E46 Price will have big drop on 2012?

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Jul 16, 2008
Hi Seniors,currently i am driving E46 325i 2003.Few used car shop told me, year 2012 when new 3Series launching, our E46 2nd value will drop very teruk again? is it true?Cause plan to sell my car next year, or sell this year? Please advise >.< Thanks
No need to worry so much and just enjoy the car. Car prices drop every year of its life. Its a generation behind anyway, its more likely to affect E90 rather than E46 I think.
if e46 price drop, it will be a good base for the newbie to try start beemering and for the rest of us, upgrading to e90 is an option :D
the drop in price is more to do with the car getting to the 10 year old mark.. that's when getting a bank loan is an issue...
like what was mentioned above... every year car prices drop...
but if your car is kept in excellent condition... people wont mind paying higher prices for your car.

all depends as it is always "willing seller, willing buyer" or the other way around. :D
the price may drop but not the quality. i test drove a new jdm last week but cannot beat the comfort that my golden age ride can offer :D
fabianyee;671730 said:
the drop in price is more to do with the car getting to the 10 year old mark.. that's when getting a bank loan is an issue...

true bro. it would be difficult to get a hire-purchase loan from bank. other options that can be think of are buying cash or took personal loan with high interest rate
Folks... Can't really justify the Used car fellow's claim... Car re-sale value depreciation is determined by age & model. If one say newer model will affect price, then it should be only by buyers preference. Actually buyers do not regulate the price. It's the car market players... it can also be a sales gimmick...
Just because buyers choose to buy more latest model that does not mean existing can't be sold...
My opinion is... it might affect but should be negligible...
As a general rule. any launching of new model will push the exiting model's price down quite substantially.
Lets take 5 series as example. in 2010, new F10 528 cost 450k which push E60 530 (both 3 litres) to between RM140k (2004) to RM300k(2009). which in turn push the E39 530 to between RM55k (2000) to RM80k (2003)

A simple derivation from the above (which i noticed also applicable to Merc), it would seem like the difference between old and new model (even if just 1 year difference) is around 40%.

E60 RM300k (2009) vs F10 RM450k (2010) =33% diff.
E39 RM80k (2003) vs E60 RM140k (2004) = 43% diff

therefore expect to have a quantum drop of around 30-40% in value. (based on normal standard, of course those car taken care by enthusiast can fetch above market value)
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