spoke to AB guy today about retrofitting CIC, they cannot do for AP car especially Japanese spec due to software limitation. Parts that they don't offer in local spec e.g. tv, side mirror camera and etc they don't have the code. The software that they used is like a PC automatic driver installer. It will automatically install all hardware driver once launched and they cannot install each driver separately or manually. In a nutshell, if u want to migrate from ccc to cic, u must make sure that the parts installed/fixed in yr car must follow local spec. Also, u must buy the software installed in the main unit (which gave u the CIC interface) and do programming to input in yr vehicle data. If u are to cheap to spend money buying the software, u can look for used main unit (with pre-install software from previous vehicle) and overwrite the previous vehicle data. This method is illegal since the software is licensed for only one vehicle.