Aircond making some noise

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Apr 27, 2005
Hi sifus,My aircond when i turn it on it is making some soft squeeky noise like the noise of a boiling water in a kettle. The noise is not that loud but annoying enough to make me turn off the a/c. My wife said it's too soft but i was wondering if this is a norm for the a/c to make some boiling water noise. The a/c blower should not make that kinda noise right?Plz let me know as if i need to send it in, i will send it in for checkup. :unsure:
boiling not sure...but then if it is then bird chirping noise...confirm the blower is faulty
Last i checked its about RM500 for the blower and you'll need to take your dashboard apart. I decided to live with the f--king bird....
3er, if you were quoted RM500 it's cheap man. is it original? for e46 or what?

tell us where you asked. i must remember just in case my bird start chirping!
Heritage. For E46.
I didnt ask if it was ori or new or whatever. I was just not interested since mine was still working except for the noise.
(I could be wrong about the price though cos i didnt feel like spending it and promptly tossed it out of my head.)
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