brother vks,
no heart feeling ya..I meant no personal target here, coated bro initial m only to get a momentum.. forum kan.. its a general issue, whatever it is, I felt agitated when ppl keep on pointing and accusing each other! I don't have other country except what I'm having now! running the country is not like running a laundry outlet bro..ppl always blaming the authorities and so on.. sometimes kita ni macam tak bersyukur pulak.. for me, its better for us to be together for the sake of our kids! jangan nanti kata bmw, keta sorong pun mereka tak rasa! other "good" country lagi worst! sesekali, ada rezeki, jalan2lah tempat orang.. open our eyes and heart! really, I'v get tired with all this.. negative differences and so on.. ok lah.. cheer up!.. love rasta man..
brother astroboy ,
ya lah! so hard to get rid of fake things around us ya.. I'v got this problem too.. original girls faking! but its not bad enough to stop me frm getting more girlfrens ... no woman no cry..