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Founding Member
Dec 4, 2004
GOOD DAY well during one of the event if not mistaken, the Grand TT that was held recently there was this voice of courage shouting out loud to for a Grand Annual Dinner ( BMWClub malaysia ). so what say you guys / gals if we hold an ANNUAL DINNER for the first time ever for bmwclub malaysia.All we may need is some great guys/gals to step forward to take up this challenge to organizing this Great Event.Of course there will be lotsa obstacles faced to organize this event, but then again it's back down to those who are willing to make this DREAM happen.if we are to held this event at the END of this Year 2005, we should start making some move now before it's too late.So are there anyone out there who's willing to step forward making this dream into a Reality or perhaps just sit down and watch the movie??common we need the support here....Pls list down ya names if ya willing to step forward to join hands to make this happen.......1) ICEMAN 13 :D
yes please....!!! :D Bayee..!! :p

only if there's Hokkien Karaoke ,Belly dancing and Banghra!!! I'll definately sign up!!! B)
Originally posted by ICEMAN 13@Apr 7 2005, 11:47 PM
well during one of the event if not mistaken, the Grand TT that was held recently there was this voice of courage shouting out loud to for a Grand Annual Dinner ( BMWClub malaysia ).

so what say you guys / gals if we hold an ANNUAL DINNER for the first time ever for bmwclub malaysia.

All we may need is some great guys/gals to step forward to take up this challenge to organizing this Great Event.

Of course there will be lotsa obstacles faced to organize this event, but then again it's back down to those who are willing to make this DREAM happen.

if we are to held this event at the END of this Year 2005, we should start making some move now before it's too late.

So are there anyone out there who's willing to step forward making this dream into a Reality or perhaps just sit down and watch the movie??

common we need the support here....

Pls list down ya names if ya willing to step forward to join hands to make this happen.......

1) ICEMAN 13 :D

Bai .. actually, I was 'nominated' to lead this ... U beat me to it mann ....
Ok, let's work on this ...

1) ICEMAN 13
2) 535i
Guys. Its best you can put any Spouse or kids will be joining.

e.g 1.) name (+1) --> We know with Wife ..

Just a thought.
Originally posted by Zoggee@Apr 8 2005, 05:23 AM
yes please....!!! :D Bayee..!! :p

only if there's Hokkien Karaoke ,Belly dancing and Banghra!!! I'll definately sign up!!! B)
Zongee bro that can be arrange marrr ...

but then we need ppl out here to give support towards this event in perhaps becoming a part of the organizing team for this Grand Event.

535i , thanks mate ...i did not beat you to this lorrr , but then just wanting that voice of yours to be a reality... :D

cuz to prepare such kindda event may not seem to be easy if we do not start planning from now and as you know during every year end there lotsa funtions in most of the leading hotels, resorts and so on.

may still need lotsa help man ...... i know it's gonna be a tough one but then no challange no fun marrr...
A saying by PCK : Nice from far , but actual far from nice.

common need more support lorrr ... :D
soorian ...sure will but then here is the list for those wanting this to happen.

A) those who're willing to be part of the organizing members. ( the more the better )

1) ICEMAN 13
2) 535i

B) those who just want to attend and have fun ( the more the better )

1) soorian ( + ? )
ICE ...

100% betul ..

Let's set the criteria first ..

1) Location (incl ample parking place .. preferably right at the main entrance)
2) Type of food and serving (buffet, stalls style etc)
3) Capacity
4) Cost

did i miss anything ... ?

For example ...

Cyberview Lodge (example ony aaa ..)

1) Ample parking - right at ur the door step
2) Type of food - buffet or stalls style - like Berbuka Puasa
3) Capacity - 300 pax
4) Cost - slightly expensive ..

Any other ideas abt location ?
535i , firstly i think we need those braveheart member to step forward and become a part of the organizing member first. Once that's done we could then lead to the criteria....( i guess )

cuz there will be lotsa comments and wonderful illustrated ideas coming out but towards the end there will be NO ACTION...

that i why firstly we need those braveheart members to join us up before we move forward...

535i ..what say you ?? :D
Dun play play.....i veli brave....

So count me in for the organising commitee....if im accepted ler...

Great effort people.! Cant wait. I'm travelling quite a bit these days so i will not pen my name down for the support group but please call my mobile if you need anything. Bai got my number.
This is a great initiative from Iceman and 535i and others involved. Keep it up and I'll be there!
Good effort, guys.

As usual the protem Committee is alway there to lens a helping hand.

Kudos guys
Great work guyz...

I guess this is a great idea by 535 and iceman ....

535 - The location imho should be cebtral and i would suggest more like a mini ballroom thingy... or something .... i.e like wedding dinner ?????

Food - Start a poll to select the kind of cuisine . ( Malaysian cuisine would be the best , but thats my opinion lar)

Some form of entertainment would be catchy as well...

U guys got my participation in helping to organise this event ...

Cheers :D
A) those who're willing to be part of the organizing members. ( the more the better )

1) ICEMAN 13
2) 535i
3) BlackCat

Guys, count me in... I'd be happy to help out :yes: PM me for my number..
A) those who're willing to be part of the organizing members. ( the more the better )

1) ICEMAN 13
2) 535i
3) BlackCat
4) Sithwarrior

Hey guys new here, but am willing to help out in anyway ya " Will work for beer" ha ha ha ha... just kiddin...
:cry: :cry:

I am touched ....

ok guys ... let's plan something next week. Maybe we have a small TT or something to start the ball roling ...
Hi 535i,

Just let me know the time and place and I shall be there. Preferbally at night lah, got to drive all the way from Menara Great Eastern. No fun at all.

A) those who're willing to be part of the organizing members. ( the more the better )

1) ICEMAN 13
2) 535i
3) BlackCat
4) Sithwarrior
5) Fomoco
6) jeffreweye
7) JPB
8) three28

Any ladies out there to join the team ... We need you too !! :D :p
A) those who're willing to be part of the organizing members. ( the more the better )

1) ICEMAN 13
2) 535i
3) BlackCat
4) Sithwarrior
5) Fomoco
6) jeffreweye
7) JPB
8) three28
9) kahar abdullah

but then gain, dis proposed team wld only materialise upon acceptance fr the commitee, they may hev their own plan(s) n proposals.

year end, mid year or anytime is gd, BUT wheneva it is, lets get the club registered 1st, else susah if we wanna go around askin fer corporate sponsorships, promotion etc etc. :)

rgds, B)
kahar abdullah
I think the most important thing to do now is to form the organizing committee n segregate the task. e.g Food & Beverage,Programe,sponsorship etc. The event can't happen wit sigle efford. All members are wellcome to contribute.

A) those who're willing to be part of the organizing members. ( the more the better )

1) ICEMAN 13
2) 535i
3) BlackCat
4) Sithwarrior
5) Fomoco
6) jeffreweye
7) JPB
8) three28
9) kahar abdullah
10) Lionel koh
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