Bardahl No.1 vs X1R

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Dec 8, 2004
Ever since I own a car, have been using engine oil additives ... coz i dont use fully-syn oil ... coz service requirement was every 5k kms (cars under warranty). Been using Bardahl No.1 for a long time & seems engine run a bit quieter. Years ago when the product first came, they tested on a Proton .... poured it in, run it a while, then drain it out completely (just like the X1R advertisement re the plane) ... car then travelled from Penang to KL or was it all the way to JB? ... the car made the journey without any engine oil! So now that my ride is on fully-syn Shell Helix Ultra every 10k kms, do i need such additives ..... & which is better (notwithstanding Bardahl No.1 is only RM12 from AAM shop & X1R is RM68)?
I'm not a fan of engine oil additive. have been using Q8 fully syn oil and it's been serving the engine well....
Have stopped using oil additives for all my cars... believe the frequent and regular change of engine oil should suffice. The amount of money spent on not using the oil additives can pay towards more frequent engine oil changes. :rolleyes:
Hi Stephen,

I strongly recomend X1R as it is the only 3rd generation oil. You see, how X1R works is that it actually penetrates the loose molecules on the surface of the metal thus making it not only strong, but also slippery. You see there are tons of additives out there in the market, but most of them are actually viscocity modifiers ( I guess that sentence alone will explaine what it does...) which comes under the category of 1st generation additives. Whilst it works (to a certain extent...) the technology these additives have were developed during world war 2 I suppose.... since then engines, fuel and other things have advanced.

Now the 2nd generation additives are the ones that are charged up magnetically so which means it bonds with the metal surfaces in the engine. These additives are great, but once again you cant call it the latest technology when it was developed sometime in the 80's I think.

X1R is the only 3rd generation additive in the market. It was developed by Sun Coast Chemicals USA for the 12 million pound space shuttle transpoter. Its is called the 3rg generation additive because like I said it will penetrate the surfaces of your engine by 1 micron, thats how thick one strand of your hair is.

Check out

you will get more info from this web site.

I have used X1R before in my old 525 with M20 engine. I must say it works, but as in many things in life, it can get expensive as every oil change you need to empty one bottle!. RM 68 not a cheap addition t oil change costs.

The M20 engine runs smoother and quieter and most noticably the temp guage is nearer to 11 oclock mark than dead on 12 oclock normal temp mark.

After two uses, I stopped. If you want to sell your car, maybe get one bottle in and the perspective buyer would be impressed by your engine!!!.
I have actually used x1R on my previous cars ... at least twice on each car. Frankly i do not notice much difference with these additives, more physcological i think. I pour them in with the thought that they are well developed & must be doing something good. In fact, when i sold my previous car, the buyer was looking in the boot & was impressed when he saw the empty x1R there!
Originally posted by stephen@Apr 21 2005, 01:37 PM
I have actually used x1R on my previous cars ... at least twice on each car. Frankly i do not notice much difference with these additives, more physcological i think. I pour them in with the thought that they are well developed & must be doing something good. In fact, when i sold my previous car, the buyer was looking in the boot & was impressed when he saw the empty x1R there!
And ther u havit...X1R does work! :rofl: :D :yahoo:
I use X1R because of Mr Vice Pres!!!! I guess that make me beleive that it works :) :) :)
Originally posted by PGF2609@Apr 21 2005, 04:36 AM
I use X1R because of Mr Vice Pres!!!! I guess that make me beleive that it works :) :) :)
No coment from our Vice President? :D
i was discouraged by the kwai los for using additives, they say it somehow damage the engine in the long run. i was told to use plain ol skool black oil and follow the serivce timeline faithfully. not that i'm saying oil additives are bad. as far as i'm concern i tried all kinds of additives and they felt the same to me. no changes in anything. so in my 2cnts opinion, additives are a waste of money. the thing about oil additives is that it may or may not work on the car but it sure makes the owner able to sleep better at nite for not worrying too much about the ride
Originally posted by Lionel_Koh@Apr 26 2005, 10:35 AM
Agreed with fabian, used Q8 and u will get the performance that u wanted :D
You can try Chemlube too. It works for me :D
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