Extreme Park TT

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Club Guest
Dec 4, 2004
guys,Is it still on today? Or gonna shift to BU?Thought of dropping by to either one.Where you guys going to meet up for tonight TT?
I think for today it will be at BU . \But should resume next week at Sunway . Will keep y6a guys posted . Cheers :D
As announced by DD in the previous forum, TT for 3, 10 & 17 December will be at BU (where we had our AGM).As far as I know, there has been no announcement as to any change from the aforementioned dates above.See you all there.
Yup, the next 3 official TTs will be sponsored by Motorsports Division (as announced by chester) at StreetSoccer Cafe in BU (same place where we had our AGM). :p I won't be attending this week. Need to help my bro out with his wedding plans....this Sunday.
i'm getting a headache reading 2 forums at 1 time......and the other headache of trying to think where the TT is gonna be....so i guess i better stay home, opps....its too late to go anyway.....hehe!!
Originally posted by Daredevil@Dec 4 2004, 12:26 PM Yup, the next 3 official TTs will be sponsored by Motorsports Division (as announced by chester) at StreetSoccer Cafe in BU (same place where we had our AGM). :p I won't be attending this week. Need to help my bro out with his wedding plans....this Sunday.
No wonder your car sooooo shiny lah ;) NINE layers !!!! Damn, looks good bro.Woi, better make the next TT session ah. Had a good turn out last night. Better than Sunway's usual (dismal) crowd. (Could this mean something ???)
Originally posted by Daredevil@Dec 5 2004, 07:15 AM Give us an FR an kctam....who attended last nite and also what happened?
FR on 3rd Dec TT:Errr..... cant remember exactly who was there (dont want to miss anyone out. Memory not as good as my younger days.. he he). Suffice to say, attendance was well above average. For sure JPB & DD was not there...muahahaha (sorry ah, just wanted to rub it in... he he).Besides forummers, we also had thier g/f & wives there. Again, well above average attendance. I'm sure they too had a merry time sharing the lastest handbags or whatever it is girls talk about when they get together. I also notice 2 young boys having fun running about the cars (who's sons, ah?) Great to see such "family" atmosphere for a change as Extreme Park was becoming a very testosterone affair.As usual, what we did with our cars was shared, technical advice sought & many sifu's were there to help, Jarance was kind enough to modify pre 94' key to LED light, lots of laughter (well, I know Behringer, Kevster, Jeffey & myself were in stiches), Justin bought along his dad's CE300 (& I drool all over the car. Sorry lah, I also admire Mah See Dee Ben mah), teh tarik was free flowing ....All in all, one of the better TT we had in a long long while. The last group of us must have left at 1.30 am & I remember everyone speeding off & then come to an almost complete stop at every speed bump. What a sight, I was laughing so loud in my car. Here we have the ultimate driving machine & we're all 'defeated' by the humble speed bump. :D :lol: So, for those who came, thank you for a wonderful evening. For everyone else, hope to see you next week, 10th Dec, at the same venue. As Zoggee would eloquently put .... Come lah, scared ah ???? ;)
KC,you miss out the free satay, sausages and french fries. :p and also some of the carbon fiber stuff that were display by the sponsor.
Damned, missed it this time due to last minute assignment in the East Coast!!!! :angry: :angry: Hope I do not miss the next one or the next after that! Was planning the whole week and then...
Thank kctam for a brief but precise FR. I'll definitely be there next week. Wanted to see what products were on display by the sponsors (represented by Chester).It's good to know forumers are beginning to bring their families for TT sessions. That's the way it should be. Wives gossiping about the latest shopping haven while their husbands secretly plan the next mod....hahaha... :p Great stuff guys....
Originally posted by jarance@Dec 5 2004, 08:57 AM KC,you miss out the free satay, sausages and french fries. :p and also some of the carbon fiber stuff that were display by the sponsor.
Oops... yah ha. The satay, sausages & fries were already finished by the time I got there (circa. 1030 pm) as our early birds really got to the "worm" first... muahahhaDidnt get the chance to see the exhibition as was busy chatting to you guys. Besides, me Mr. Stock Standard, so mods doesnt really turn me on. However, was told that it's really worth while checking it out. Will do that this Fri.So, pencil this Fri's TT into your PDA. Bring the g/f / wive(s) / kids & enjoy the camaderie with your fellow UDM owners.
Originally posted by chinlai@Dec 7 2004, 06:02 PM Just curious, what time does the TT session start?
After 9.30 pm ...usually full crowd will be around 10.30 plus ..But for the next 2 weeks its in BU futsal ...pm me for more details . The extreme park TT will resume after that ...do join us ...cheers :D
New thread by DD on 10 & 17 Dec TT at Street Soccer Cafe, BU hereIt was an excellent turn out last week. Hope to see you all there this week.
Thanks kctam for pointing it out. We have to make sure nobody attends official TT the next 2 sessions somewhere else.
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