BMWCM BimmerFest 2013 - November

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Greetings and Salam wpyan76.

No worries bro, your posting will not be deleted and your opinion is well noted.

To KISS (Keep It Short n Simple), we are not banning nor are we marginalize BMW cars with Jap engine. For them to be or not to be counted is basically the requirement of MBOR. We have requested and appeal to them for this exception and inclusion but were not successful.

When we first come up with this intiative, the primary objective is to have on record the largest gathering of BMW cars in one location.Thats the intent. Not confined to Clubs and Chapters, every individual will be invited and we did just that. We try to invite as many BMW owners as we can to make this work. Invitation we made open to ALL, regardless if the Bimmers are with Jap engines or not.

However when we wrote to MBOR for their endorsement to this "event", they agreed to it but we have to comply to the rules and regulations of set by MBOR and one of the requirement is that to qualify for the count, the car chasis n engine has to be a BMW make. Accessories and add ons are permissable.

Yes, maybe in the future we will just do a huge gathering for all bimmers n owners to meet each other, foster comradeship and share values of our passion for the betterment of the roundel without going for any official records ... that would be awesome .. :top:..

Hope this enlighten your understanding on why we started this event from the very beginning bro. No malice intended ...

Cheers and warmest regards.
Bro, we have informed them (BMW M'sia) of our intended event via emails and calls but to-date they have yet to confirm "anything". We are still waiting and still communicating with them....

pussy;850511 said:
Rumours going around that 'This is the First Bimmerfest' ? Tot it was in 2008 was the one held at Sunway ?

You believe in rumours bro and is tht the only rumours you have heard?
Have you seen the banner and logo of the bimmerfest? Any wordings or indication saying its "The First Bimmerfest ...."

There are people out there who are not happy with what we are doing with regards to this event and even a few are having a field time criticising, condeming, cursing and whatever evil things you can think of bro and its really a disappointing and a huge damper to the volunteering effort put in thus far :( ... Do you know that there are even efforts done not only to NOT SUPPORT this event but also they are making an effort to make this a failure!

Sad kan??...:(:(
Salam my friends,

Having read some of the piosts here prompt me to say a word or 2, hope it is ok. Before that I wish to tell you that I am relatively new to BMW, bought my first one in Oct.2012. My knowledge on the car is still limited esp. on mods like rims, torques, spring, etc. I have learned a lot from this forum in such a sort time. After owning the car my interest grows and I have finally joined the TRJ on their recent drive event on highway 68. The enthusiasm by BMW fans has make me feel that I have chosen the right brand. Would it feel the same had I joined the Mercedes club for instance - I often wonder.

I am not an officiial member of BMWCM yet and in my point of view the availablity of Facebook, Forum, etc. can make virtual membership possible. It is always good to put a face to a name but then if we notice, BMWCM Facebook has all the real faces. Anyone would think twice to join if one has not the car. But as much as we wish it to be Officiial Member like in a Car, Sport or Golf Club, the virtual internet membership wlill enventially take over, and there will be as many "Guest Members". I think this, we just have to accept and change our approach a little bit if I may say so.

For example I hope it is ok to my friends if I say the Facebook members of F30 (The Rusted Jacket) now stands at 200ish..and it is growing by the day. The members are real people, and the people use real names. What does it take to run a facebook page? Some manhours and sweats at the most, which is well compensated for by the funs and the pursuit of interest in BMW. No one talks about fees and stuffs or the right to certain things. If we need to compensate, we should pay, if not, we dont. It makes things a lot easier and simpler.

In this note, I am 100% supporting Bimmerfest 2013 and don't mind paying at all. The hardwork of volunteers and their effort and time they spent, I think no money can compensate. The least we could do is to share some of the expenses. Also, I must say this event is the initiative of BMWCM, especially the Official Members, whom people like me should give the highgest gratitudes possible.

Apologise in advance should what I said above offence anyone. No offence intended whatsoever.

The subject no volunteers as compared to last time. Perhaps instead of the usual finger pointing and excuses, perhaps its time to take a step back and analyse and see why is this happening.
Its a very unhealthy trend for the club.

udm68;850547 said:
Puss ~ to me d 1st Bimmerfest is d one in 2008, where I help out to prepare d site n put up sinages along certain main roads on d nite b4 d event (Even don't mind paying for that night's volunteers' food n drinks at Rainforest) n up to d 2.30am d following day. I also at my own cost paid RM350 (Another OM also did that) for a hotel next to d event site so that I can help out (under d blazing sun, among them , Iceman 68 n d 'banned" one) during d actual big day. I actually enjoyed it n best of all, were paid for it by d club ~ RM 2 parking fees :) So please do take note that its' not about payment of RM10 or RM50. I used to b very supportive of BMWCM n I m at almost every event, meet-ups' n drives organized by d club n tts'. I remember that time around there were PLENTY of volunteers. D Prez mention NO volunteers ! What's happening now.....................??? Mr. Prez, please don't contest this, I'll rather talk to u over a cup of the tarik when we happen to meet up :)

Sad to mention it, I m hardly around for d past 2 yrs cos I have lost interest (I notice so r most "senior" n "old time " members) WHY ??? due to certain "segregation" Everybody else out there pls don't bother to contest to this post, I'll not reply as it will turn this thread into something else.

Anyway a big thank you to all d current organisers n volunteers in making this 2nd Bimmerfest a reality :)
It a tough job being a volunteer. Meeting almost every weeks (even months before the event)
and almost daily when within days of the event.
No many of us can spare the time especially with our commitment with our daily routine like work and family.

I have not attend the events and activities for club lately due to my posting in Manjung.

I think all of us want to volunteer and support in our small little ways.

I think one way is to support and attend the bimmerfest and meet old friend and hopefully make new friends as well.

slyder;850555 said:
The subject no volunteers as compared to last time. Perhaps instead of the usual finger pointing and excuses, perhaps its time to take a step back and analyse and see why is this happening.
Its a very unhealthy trend for the club.
take and learn from the recent ///M fest.... volunteers banyak ke ?

sir jarance : member of the year 2014 will definately be you again this time for your upmost support to meet up old and new friends
ICEMAN 68;850564 said:
take and learn from the recent ///M fest.... volunteers banyak ke ?

sir jarance : member of the year 2014 will definately be you again this time for your upmost support to meet up old and new friends

bro, I dont do this for the recognition lar. Sharing is caring.

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ICEMAN 68;850564 said:
take and learn from the recent ///M fest.... volunteers banyak ke ?

sir jarance : member of the year 2014 will definately be you again this time for your upmost support to meet up old and new friends

bro, I dont do this for the recognition lar. Sharing is caring.
RM50 is not big money to an average BMW owner and I do believe that the goody bag value is suffice to cover that. It's the so called "member's benefit" that upset those who do not see any differentiation in the member's participation in this event.

From my experience, all past official club functions members do get 'specials' in terms of subsidized entrance charges [full or partial], lucky draw privilege, exclusive door gift but then again, those are mostly semi-closed functions mainly meant for the club members with limited guest participation.

For this Bimmerfest, I do believe the Club alone won't be able to pull it off if we are talking about record breaking more than 200 cars gathering. Many other clubs have to get involved [my assumption] and jointly organise the event. And other clubs have members too and if we start providing specials for our members, other club members will demand the same and end of the day, everyone can claim they are member of one club or another, so back to square one, all get the same.

Such gatherings best get the involvement of sponsors, oil, detailing, tyres, spare parts, brand rep [BMW Malaysia], authorised dealers, even satay and teh tarik stalls operators, where rentals are charged for their participation which I believe there are, and most likely the collection is insufficient. Annual dinner is coming, we still need the vendor's sponsors.. so they can't sponsor too much on one single event. Again, I'm assuming..

Even if it involves using the club fund, so what?! It's for the benefit of the members and clubs, it's a long run investment for the brand which I am not objecting to. This is not a profit making entity and constitution don't even allow for it, so we must stop thinking about making money from it's functions and events, the tenth of thousands of Ringgit in the coffer is not even deposited in an interest earning account.

If the club can't distinguish member's privileges as oppose to guest, then many would contemplate for sure the decision on 2014 membership renewal. For sure!

For this function, I would love to join but can't relief myself from my usual Saturday errant at noon, the earliest I can make it to the event is about 3pm.. probably can help out in packing if rain hasn't started [touch wood :p].. yet.. RM50 for 2 hours?! hehe.. :4:

My 2 sen.. a small fee subsidy, or a special one-off design T-shirt or door gift [not balloon la! :4:] just for the OM with Bimmerfest logo would please all OMs..

Anyway, to the CM, I know it's hard work with little appreciations, you still get my vote.. still got Annual Dinner? that's where I can 'recoup' my renewal fee and influence my 2014 renewal.. hehe :4:
RM50 is not big money to an average BMW owner and I do believe that the goody bag value is suffice to cover that. It's the so called "member's benefit" that upset those who do not see any differentiation in the member's participation in this event.

From my experience, all past official club functions members do get 'specials' in terms of subsidized entrance charges [full or partial], lucky draw privilege, exclusive door gift but then again, those are mostly semi-closed functions mainly meant for the club members with limited guest participation.
If the club can't distinguish member's privileges as oppose to guest, then many would contemplate for sure the decision on 2014 membership renewal. For sure!

AstroBoy this was in my mind when I posted the early post. I rest my case.
i think someone aptly said, M-fest and bimmerfest is gathering for all bmws', doesnt matter rusted car or bmw with datsun 120y heart or f10 m5, a community event for all bwm lovers. the idea is for people of the same interest to gather, tcss and have a jolly good 'ol time. doesnt' matter if you're a peasant or a tan sri, OM or CG or TS, but everyone is equal there.

problem is, this time around it's organised by people from the bmw club malaysia, so some ppl think its a bmw club event. although there shouldn't be any difference in that vs a non club event, it's sad to see club politics coming into play. What's the big deal of being an OM vs CG in bimmerfest? nothing much has happened in the club for the past 2 years, so if you ask me, there's not much diff in being either. and it shouldn't make a difference anyhow.

but things like these unfortunately spoil the otherwise good efforts from all the good people trying to organise bimmerfest. if you want to play politics, start a new thread. at least let the newbies enjoy what bimmerfest or m-fest will bring, no matter if it's well planned or not. don't rain on people's parade if they're having fun.

as prez d'zul always says, if you think you can do better, then step up. :) otherwise just fade away like the rest of us :)

keep up the good work bimmerfest team
I was seriously contemplating to sign up ass OM but now this new drama happen.
Sad la....

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rattlesnake1982;850601 said:
I was seriously contemplating to sign up ass OM but now this new drama happen.
Sad la....

Sent from my HTC ChaCha A810e using Tapatalk 2

Nak join tu join jer..

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rattlesnake1982;850601 said:
I was seriously contemplating to sign up ass OM but now this new drama happen.
Sad la....

Sent from my HTC ChaCha A810e using Tapatalk 2

What drama?

There is just a bunch of people not happy about paying. Not happy about being not 'privileged' just because they are official members.
I think people still can't differentiate that this is an event organised by the BMWCM committee and members, but is not a BMWCM event.

People who are not serious about signing up as OM always have reasons like this. If you really wanted to support the club it would not be an issue :burnout:
It never be an easy task to manage. There will always be some different opinion etc. The challenge is once the leader has been elected and decision has been made, is for the rest to be supportive. Decision can be right today, but tommorow will be a different matter, only times can tell.
What I like about USA, the people are very patriotic. Irregardless whatever their politcial differences, come to the real crisis situation, they will support the president not matter what decision the president has made. SEP11, the mayor election was postponed.

For me, I will support the Presideng and his present team. I myself cannot contribute the way that the president and the commitee has been doing all this while. The least I can do is to support.

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It never be an easy task to manage. There will always be some different opinion etc. The challenge is once the leader has been elected and decision has been made, is for the rest to be supportive. Decision can be right today, but tommorow will be a different matter, only times can tell.
What I like about USA, the people are very patriotic. Irregardless whatever their politcial differences, come to the real crisis situation, they will support the president not matter what decision the president has made. SEP11, the mayor election was postponed.

For me, I will support the Presideng and his present team. I myself cannot contribute the way that the president and the commitee has been doing all this while. The least I can do is to support.
we have elected our CM thru voting and those elected is giving their hearts out to serve for FREE..hence, why are we disputing their decisions?come and join hand to make this event a BOOM guys:4: i am bringing my family all the way from TERENGGANU to enjoy with u guys/ gals:4: love you ALL no matter what your ride is, skin color and race..kita semua sama saja:top::listen:
rattlesnake1982;850601 said:
I was seriously contemplating to sign up ass OM but now this new drama happen.
Sad la....

Sent from my HTC ChaCha A810e using Tapatalk 2

Everyone is sad about something..but i m not sad about the club..i am thankful to God as i have met some of the most wonderful people in community thru this BMWClubmalaysia:4:
Rattle snake...please edit your post...just put I will join as OM regret....from the beginning our CM and prez have my 100% support...wei..kelab viva bayar 100 ringgit pun x kira....jgn kiamsip sgt....ayoooo....kalu kelantan bimmers boleh dtg from far...minyak lagi..toll lagi...we in klang valley kira untung la..

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Yeah pls keep politics away. I've been a loner OM from south many years ago and I have my own reason not to renew. But it does not stop me from my passion and keep bickering others. I just keep silence if I dont agree. Sumore am just a peasant as ramsing said with wiralution. So let those who hv time and capacity to contribute. It's just a club and a car. There many other important things in life as my sig hehehe

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