The GM 4 box finally decided kick the bucket. So instead of overhauling it, decided to ditch it for a proper old school manual :rock:
Driving the car to the workshop itself was a total nightmare since it was stuck on 1st gear. Plan to get stuck in the jam (so left the house at 4.30) so that I don't have to go at high revving just to have the car maintain at decent speed backfired since the traffic was incredibly smooth throughout the journey to Sunway (even more incredible since it was raining) :motz:
Though after that it decided to show some mercy and shifted to 3rd and then 4th and decided to stay there. Luckily enough the engine had enough brunt to propel the car forward in 4th each time at the traffic light but of course it is accompanied by a nice burnt smell of clutch. lol
Was thinking that it will just be a plug and play process. But a problem appeared. One of the screw were tightened too hard from the previous overhaul causing the head of the screw to become smooth. The guys at the workshop had to lower down half of the engine and the box in order to weld a nut on top of it and try to force open the stubborn piece. Worst case scenario, if they're unsuccessful, they will need to take down both engine and box to try and dismantle it. Bad news already since that means additional labour cost :motz:
Went I went back at about 2.30 pm, they were still trying to solve the issue. But later this evening got a sitrep that the guys had successfully brought the box down.

few hundreds bucks saved there. Will be going to the workshop again tomorrow. Will update more.