any1 seen her ?? ( Sahrlinie mohd nashar )

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Dec 4, 2004
400 GOF men join house-to-house searchBy KULDEEP S. JESSYPETALING JAYA: About 400 General Operations Force (GOF) personnel from the Northern Brigade have been deployed to Petaling Jaya and Sentul to assist in the search for missing five-year-old Sharlinie Mohd Nashar. The GOF’s first mission began here at 5am yesterday when they searched occupied and unoccupied premises in the district. Yesterday, a team comprising GOF personnel, police officers and a forensic unit screened 79 foreigners and detained 33 illegal immigrants, including three women and a toddler, at a construction site kongsi in PJS 3 here for not having any valid travel documents. OCPD Asst Comm Arjunaidi Mohamed said: “Our efforts have intensified now that we have the assistance of the GOF personnel.” Search operation: GOF personnel and plainclothes police officers standing guard over foreign workers who were rounded up at a construction site kongsi in PJS 3, Petaling Jaya.“Our search also includes premises in the PJ Selatan area near the Kuala Lumpur border,” he said. ACP Arjunaidi said police had since Sunday searched some 10,000 premises, checking an average of about 1,000 homes per day. He said they hoped to cover more homes with the deployment of the GOF. He said a police forensic team followed the search party to collect DNA samples. ACP Arjunaidi said they had yet to obtain any lead on the woman and white van which was recently spotted in Cheras with a girl resembling Sharlinie. He said they wanted the caller who gave the initial information to contact the police as they needed further details. ACP Arjunaidi also said the 16-year-old boy who was detained for sending out false SMSes and extorting money from the girl's parents was released on police bail yesterday. The boy was arrested in on Jan 16 at his house in Bagan Serai, Perak. Hope someone could find her ...... lets look out for her .......
Hope she would be found safely soon. Pity the girl & family. Nowadays everywhere is not safe anymore:burnout:
very funny la...police can find robbers in a matter of a few come so hard tp find sharlinie..very odd
nabhal138;284356 said:
very funny la...police can find robbers in a matter of a few come so hard tp find sharlinie..very odd

robbers surely leave their trail
robbers saiz besar. kereta curi, duit curi, everything also can be traced.

small young kid, just give her a haircut, diff clothes, then she'll look totally different.

how to cari unless use public eyes!
Sad but such incident will wake people up, reminding all that our neighborhood is not that safe.

Yesterday in Star paper, there's one section that says "Don't blame the cops for rise in crime"

Then blame the govenerment lor... for:

~ poor education system,
~ poor living standard condition,
~ poor management of foreign labors,
~ poor value and purchasing power of Ringgit,
~ poor minimum income level,
~ poor majority of the nation..what 95% cannot afford a brand new beemer which almost includes me.. :(

Our new Penang bridge also another screw up for being sued for damages over copyright matter... how interesting!? Why all these before election?!
astroboy, agreed.... cars are too expensive considering the meagre income we have. haihs... so ppl resort to kidnapping la, robbing la, snatching la...

here buy 200k car u considered upper class, in UK u get a UK$175k porsche turbo, u considered super car guy liao. here only can get 3-series base version. haihs.... sien
bottom line...
the gov is not doing their job very well
how to educate the public if they themselves dont know how to behave well???
While we rant and rave about the police and the government, we should also blame the parents!!

So smart to make children but don't know how to take care of them. Perhaps we should start teaching parents to be on how to be responsible parents like "kursus ibubapa" (similar to kursus perkahwinan).

How often we see or heard that children are closer to their maids rathen than their parents?

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