Duh...comms, have some creativity please...

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yes it an extract from another club but modified a bit. If it work for other, maybe it will worked for us too.

Afterall, it is an application form. So how should an application form be presented?

Just like when you open an bank account, do you notice all the banks have similar format as well. Does this means that all bank lacks creativity or it just the norm.
plagiarise - take without referencing from someone else's writing or speech; of intellectual property

i think we can safely say that an application form is not a speech, a form of writing, or even intellectual propery.
Yes we admit that we got the format from another car club and modified it to suit us....but how sure r u that the format was not earlier taken from another.
We are BMWCM not an advertising agency so we dont have to be creative.
Well least u guys admit... wait, at least XXX admit. It's a noble trait to have, I cannot say much about the rest of the gang. The answer to yur question XXX, "I am cock sure" without any pun intended.
ThnXXX for your kind words...from the look of it, it looks like u designed the form since u are very confident that it was not from another. So we are sorry if we used your design bcos like I said earlier we are BMWCM not advertising agency so not very creativelah so photostatlah. Cheers
Yes, the form created based on few templates. We followed i because it is simple and professionally laid out.
so the form is copyright!!! If it is then we must pay royalities.. Anyway, to the originator of the form, thank you..
Let's face it, we live in a CPS : Cut & Paste Society. Most of us do it at work, and if you have worked in one of the big accounting firms, cut & paste seems to be encouraged!

Besides, why waste precious brain juice on something as mundane as an application form?
No neccessity in paying copyright, it's neither registered nor wz a patent office.

Just an acknowledgement from u chaps and a cold one is suffice.
Funk said:
This particular form sure looks like a lot like it's pliagarised from another car club.


Hi Funk - thanks for bringing this. May be they should check first the originator of this particular form and provide due recognition to him.
We are living in a world with fast pace improvement and a lot of good stuff is readily available to be used by others. I am sure when the intention to use the form was first thought of, the idea is to use a simple and readily available form instead of 'reinvent the wheel' to get the whole thing ready. Most of the corporations and individuals dont reinvent the wheel and prefer to save the time for other purposes of continuous improvement.
The same as the format of most forums available today and this forum is not exempted. The ultimate aim is to let more people used in a tested and user friendly format.
Anyway thanks for bringing up. Probably in other areas, this club would chip in some creativity.

Hey Punk.... opps I mean Funk... Hows abouts you show up and share some of your more creative toughts to help excell the standards of this club...
sithwarrior said:
Hey Punk.... opps I mean Funk... Hows abouts you show up and share some of your more creative toughts to help excell the standards of this club...

sith.. don't be so hard on the newbie lah.. for all you know, funk could be a president of another club. I think he/she is upset that the BCM application form look like something that he/she created and aknowledgement was not done. :)
Heheh... What do I know, I'm just a punk kid. Funk de Punk mar...

My approach very unconventional wan. You'll probably reverse park your car and fumigate my abode when u hear me yappin'.

If the intentions is sincere, no problem wan. Rain or shine, any Thursdays at 2300 Hrs. Ask Ah Lian to be zero.
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