BMW Performance Mods

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ryvinson;442133 said:
Wow! Such eager beaver enthusiasm! My take on tracks is this - it just shows how SLOW not how FAST your normal garden variety car is UNLESS you're unleasing a 500 to 600 horses Godzilla. I mean if my machine is only good for say 250 to 300 ponies, I can afford to take a siesta on the straights with enough time to wake up before the hairpins. But to each his own....pardon the wet blanket character flaw.


Man we must be from different planets. I've driven around in 4 potters not even 200hp and its a darn good adrenalin rush on the track. You'll be soaked in sweat, heart racing and for first timers even hands shaking when you return to the pits wirh burning smell of brakes. Straights are the most boring part of the track to be honest.
E46Fanatic;442194 said:
Man we must be from different planets. I've driven around in 4 potters not even 200hp and its a darn good adrenalin rush on the track. You'll be soaked in sweat, heart racing and for first timers even hands shaking when you return to the pits wirh burning smell of brakes. Straights are the most boring part of the track to be honest.

Hahahaha... You're quite right mate. No matter what you're in, Enzo, Lp640, Carrera S, the straights just don't cut it unless you can eat the corners for breakfast. You remember Eeric with that Godzilla of a Mini, how he used to brake at the 50 yard mark and do what seem like an amazing 90 degree on Turn 1, what a contradiction in terms. He has a R35 GTR now after he got rid of the GT3 and I bet he's eating everyone alive on track. Oh BTW, he'll be there on Aug 10th. Hope I didn't spoil the surprise.

The best way to get him to take you round is to participate in BMW's Advance Driving Programme. Worth every buck.
E46 - never did say we're on same planet. As I said "to each his own" or "whatever floats your boat". Admire your gusto and'e a true petrol head! Part of the Alpina UK package then was a very understated "guide" to understanding the car's adrenaline-rush capababilities....more to me like "Hey,Mr Sucker, that's why you paid the Sterlings you did". So that includes an almost whole day of instructions and self tests at Brands Hatch/Silverstone.....and hence my loath and aversion for the tracks and my love for "fast & furious" style drives on fast, snaking stretches of roads in Klang Valley with like minded cronies at 3 am when the public's safely out of harm's way...and only my own worthless life to account for....ooooopsie, having made that revelation, now open to overt or covet bribery for the GPS coodinates where and when one can clear 300 kmh SAFELY without shaking like a leaf when the road reduces to a mere blur racing Xenons notwithstanding....

About time to straggle and swagger (?) back to this thread's subject matter on Perf Mods...the Odyssey continues. Watch this space......wooooooooo...
And one more thing E46 and DY........will never buy your rides now knowing what my Bladdah Veloce would describe as "oredi lup kau kau......"

Again, enjoy!
Errr...your 318 Alpina can clear 300kmh... Kinda JUST under F1 top speed huh? Not bad...:105:
ryvinson;441436 said:
What I can read Velocity saying is the idiocy of oneupmanship or brinksmanship...the relentless self imposed pressure to be one up over others or take risks (fools rush in where angels fear to thread) when the rest of the world is otherwise wiser ..simply to live up to peer pressure and expectations. Oneupmanship and brinksmanship certainly holds water when it comes to exclusive cars especially if one owns a ride that make others salivate and drool with envy. This is where a person's maturity, self confidence and intelligence comes in to personify one of my most inspirational of Chinese sayings .."Yi Shan Hai You Yi Shan Gao" loosely translated as "after one mountain comes another (taller) mountain" and loosely interpreted as "there's no limits to showing off". The analogous NIKE version would be "there's no finishing line". And so one needs to learn how draw to THAT line and say "enough" even if one disappoints. If one continues to seek endorsement or approval from others, the real persona in one will never stand up and be counted. And that indeed would be the saddest strory ever told.

Gee whiz! Now how did I philosophize and pontificate in the manner I have done above.........booooooo......

Why? Because methinks you subconsciously know the reasons for your posts.
Well hello there Schwepps my Fizz! Revisit my post pleeaze. I wrote "'s car can clear 300..." and with "like minded cronies". Do those innocous references suggest for one nanosecond that it's MY car. And why would my car be an Alpina at 3 am? Your assumptions and inferences are well intentioned I'm sure but not well founded. They amount to a false hyphothesis stemming from which a Fizzy Logic can only surface I'm afraid.

You may well be right on your second post on my subsconcious psyche to show off. A Freudian evaluation must surely be in order for one who can only thump his chests on humdrum odds and ends like air intakes, brakes, rims whilst in the process provides a Court Jester like entertainment on making a complete idiot of himself with continual self mockery of his warped values and self immolation of his dubious personality bordering on lunacy more times than not. Yes, Fizzy (not Fuzzy) Logic would suggest that the masochistic well exhibited, exemplified and woven through 11 pages of this thread... to self humuliate should indeed be construed as clear signs and irrevocable acts of "oneupmanship" and "brinksmanship". To that charge, Justice Fizz, I plead guilty. Yay!

Cmon Fizz! Ease up man! All good, clean fun....and I provide the laughs at my expense. Try not to peer too deeply into the recesses of the Freudian great unknowns and constructing assumptions along The Big Bang and E=MC square proportions, you TOO can idle brag and post like the perfect imbecile like me.....woooooo hooooo...!

BTW, if you refer to Motor Trader, those Platinum classfied cars can clear 300 with a yawn....

ryvinson;442237 said:
And one more thing E46 and DY........will never buy your rides now knowing what my Bladdah Veloce would describe as "oredi lup kau kau......"

Again, enjoy!

As with human nature. A thousand reasons not to and only one needed to.

We certainly will :D
Ahhh the irrepressible E46...couldn't have said it better myself mate! That's the spirit! The world needs more people like you. TT yam seng the next time with your mates....

ryvinson;442237 said:
And one more thing E46 and DY........will never buy your rides now knowing what my Bladdah Veloce would describe as "oredi lup kau kau......"

Again, enjoy!

bmw cars must 'lup kau kau' one ... if not the car will be slow n sluggish. tat's y DY car was the champion stock e90 325!
Breaking news! BMW Perf aerodynamic spoilers done.....!

Ahhhhh...collected the ride 2 hours ago. Beaming with pride and satisfaction at the front and back spoilers even as the glue has yet to set. Mission Spoilers had all the high drama and high octane excitement of a covert military operation. Air freighted spoilers arrived on Friday evening. And then it was a mad, frenzied rush to the workshop on Saturday morning for the spray painting job. Bimmer renown workshop was packed to the rafters but careful relationship nurturing over the years saw my spoilers prioritized for the de rigieur oven bake! This is the BEST workshop bar none for Bimmer crash and spray jobs. The workshop did me proud....again. Colour coded spray job was perfect...the sprayed spoilers could have just rolled off the factory production line, and one couldn't have noticed the difference with a trained eye. And then I watched with bated breath the installation job...the moment of truth. I balked when the installer threw away the all critical factory glue and thumbed his nose at the factory installation guide. Has he done a similar job before? An emphatic NO! But man, did he know what he was doing....flawlessly and effortlessly the spoilers found their pre-ordained spots on the car's front and rears. The visual effect was mind blowing.....a car transfomed from a Mother Theresa to a Genghiz Khan stance and profile. BUT more akin to Genghiz Khan in tuxedo than combat regalia....aggression masked by subdued elegance with the spoilers blending seamlessly with the car's contours. Mmmmmmmmmmm....a happy man yet again! And garbed now with the 19" wheels, Rambo Brembos and spoilers, the car's external visuals are almost complete save for the non mandatory carbon front splitters and side mirror caps in carbon! Yay!

My thread's caption as "BMW Performance Mods" is a misnomer on reflection. What I had clearly and purposefully set out to achieve with my Bimmer was "customization" not "modification". The former is about tailoring a particular car to the owner's personal style and individual taste. By that definition, the critical success factor must therefore result in a customized a car differentiated from cars of similar ilk as no two individuals are the same barring conjoined Siamese twins. Yes, I'm pleased to say that at these infant stages of transformation, my car is taking on a persona running almost in tandem with scary and disdainful as that may sound given my "enfant terrible" persona.....booooo...!

I sleep well tonite. It will take a 9.0 Richter/Hiroshima scale quake to wipe that silly grin off my face...but the grin will be shortlived for the sexy carbon fibre strut brace awaits...impatiently...another high drama for another posting!


wat an interesting 'shakespeare' story telling-like introductory that could have been well articulated by a couple of pictures...very impressed tat you have plenty of patience n time, bravo!

post up some pics bro!

pardon me if you find it offensive otherwise...
Yo Spaceman! Of course you're pardoned my son! How can I, or anyone, possibly cast poor blame on someone falling so far short of the basic humour, intelligence, respect, good manners and a general comprehension of "O' level English needed to appreciate a rudimentary articulation of my simple endeavour for the benefit of many? Like the time honoured saying goes, one can choose one's lover, friends, foes...but NOT one's parents. See, see, how can I possibly NOT pardon you? If indeed you're in dire need of pictures to compensate for a serious grey matter deficiency, may I suggest comics instead? Comics may possibly satisfy a juvenile short attention span attested by yawns of the nature you displayed. Or a subsconscious reflection of the gravita lacking in understanding what you're reading.

Do have a good day sir, and thank you for your interest in my thread.....
Use the 3GS to snap the bodykit pics and post em here. I'm curious on the quality of the new camera.
E46Fanatic;442760 said:
Use the 3GS to snap the bodykit pics and post em here. I'm curious on the quality of the new camera.

for all u know, he's practicing his o-level essay and day dreaming about having a car customisation while he's at it. left the rest of yall wander in fantasy...
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