Ideas for BMW Club Malaysia Forum Improvement

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Revive old topics also can right?? Some questions were not answered and tergantung..

I'm a Sis, not a bro, Bro..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The only way to save the forum is for everyone to download the taptalk app on your smartphones and use it to talk on the forum.
Ya, or some do use PC. Basically they just need to practice what they did 10 years ago when no mobile data.
What's the difference using tapatalk compared to accessing the forum using the mobile website?
I have no idea....
I just know that the layout looks better. Especiall when the dark background is chosen.

Deep DeEp @ Heisenberg
just an idea....

To ensure this forum stays active, why not appoint a person for each MAIN THREAD. Meaning an expert for 3 series to log in everyday to answer or assist with any problems. This can be replicated with a 5 series expert, M Sport expert and so on.

If no questions arises, the expert may choose to post or update something new in the thread that he is responsible for. This wll give forumers a reason to log in as they know..there is always something new.

Just my thoughts.
I think as long as there's a passion for BMW, the forum will live long and prosper! We gotta spread the love online, on the forum! Man, this is a good car to drive! Say it to ourselves everyday! This passion will then spill over into the forum as we share with others. No need any other solution!
Perhaps Committee should send an email to all registered club members whom has not signed in more than 6 months. Send a warm email to welcome them back.

Perhaps can highlight a few interesting topics in the forum. A link to retrieve password should also be provided for convenience.

Another day, another idea!
Someone recommended exotic drives

Example : Drive to Kuala Gandah to experience elephant rides. Drives must have activity for the family members as most are married with kids.

Family activities are encourage so that members can be more motivated to join the drives.
Got this in my mail....

Beefed up the BMWCM card benefits and only post it on the forum = encourage more members to join = more traffic in the forum.

Goal is to be better than the white card!
Honestly, if the BMWCM membership card can be tagged/affiliated to the white card would also help. its a win-win situation for both - bigger pool of members (provided the benefits are at par to each other)
BMW Club Malaysia should encourage each dealer / vendor to come up with a special promotion each month and post it on the forum.

This will encourage forummers to log in to find out what are the special promotion ! This shall increase traffic in the forum.
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