Hijacked Identity!!!

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Club Guest
Jul 26, 2007
gud day all...was in bank negara last friday n so gatal 2 check my status in d CCRIS database. and 2 my greatest shock of all, i've got 2 outstanding crdt cards accounts, issued 2 a person dat have a same name n id number as mine!!!:eek::eek: i got no idea at all bout dis plastic thingy, nor do i received any cards o even monthly statements send 2 my house!! fm d statement, d cards was applied (n unfortunately approved!!) on 13/04/2008, which on dat very date, i'm not even onshore!!!:eek::eek:so d question is: 1. can any cards application b processed by simply using fake i.d?? is it dat simple???:stupid::stupid: 2. do i have 2 pay those outstanding amounts??:stupid::stupid: 3. how can i trace d whereabouts of d hijacker if he's also using fake add?hopefully, any guru's o expertise on dis matter can ajar me d course of action 2 take legally... my last resort, i'll hav 2 dig up my old "senapang gajah" (o maybe i can opt 2 C4 instead :rolleyes::rolleyes:) in d store n blow d brain out of d hijacker f**king head!!! NO REMORSE!!!hahahah....thanks a lot 4 all advise n cheersss...
Sonang-lah itu. First priority do a police report.
Next put write an official complaint to Bank Negara attaching the CCRIS database report and police report.
Then get a good lawyer and ask the credit card company for full and final settlement ... for all the trouble they cause.
Throw in a psychiatrist report certifying that you experienced severe psychological trauma due to this incident and require long permanent disability treatment in Hawaii or where ever you wanna go ...:wink:
So how we average people check CCRIS status? I know there's this feature, once u reported the fraudulent card, the Credit Card company will issue a hold command on the card so the next time the card user try to swipe the card, a message will appear on the terminal that says "Retain Card", or "Contact the Police"...
dude ...since you were in BNM , you should had ask them how to solve this matter .... their advise is much better than local lawyers ..... and infact if there was a fraud in the matter , they will call up the bankers immediately ....

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