E90 carjack attempt

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Dec 7, 2004
Got this in my inbox. Looks authentic. Just note the modus operandi and be extra cautious esp if your wife/gf is driving the car. -------------- Forwarded message ----------From: Ng, Lyn Date: Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 1:03 AMSubject: New Car Hijack Incident 8th June 2008 2.30 p.m. SS2 AreaTo: Rachel Han I have been receiving your emails on women that went through unfortunate incidents and have always been so mindful every time I read the emails that you sent. You sent the below email out just last week and today, I was a victim of a similar incident - car hijack. It's still very surreal to me but want to share what happened so that you will share with other women as you always do I drove a new BMW 320i - just 2 months old only. Usually, I am very careful when I drive into my porch as I have 3 kids under the age of 10 with me when I come home at night. I would ensure that my auto gate closes completely before shutting the engine and getting down from the car. Today, I was distracted and got out from my car before activating my auto gate. As I got down from my car, a gold Mercedes C Class came right behind my car. Because it was a nice luxury car, it never occured to me that it was a robbery in action!! I just stared at the car and had actually thought that it could be a neighbour or someone wanting to reverse their car. It was only when a man got out from the car, holding a parang and telling me in chinese, to be quiet that I realise that it was a car hijack situation. I was calm enough at that stage to tell the man - a clean cut and young looking chinese man - that he can take the car and promptly handed him my bag where I had dropped my car keys into. But, he insisted that I get into the car. That was when I screamed despite him threatening me not to make any noise. The first thought that came to mind at that point in time was that it made no different to stay alive and get into the car and getting slashed and hurt or worst killed! Thus, I just screamed. In hindsight, I guess he could have just slashed me or did far worst things to me with his parang but thank god, he didn't. I then ran towards my 5ft sliding door which was open as it has grills on and screamed for my maid who was at home at the time. Luckily, my maid was clear minded enough to quickly run down the stairs and opened the house door for me when I told her to. I didn't see what the man was doing at that time. Once I got inside the house, I was trying to ring the police.. All this time, the men were still outside my porch - probably trying to find the key inside my bag which has lots of compartments. My maid told me that at that time, another man got out from the car and stopped the auto gate from closing as my maid tried to close it from inside. They must have not found my car keys earlier as my maid said that they ran back in again and this time round, drove the car away. I rang 999 and was surprised to be connected so quickly and within 10 minutes, 3 patrol cars came by the house.. Of course by then, everything was over. The neighbours came out by then and told me that at first, they thought it was my kids fighting. Only 1 neighbour realised that something was amiss when she was the men running out with their parangs and ran back their own house to call the police. I have heard enough of such stories and I guess, we always think that it never happen to you. I am just thankful that I didn't have my kids with me when it happened. Yes - the gangs are targeting women and especially those who drive luxury cars. So, for those ladies driving luxury cars, you have to be really really cautious and alert at all times. You just can't afford to let your guard down. I was distracted just for today and this happened! Thanks, Lyn
I think this scenario applies to all of us who live in landed properties, auto gate or not. Even if we live in a Condo, no promises that there won't be a carjacker waiting in the car park area. This is really sick. My first thought when I read this was that if this happened to me, I'd grab my steering lock & quickly attack the asshole. But I know that is stupid, so i think the best solution if this happens: throw the car key far into the opposite direction and run into your house, lock the doors & call the cops (or friends if they're nearby). If they really just want your car they'll concentrate on retrieving the key.
its very sad that even after worked hard to earn our car we still dont have a peaceful ride on it...but what the lady did is absolutely right where nothing worth as our life...unless if government started to sanction firearm license to those who thinks their live is insecure...then we just can blow their brains away...be extra carefull folks!! especially during inflations...
Terrible..........this bring back memory of my own carjacking incident in front of my house few years ago. Now I always reverse the car back into the car porch and make sure the auto gates is closed before I get down.
scary...this is one of the reasons why i opted for G+G type of property for my new home

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