Jay sambil sengih: Hooray, setelah kian lama menunggu aku menang 1st prize dei... awal pagi besok aku nak pi pasang exhos pastu bagi Blackcat bau asap...yabadabadu:thefinger:
Dzul sambil sengih: Ekekekekek, Jay thinks he won the best prize but look at this trophy I'm holding la wei, malam nanti kasi robek sama dia:thefinger:
Jay sambil sengih: Hooray, setelah kian lama menunggu aku menang 1st prize dei... awal pagi besok aku nak pi pasang exhos pastu bagi Blackcat bau asap...yabadabadu:thefinger:
Dzul sambil sengih: Ekekekekek, Jay thinks he won the best prize but look at this trophy I'm holding la wei, malam nanti kasi robek sama dia:thefinger:
Jay sambil sengih: Hooray, setelah kian lama menunggu aku menang 1st prize dei... awal pagi besok aku nak pi pasang exhos pastu bagi Blackcat bau asap...yabadabadu:thefinger:
Dzul sambil sengih: Ekekekekek, Jay thinks he won the best prize but look at this trophy I'm holding la wei, malam nanti kasi robek sama dia:thefinger:
:smokin:sure or not ... .... I wait for your ride to be ready ... I will also put more pipes into my disel...pipe air .. smoking pipe.... and lastly my Hartge piggy back ....:top::top::top: ...:rock: