B33mEr;545559 said:
1) Way off the mark??? LOL You based your belief's on some tabloid material and i'm way off the mark??? Funny laa u bro I've posted facts and link to the facts ... Can't say the same thing about you bro :stupid:
2) UMNO represent a large majority of Malay's ... It will be hard not to construed remarks by you as non-racial as you are not a malay
plus the fact that UMNO fights and represent Malay right since independence day. So do answer me this ...
How can you criticise UMNO about it's policy and management when the policy is done in the best interest of Malay's without it being racial???? Maybe you are really being ignorant or just to cause fireworks.
Please before wanting to comment about UMNO further do comment about your own political party i.e. DAP maybe???
Let's talk about PKR ... A party that champion on equality and democracy
AND YET elected Anwar Ibrahim as the DEFACTO LEADER???? regardless who is the president or chairman of PKR LOL laughable isn't it????
3) LOL ... So you're using a definition of the web as a justification LOL Maybe you live too much on the net (using taxi driver as an example of hardhip

). Like I said the book sold less than 20k copies the majority couldn't even be bothered!!! And yet you mentioned and highlight about UMNO ... Obviously your post is politically mnotivated plus all the post you made earlier does not contain an iota of facts just a lot of disgruntlement and complain based on lies and propaganda LOL
1. Again, short of repeating myself many in this forum including myself have found it amazing for you to brush aside the contents of the books as mere tabloid materials when you have not read the book. To further add on, I do not just based my beliefs and thoughts on that book specifically but throughout the years have read many other books written by other prominent leaders (or autobiographys on the leaders) including
a) the infamous book by your idol Tun Dr. Mahathir (Malay Dilemma)
b) My Life and Times (Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam)
c) The Reluctant Politician (Ooi Kee Beng on Tun Dr Ismail)
d) Looking Back (Tunku Abdul Rahman)
e) My Memoirs (Lee Kuan Yew)
f) May 13 (Dr. Kua Kia Soong)
plus many others like My Story (Chin Peng), Tan Chin Nam and etc etc. I formed my own judgement based on my readings on all reading materials, irrespective whether I am pro or against the government. Just because I read Chin Peng's book it doesn't mean that I am supporting his cause or either am I a communist. Perhaps you may think differently and entitled to your own opinion, no matter how myopic it may seemed but there is no need to label others as a racist when you are unable to substantiate your arguments with facts or in disagreement with the opinion of others.
2. Before you jump the gun and start to lace your arguments with racial overtures, could you show where in this thread I have attacked UMNO and its policies?? Does stating the contents of a book which highlighted the mismanagement of UMNO's resources (which is supposed to help the Malays) by Tun Dr. Mahathir constitutes an attack on UMNO?? And how and why the revelation of UMNO's secret account is deemed sensitive? Sensitive to whom? To UMNO members OR to the people handling the fund??
3. The example of materials on the web is just another example to define what is deemed as public knowledge on top of the information that is easily available in the book stores!! If you still insist on statistical numbers, then may I ask how do you justify UMNO as the representative of Malay rights when it only has 3.1 million members, where as the whole Malaysia has about 14.23 million Malays (50.4% out of 28.25 million as per the latest statistic published 2nd July 2010).
More statistics, in the 2008 GE, Barisan Nasional as a whole only garnered 4.08 million votes (which comprised of votes from non-malays as well) and much less than the general Malay population. UMNO can always
CLAIM to represent the Malays but statistically is it true??
If you have further facts to contribute and enlighten everyone in this community please do so, and just like the only one member that knows you (justin) well enough, facts and evidences are lacking from all your posting so far. Let's not get personal