Does Year of Manufacture matters?

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Nov 29, 2005
I am in the cross road now.... I have dropped the idea of owning a pre-registered car and opt for new car.... Now new set of problem occurred. There is a brand new unregistered E60 525i M-sport available for me to grab, but problem is it is manufactured in the year 2005. The car which i am waiting for has yet to appear infront of me..... In fact, i am only interested in year 2006 car.However, the dealer is wiling to give me discount of RM10k for me to take the year 2005 car.... my question is does the resell value different if i sell the car in the future if the car is manufactured in different year?
Normally, the banks / used car dealer will look at the manufacture date NOT the registration date for evaluation of the market price / value.

It will determine how 'old' is your car. Not sure of a 1 year diff effectd the value..
it only matters from resale value perspective and absence of new gadgets which could be added for newer models. In your case, i don't think the latter is relevant but your resale value will definitely be impacted. The RM10K is not justifiable for a year older car....even the e46 despreciates by more than RM10K/annum these days so you should probably expect between RM18-25K of annual depreciation for e60. go for the new one and you will not regret especially since you're buying a 525 sport.
Originally posted by safri@Mar 13 2006, 11:30 PM
it only matters from resale value perspective and absence of new gadgets which could be added for newer models. In your case, i don't think the latter is relevant but your resale value will definitely be impacted. The RM10K is not justifiable for a year older car....even the e46 despreciates by more than RM10K/annum these days so you should probably expect between RM18-25K of annual depreciation for e60. go for the new one and you will not regret especially since you're buying a 525 sport.
i dun owned a BMW yet, but i definately agree with safri coz i have been surveying around for the prices for few month now and what he say really make sense
Originally posted by goldfish@Mar 13 2006, 11:10 PM
...There is a brand new unregistered E60 525i M-sport available for me to grab, but problem is it is manufactured in the year 2005. ....

However, the dealer is wiling to give me discount of RM10k for me to take the year 2005 car....

my question is does the resell value different if i sell the car in the future if the car is manufactured in different year?
Short answer;


Why else would your dealer offer you 10k discount?

BTW, as said earlier, first year, car depreciates by around 15%. So the 10k discount does not look very good.

A word of advice - if you haven't already done so, please bring someone with some car knowledge w you when you go shopping. Car salesmen love buyers like you - that's why you are getting all sorts of confusing offers.

My friend just got a new, manufactured 2006, e60 525. No fuss.
Goldfish, if I'm you, I would opt for the latest. I was offered as well when I was deciding to buy the new 5 series. But whatever they want to say let them say but stick to original plan of getting a new 2006 car. It'd save you a lot of worries later on ....
yeah, 10K discount is nothing much attractive for me to go a 2005 make. better go 2006 if you can wait. talk to your financier if they are willing to hold on to the low rate. but time is running out very soon as the BLR just increased by 0.25% which means the car rate is following...
I disagree.

I think you should go for the RM10K discount.

I went for a RM8k discount to take a 2005 car when i bought my Honda Accord in Jan 2006.

Really, if you are keeping the car long term, i think eventually the small difference between the year of manufacture and the date of registration is negligible.

Unless there were model revisions between the older ones and the 2006 ones, i would just get the older one for the lesser price and most people that have come to buy your car second hand might not even ask when the car was manufactured.

If they do ask, tell them it was manufactured December 05 and you got it March 06.

But since its manufactured in 05, you're willing to sell for 5k cheaper than the market price even though its practically end 05 and having said that, you still have a 5k leverage because you got it for 10k less.

I say buy the made in 05 car. :) I would.


All the best with your purchase!

I presume you are talking about the latest 525 manufactured in 05. There is a engine change in Mar05. Other than that, I think there are minor changes from Sep05 onwards, such as the aircon dial, and idrive knobs; some cosmetics. And of course the push start/stop.

I think you have already answered your own question when you said you were aiming for a 06. The question is does the 10k matter to you and would you be questioning yourself whether you should have taken a 06 should you really go for this 05.

Last but not least has it been there for too many months idling?
Something is seriously wrong if 2005 car not yet sold by AB or whoever is selling. We are already in Mar and very soon april coming. Talking abt 1 Qtr gone. What's happening? We'd never know when we want to sell our cars and normally we buy for long term but things may change along the way and we must have the option to sell whenever we feel like and whenever we want... Very fishy deal no matter how much discount is given I'd pass ....
if I need it urgently

i will take

else i will wait patiently

walao boss.....525 m sport

my next dream UDM

hahaha :D
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