ALBundy;570098 said:
..As for BMW Driver Training, most likely 2 vouchers will be given and it's RM1700 each, irrespective of whether one is BMW owner or not!
Ops.. I remember they increase the price this year.. from RM1,700 and also remember seeing the RM3k for non BMW owners.. Thanks for the head up! :top:
As for the goody pack, things are not finalised especially from Continental sides. We have to give them a participant list first for whatever the reason. Also some sponsors' commitment were verbal. We do not want to disappoint attendees if certain goody didn't come in as promised.
I'm certain attendee don't join just because of the content of the goody bag. Let's treat the goody bag as a door gift, which it is, and let you all "unwrap" and discover its content! Appreciate for your understanding. :wink:
And for the program of the evening.. let's keep it mysterious. U wouldn't want to find out how the movie would end before watching it.. if resources permit, you should see a program book on the table when u arrive.. :wink:
As for the food menu, I believe it should be finalised by now because we have our very own Chief Chef examining and tweaking the menu personally while our President were out of the country. Few menus were offered but many factors to consider, and as usual, we always start with the most expensive one..
so its more like a mix and match thing and certainly we won't stinge or short change on the food menu. Cost of materials have shot up double digit lately, we will try our level best to match if not better compare to what you all had last year.
Thanks for the valuable suggestion. :top:
Meanwhile, stay tuned for more updates..