BMW Performance Mods

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ryvinson;441436 said:
What I can read Velocity saying is the idiocy of oneupmanship or brinksmanship...the relentless self imposed pressure to be one up over others or take risks (fools rush in where angels fear to thread) when the rest of the world is otherwise wiser ..simply to live up to peer pressure and expectations. Oneupmanship and brinksmanship certainly holds water when it comes to exclusive cars especially if one owns a ride that make others salivate and drool with envy. This is where a person's maturity, self confidence and intelligence comes in to personify one of my most inspirational of Chinese sayings .."Yi Shan Hai You Yi Shan Gao" loosely translated as "after one mountain comes another (taller) mountain" and loosely interpreted as "there's no limits to showing off". The analogous NIKE version would be "there's no finishing line". And so one needs to learn how draw to THAT line and say "enough" even if one disappoints. If one continues to seek endorsement or approval from others, the real persona in one will never stand up and be counted. And that indeed would be the saddest strory ever told.

Gee whiz! Now how did I philosophize and pontificate in the manner I have done above.........booooooo......

hehehe, you way out of the topics laa bro to justifies a small little upgrade:rolleyes: where is the pictar...
No lah Velocity. I know you plonk down your upgrades one shot.....premature ejacu....ahh?. I prefer forep.....slow modding more shiok mah...
Juan Powerblow;441435 said:
Ok, this is top of my wishlist now. Can E46F and E90-1000 do a run together. Both have the perf air intake but only E90-1000 comes with the perf exhaust. If E90-1000 dusts E46F, then we know the perf exhaust, esp in US specs, works well. If my recollection is correct, E46F is now the fastest E90 325i after he outran DY.

What if I dust E90-1000? I guess that would mean that I took a huge crap before the run and I have better power to weight ratio :D.
ryvinson;441441 said:
No lah Velocity. I know you plonk down your upgrades one shot.....premature ejacu....ahh?. I prefer forep.....slow modding more shiok mah...

Yeah..2 different style maa. you like to taste it all, more kinky, slow, steady, brakes a lot and more feeling liking...Not me bro, I get the compromise... be fast about it like there's no tomorrow...let be no feeling about it...a stright endurance to the top...a dash shower and im out from there....:top:

hahaha we're really out of topics already.. sorry guys.
Juan Powerblow;441435 said:
Ok, this is top of my wishlist now. Can E46F and E90-1000 do a run together. Both have the perf air intake but only E90-1000 comes with the perf exhaust. If E90-1000 dusts E46F, then we know the perf exhaust, esp in US specs, works well. If my recollection is correct, E46F is now the fastest E90 325i after he outran DY.

Yes, the only ways to settle this argument. 0 to 100 and stopping distance showdown. stock standard brakes vs Performance front only and vs full wrap performance brakes. :top:
I gotta relate this story that for one instinctive humane moment made me think. I was on my way back to office from the workshop. In front of my car, there was this little girl in her school uniform riding pillion on her father's old motorbike. Without batting an eyelid, I had just blown a few K's on my yellow Rambos...totally discretionary and dysfunctional spending. And there was that harsh cold reality staring in front of me in the form of a vulnerable school girl perched so precariously on a dilapidated motorbike costing no more than a few hundred RMs owned by an impoverished father struggling to make an honest living to educate his daughter. I was so sick to the gut with myself that I refused to look at the Rambos when my driver took over at the office.

I'm very new to this forum. I note there's just a handful of us participating actively in this thread whilst there must be over a thousand hits on this thread by the silent majority out there. I should say this out of responsibility to those who may not know better or may be misled by the dramatization of my modding Odyssey and others. Know this well.... a car is possibly the worst financial investment you can make. Accessories and mods compound that investment disaster. You'll never get your money back. Infact it's a bottomless pit of continual spending. So unless you've some loose change, and that doesn't include credit cards or loans, act sensibly and responsibly when spending on a never-ever-cheap (Bring My Wallet) Bimmer partifcularly if you've dependents and family obligations. Contrary to signals by always speculative stock market rallies and politically correct talk on a V shaped recovery, the economic crisis is far from over. You remain vulnerable to retrenchment or your or business to insolvency. A home in a good location is far superior to any dream car you could ever imagine. Spend generously on the home and poorly on the car. You'll never go wrong that way.

I hope many reading this are laughing with their sides splitting. That means I'm wrong with above message, and that forum members are indeed so affluent. And therefore I'd be delighted to be wrong on this occassion.

Off topic but good topic and I'm certainly not laughing. Personally I've found that giving $$$ away changes your life and how you view things. I don't mean to bring glory or attention, but this is my personal experience. The more you give, the more it'll change your life for the better. There is a proverb which I find golden and true. "A generous man will prosper; He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed".

Spending and modding on cars is a fun pastime and a great hobby.Totally enjoy it and so much to experience and discover :). But if you practice the proverb above, and begin to give in bigger and bigger magnitudes, you'll somehow find yourself never going overboard on any financial matters... Strange concept but totally real and true.
Ooopsie...the deafening silence...did I just spoil my own party, wee wee on my parade? Surely not. We all need a wake up call on occassions. I know I do...more often than not...

E46 - well said mate....not into religion but there's something karma-ic in what one does or don't do in this world

JPB - if you're not looking to maximize the visuals with the yellow Rambos with the 18", and looking more to performance, the Rambos should be right. Do a rethink of the exhaust though....visuals not there, sound effect marginal and hmmmm ...performance

E90-3100 - you're absolutely spot on the Rambos being the most visible bang-for-the-bucks in the Perf range. You've infact given me a wake up call on that carbon fibre strut be discussed...

Velocity - eh brudda, wat you discribe, u are doing dat to man,woman,car, animal? your 2 turbo can tapau my 318 or not? Turbo got power but YOU got weight power to weight latio fight oredi....

Today's what I call a counter balancing day...morning high with the Rambos and and now an evening low in the final, dying moments with my Blackberry. Tomorrow, I continue my professional life with the iPhone 3GS. Over past 9 years, I've used 5 Blackberrys..always on a continual upgrade mode and savour each new model release like a delighted school kid with another topping of ice cream. Blackberry has been good to me. Kept my personal and business data safe. Almost unhackable, can self destruct data when disconnected and for a long time, no camera option as an encryption device in itself. Baddie boy Edison Chen should have used a Blackberry. Yup, taking a break tomorrow from the Bimmer mods. Gonna check out the accessories for the 3GS and sample the 30,000 applications and the fabled iTune stores. One prime reason for the shift to iPhone is my deep admiration for Steve Jobs, a man truly committed to his passion and cause. My hero undoubtedly. The likes of Jobs comes but once, twice in a lifetime but they create a new world order in the wake of their dreams......anyone collecting his/hers tomorrow...lunch on me...

318 E90s are available here? That's news to me! :rolleyes: If you won't post a pic of your modded ride, at least post a pic of your iPhone for us to salivate over. :D
ryvinson;441466 said:
Ooopsie...the deafening silence...did I just spoil my own party, wee wee on my parade? Surely not. We all need a wake up call on occassions. I know I do...more often than not...

E46 - well said mate....not into religion but there's something karma-ic in what one does or don't do in this world

JPB - if you're not looking to maximize the visuals with the yellow Rambos with the 18", and looking more to performance, the Rambos should be right. Do a rethink of the exhaust though....visuals not there, sound effect marginal and hmmmm ...performance

E90-3100 - you're absolutely spot on the Rambos being the most visible bang-for-the-bucks in the Perf range. You've infact given me a wake up call on that carbon fibre strut be discussed...

Velocity - eh brudda, wat you discribe, u are doing dat to man,woman,car, animal? your 2 turbo can tapau my 318 or not? Turbo got power but YOU got weight power to weight latio fight oredi....

Today's what I call a counter balancing day...morning high with the Rambos and and now an evening low in the final, dying moments with my Blackberry. Tomorrow, I continue my professional life with the iPhone 3GS. Over past 9 years, I've used 5 Blackberrys..always on a continual upgrade mode and savour each new model release like a delighted school kid with another topping of ice cream. Blackberry has been good to me. Kept my personal and business data safe. Almost unhackable, can self destruct data when disconnected and for a long time, no camera option as an encryption device in itself. Baddie boy Edison Chen should have used a Blackberry. Yup, taking a break tomorrow from the Bimmer mods. Gonna check out the accessories for the 3GS and sample the 30,000 applications and the fabled iTune stores. One prime reason for the shift to iPhone is my deep admiration for Steve Jobs, a man truly committed to his passion and cause. My hero undoubtedly. The likes of Jobs comes but once, twice in a lifetime but they create a new world order in the wake of their dreams......anyone collecting his/hers tomorrow...lunch on me...


Okay...back to the come you having 318?
No delivery to customers tomorrow for iPhone 3GS. Maxis screwed up royally this time around. Expect another week or so.
ryvinson;441466 said:
Ooopsie...the deafening silence...did I just spoil my own party, wee wee on my parade? Surely not. We all need a wake up call on occassions. I know I do...more often than not...

E46 - well said mate....not into religion but there's something karma-ic in what one does or don't do in this world

JPB - if you're not looking to maximize the visuals with the yellow Rambos with the 18", and looking more to performance, the Rambos should be right. Do a rethink of the exhaust though....visuals not there, sound effect marginal and hmmmm ...performance

E90-3100 - you're absolutely spot on the Rambos being the most visible bang-for-the-bucks in the Perf range. You've infact given me a wake up call on that carbon fibre strut be discussed...

Velocity - eh brudda, wat you discribe, u are doing dat to man,woman,car, animal? your 2 turbo can tapau my 318 or not? Turbo got power but YOU got weight power to weight latio fight oredi....

Today's what I call a counter balancing day...morning high with the Rambos and and now an evening low in the final, dying moments with my Blackberry. Tomorrow, I continue my professional life with the iPhone 3GS. Over past 9 years, I've used 5 Blackberrys..always on a continual upgrade mode and savour each new model release like a delighted school kid with another topping of ice cream. Blackberry has been good to me. Kept my personal and business data safe. Almost unhackable, can self destruct data when disconnected and for a long time, no camera option as an encryption device in itself. Baddie boy Edison Chen should have used a Blackberry. Yup, taking a break tomorrow from the Bimmer mods. Gonna check out the accessories for the 3GS and sample the 30,000 applications and the fabled iTune stores. One prime reason for the shift to iPhone is my deep admiration for Steve Jobs, a man truly committed to his passion and cause. My hero undoubtedly. The likes of Jobs comes but once, twice in a lifetime but they create a new world order in the wake of their dreams......anyone collecting his/hers tomorrow...lunch on me...


Thanks for the advice but I'm already committed to the exhaust, so will have to pick that one up first. Besides, as to varying views on whether this gives any extra ooomph or not, I think it does and I've come to the stage I have to see it and feel it for myself after reading so much, too much.

The brakes are certainly a worthy mod, no doubt about that from what I'm hearing but as someone said, it might well be worth waiting for the plug and play upgrades for the rear as well. This E46F ah, scared me a bit too much with those picts!
A friendly match to see the performance difference is always fun to do! A drag perhaps?

I was told by a friend from Germany that the US exhaust should give more power than the EURO model as the polution and noise standards are stricter in the EURO. Therefore EURO model will have to maintain within a strict level, means lower power.

No matter what, I personal prefer original mods on my car and BMW would definitely have done its homework to give the best to people like us! Other branded mods, might not be 100% compatible or give us the advantage that we thought it would.
Schwepps/Velocity - Drove Alpina 318i s when student in London. Bought new and shipped back after graduation. Now another weekend car. Would be bad taste to describe what it can do but Veloce bruddaa, can tapau your 2 turboh woh... NOT the car modding now....another weekend baby....

E46 - heard same over grapevine on 3GS but hell hath no fury like this geek scorned...will collect today come hell or high water...

JPB - good man! Respect people who make good their commitments. Am sure you'll have a blast (pun intended) with the exhaust. Had a peek at my Rambos this morning, and could'nt help grin like an's THAT great looking. It's my most satisfying add-on with the 19" rims. Perf brakes (front) are hottest sellers in the Perf range together with the double spoke rims as they're signature items. Don't wait for rear Bimbos with weakening RM...some gooood deals out there now! Rear Brembos not much difference when I checked out my Italia Bella Beast last nite shod with full Brembos . Rear ones smaller and with brake dust accumulation, not that visible anyway....

E90-3100 - am just like you man. Only PURE mmmmmm Bimmer stuff will do. What's those ACS, Hartge, Harmann ..hmmmmm... stuff again?

Veloce again - bruddah, add Perf Power Kit lah. Torque can shoot to 450Nm from 400 woh...can tapau Alpina 0 - 100 oredi...but over 100, Alpina tapau Turboh...ok or not...sooo bad one lah you...

Yes, Perf Power Kit now confined to twin turbos will be available to NA straight sixes later in year.....woooo hooooo! UAO..Ultimate Add On....

ryvinson;441583 said:
Schwepps/Velocity - Drove Alpina 318i s when student in London. Bought new and shipped back after graduation. Now another weekend car. Would be bad taste to describe what it can do but Veloce bruddaa, can tapau your 2 turboh woh... NOT the car modding now....another weekend baby....

E46 - heard same over grapevine on 3GS but hell hath no fury like this geek scorned...will collect today come hell or high water...

JPB - good man! Respect people who make good their commitments. Am sure you'll have a blast (pun intended) with the exhaust. Had a peek at my Rambos this morning, and could'nt help grin like an's THAT great looking. It's my most satisfying add-on with the 19" rims. Perf brakes (front) are hottest sellers in the Perf range together with the double spoke rims as they're signature items. Don't wait for rear Bimbos with weakening RM...some gooood deals out there now! Rear Brembos not much difference when I checked out my Italia Bella Beast last nite shod with full Brembos . Rear ones smaller and with brake dust accumulation, not that visible anyway....

E90-3100 - am just like you man. Only PURE mmmmmm Bimmer stuff will do. What's those ACS, Hartge, Harmann ..hmmmmm... stuff again?

Veloce again - bruddah, add Perf Power Kit lah. Torque can shoot to 450Nm from 400 woh...can tapau Alpina 0 - 100 oredi...but over 100, Alpina tapau Turboh...ok or not...sooo bad one lah you...

Yes, Perf Power Kit now confined to twin turbos will be available to NA straight sixes later in year.....woooo hooooo! UAO..Ultimate Add On....


Your Alpina 318i (E21) should be in the museum laa. no need to tapau me...i give a way one. and also any E90 with yellow front only big brakes...for safety bro, which E90 you having now?
velocity;441605 said:
Your Alpina 318i (E21) should be in the museum laa. no need to tapau me...i give a way one. and also any E90 with yellow front only big brakes...for safety bro, which E90 you having now?

You're not alone bro - if I see an E21 or E30 behind me I will give way too, but out of respect, not safety. :) I'm sure he has at least an E92 or E93 lah...not E90. Afterall, one who started with Blackberry when it was still only a 2-way pager before it turned into a push email device in 2002, and smartphone even later, must be one who constantly trades up. :wink:
Maybe E92 323, but cant be E93 cos that's spec'ed with rear BMW Performance brakes. He continues to keep us guessing. What an interesting fellow :)
Really? Y'know, that's interesting and why would they do that? I've always thought that the E9x is so balanced that more of the gripping and braking load goes to the rear than we think. The wider rear wheels for the 325 upwards are not just for looks, and I found out by measurement that my rear tyres wear at a much faster rate than my fronts. The Porsche 911 setup is actually designed that way, with extra fat wheels and braking bias to the rear.

Your earlier comments about bias and imbalance if only the front PBs are fitted make a lot of sense. :top: I'd better follow velocity's advice and give way to E90s with only big yellow brakes at the front too. And not follow one too closely either! :D
The vert is heavier in the rear, hence has the bigger uprated wheel carrier, ebrake, bearings, drive shaft etc which is compatible with the full performance brakes. Note that with the uprated extra load configuration suspension/drive parts of these cars, the unsprung weight has just increased. Maybe thats why some models (i..e our cars) get smaller, less durable rear suspension/drive components than others. Even the E93 320i is spec'ed with the full F+R BMW performance brakes and has the uprated extra load suspension/drive components.

As for performance I am pretty sure the E9x's with front only Perf brakes will out brake your car and is less prone to brake fade. No need to give way to them cos they will pass you, and brake later under braking zones :D
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