting itself and hear some "noise" coming from your car but not always noticable so dont worry if you dont
4 Now start your car and enjoy the gearbox reset to its factor settings and open for all new learning. The shifts are silky smooth again and shift points shift faster-basically it totally makes your tranny perform better.

It is a verified thing by BMW and definetly works
i had this same problem on my e60 previously , i brought over my car to Quill Puchong service centre the manage to solve my problem , why dont u give a try ther? u can call them for appoinment 0380753071.
bimmerdude;509117 said:
yes there is an easier way it seems. works for some people. You can try your luck :)

found this on the bimmer site

Bro, is this an official BMW site, or a forum? From what I've read, half think it works and half think it does nothing.
I know. I've read the forums too. It's not a verified thing by BMW then, and it's not proven to work. I've never found anything that BMW says on this method, and the dealers say they've never heard of it either.
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