Advise Needed on my E46

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Jul 7, 2007
Hi guys...have intro myself 2 days ago. Dunno if this is the right thread to discuss this but I just got my E46 msport 2 weeks ago.Since its still under a month's so called "warranty" n excuse me for my ignorance, I've got a few slight technical questions to ask all the sifus out there:-1. While driving, I noticed a "draggy" sound from the rear right from day one. Sounds like the tyres but m unsure where to start troubleshooting. The car came with Continental CS2 tyres. Just changed the front pair (since they were 2003 tyres) to Bridgestone Adrenalyn RE001 but the noise is still there but perhaps a little softer.One of the mechanics at this tyre shop cum BMW specialist in Glenmarie told me that it could be the real axle (coupled with the symptoms in my 2nd question below) or some bearings in the back. Any advise?2. Gearbox. Once in a while, whenever I start my car and shift my gear from "P" to "R", there's a "thud" sound. Initially when I purchased my car, the salesman helped me change the transmission oil using Dextron Oil. 2 weeks later when I sent my car for servicing at Glenamarie, the mechanic told me that my ride should be using some ZF Lifeguard Oil. That kinda freaked me out n I changed the oil again, together with the oil filter and gasket. Anyhow the sound still persists and that was when one of the mechanics pointed out to the axle...which I understand is quite costly...Worrying.3. N lastly, the air-cond. When I start the car n when the air-cond is not in the "Auto" mode, the blower blows intermittenly (like there's irregular current) for the first 5 seconds or so. Is this normal? N today while I was driving long distance for over 2 hours n it was raining, could feel a couple of droplets of water on my foot whilst driving, perhaps due to condensation etc.Guys, bear with my ignorance. M so new to this n a getting a lil' paranoid. :confused: Anyway thanks guys.
a little difficult to understand your problem.

But i guess, u should seek another advise from another mechanic. Else, for us to understand better, perhaps you can join us in one of the TT, and we can hear the sound u mentioned. Else its very difficult to know what sound and where the sound come from ...

Should you need to know other opinion, there is a thread of
" List of workshop......" something like that in this forum. CHeck it out.

I personally suggest you seek a second opinion. Sometimes mechanic may take advantage since you are new to BMW.... u know what i mean.

no problem....just pm any of the member on ur delighted workshop.... get the details and visit the workshop for second, third or foutrth opinion...

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