DIY angel eye for e36

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Originally posted by vincent@May 26 2005, 09:38 AM
this is the latest version , ver 2.
wow this is much better than the 1st 1... Hey u r the man lah, i would not mind to do it myself but i just dun have the time and tools to do...
vincent... another thing is study the rim and check which groves or slot shine or reflected the most light. Chech for the width, angle oif cutting etc.. Figure out why it reflect the most light. If you can understand this concept then you will know how to cut the grooves..

BTW, as suggest by willie, put some aluminum foil at the back to reflect back the light. it will look much better.

have fun.. :eek:k:

BTW, see 2 hands holding the rim and leds. Who is holding the camera? :wink:
jarance; i need this things, can you loan it to me or not pls .
1, burner
2, the cutting tool(anyone in the forum have the dremal tool as said by the inventor itself if got better la)

and everything is done i will come to you and you do the wire stuff for me , i belaja minum ok
what do you mean by reflective sticker, what is that, whera to buy it , stick where ?
Originally posted by vincent@May 26 2005, 09:55 AM
jarance; i need this things, can you loan it to me or not pls .
1, burner
2, the cutting tool(anyone in the forum have the dremal tool as said by the inventor itself if got better la)

and everything is done i will come to you and you do the wire stuff for me , i belaja minum ok
will do once I find it. Will check junk this weekend.. :D
zeneger ; want meet up one day then i guide you what to buy and how to do
i tried yesterday at the acc shop the hardest part is to cut the train road. After cutting then heat up hard to bend it also...
Vincent where do u stay again ? proberly next week end can go to ur place to do mine...

the blind rod cost me Rm3.5 per feet wat about u guys ??
Originally posted by vincent@May 26 2005, 09:57 AM
what do you mean by reflective sticker, what is that, whera to buy it , stick where ?
vincent will show you later. I just used up all my foil.

Need to buy new roll..
Originally posted by ZeNeGeR@May 28 2005, 12:03 PM
i tried yesterday at the acc shop the hardest part is to cut the train road. After cutting then heat up hard to bend it also...
Vincent where do u stay again ? proberly next week end can go to ur place to do mine...

the blind rod cost me Rm3.5 per feet wat about u guys ??
better to bend then cut. cos after cutting then bend, the rod might break if the heating is not done properly. I learn from experience mah..
i actually order from curtain shop near my office. They will order from factory so what ever length u wan they can do. last order was 5feet X 2= 10feet X 3.5 = Rm35 lor

Jarance if bended then only cut is hard also bcos will hard to cut in line straight...
my advise is cut the rail way first then bent it coz its easier that way. true that the its hard to bent it ,when its broken then your heart is like my god broken.... try this heat it with a heater gun make sure is real hot then you bent it , its alright when the 1st round its not perfect you can always heat that rod again then bent again . dont force it when its cool down a bit it will break
zeneger; how do you cut the railway road. what tools do you use may i know .caz i use the small saw its like few days to finish it and is tired la
wow how is everybody progress in this project ah... any new ways to do the railway lines ah . mine is like taking ages la .
kinaka bro ; thanks for your help but still need a long time to do that .... still around 60%more to completion..... hang on guys...................
cool when can i come to find you for the wire system coz i have finish the all 4 lotr ring finally........
no worries dude....

i just found out another good way to railway... haha

today just fabricated one railway cutting tool by the turning machine...
Originally posted by vincent@Jun 1 2005, 10:46 PM
this is how it liik like
hmmmm.....nice!very nice indeed!
so whn r we coming to ur house to diy with u ah? ;) :p :nyehehe:
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