Accident la pulak!

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Club Guest
Nov 30, 2006
Today while heading toward Low Yat along jalan bulan 1 from jalan Imbi, a Kembara suddenly came out from Sg Wang basement parking hit my car on the driver side, causing both doors dented pretty bad. The driver was a young amoi, claiming that she didn't see me... :rolleyes: I made a police report, but the (dis)interesting points I heard there are: :listen:1. Since my insurance is 3rd party, I have to claim direct from her insurance company2. Her insurance company will wait for the police report from her side before doing anything - sending adjuster, etc.3. Until she made her report, there is nothing I can do about it4. The police will send letter(s) of warning to her to report within 2 weeks if 24 hours has passed. If she still do not report, the worst thing that will happen to her is that she will get blacklisted, and will not be able to renew her roadtax5. I cannot repair my car until she reported or else her insurance will not entertain my claim because it has not been assessed by their adjuster.So, I was wondering, what's the fuss about having to report within 24 hours all about, if the best thing the police will do is send letters??? It seems now that whether I can claim for the damages depends on whether or not she report. :stupid: I didn't have opportunity to contact her insurance company today. Will do that tomorrow to listen from their side.
my deepest sympathy to your damages. Hopefully it can be repaired ASAP.

Interesting story on the 3rd party insurance. Never heard of it. Had an experience quarelling with a Traffic Sergeant on not reporting in 24 hours which he made a damn big deal about it and wanted to charge penalty of rm300 even though my friend actually hit a cow and even the cow did not die, it ran away but the front of his kancil was really bad, car had to be towed. He went to do the report the next day coz he was working and he got in trouble for not reporting. Sergeant actually wanted something else $$$ coz the law requires accident cases to be reported within 24 hours.

Another incident, a mat rempit school boy who was racing hit a friend's wira, mat rempit panicked, stood up, started his bike and ran away. This guy just decided to skip police report and just fixed his car. Proton Wira, small hit but damage was bad. A month after that, he got a call from police and he confirmed he had an accident and he kena fine of rm300 for not reporting the accident and a lawyer later called for accident damages claim made by the father of the kid who claimed to be riding the car and hit by this guy and claimed the car driver left. Case is still in court.

So, we do need to make a report of any accident in 24 hours right as a protection to ourselves from such bogus claims and liabilities? right?

Yes, please do a report. If you have passed the 24hrs period, you might wanted to 'change' the accident date. It's easier if all party involved agreed. In case of hitting a cow, the cow won't realize what time / date he's been hit anyway hehe.

I'm not sure if point #4 is correct. Who told you? The Polis will go after everyone (even in this minor accident case) if they didn't report the accident? That's one hell lot of work to do!
aRRrgghh;281311 said:
Yes, please do a report. If you have passed the 24hrs period, you might wanted to 'change' the accident date. It's easier if all party involved agreed. In case of hitting a cow, the cow won't realize what time / date he's been hit anyway hehe.

yes, that was my point to the traffic sergeant, I told him he hit a cow which did not even die and cows can not speak when was the accident, nobody died so just change the the accident date la coz this guy was genuinely tied up with his work. I told him, tarak budi bicara ka? Some discretion please? and he said the law is report accident in 24 hours and he applies the same law to everyone.

The best thing to do is to go to the police station with the offender even if you have to threaten the living daylights out of them. That's what I tried to do in my last encounter but the amoi refused so I told her which station I was going to. Thankfully, she went to the same police station the next day and reported to the same sergeant. This resulted in case close and full police report within 48 hours (I was impressed!). Since I had comprehensive coverage with OAC (which has served me well for so many years!), they paid for repairs first but didn't penalise my NCB cos they then claimed from the offenders' insurance. Undoubtedly, the quick response from police and favorable investigation findings helped!!
Firstly, did you get any information about the insurance company from the other party?

My advise is to call the person who is responsible for your damage to settle outside and withdraw your police report. You might have to pay a bit from your own pocket but the advantage is that you don't have to wait.
bro, really sorry to hear tat dude .................byk2 lah bersabar
Thanks for the reply guys ;) Really appreciate it.

Planta, your cow nemesis friend eventually turn up for report, that's why he kena one. What if he didn't at all? Your wira friend then admitted to the police that he actually involved in the accident without knowing what "accident story" the boy has made to the police. If he didn't admit, that boy & his lawyer will definitely had to fabricate witnesses. In my case, I didn't make up any "emotionally provocative" story that will make the sarjan pity me and decided to go after the kembara driver even in lubang cacing.

Arrgghh, the report has already been made and the officer told me that when I asked him about the procedures for me to repair my car and the claim process. Got any source to prove or disprove this?

Juan, I wish she hit my at the right moment place, I can even let her have a fun ride in my 7 series to the police station ;) But I was transporting several vip foreigners from my principal company to a meeting and I couldn't spend much time on the accident. I only reported after everything is finished late last night. I was informed that she when to the station after I left but didn't make any report yet (wonder why? maybe a friend was just showing her how to get to the station?).

Jarance, she kept telling me hers is Kurnia but the officer told me she had Jerneh. I wonder who's telling the truth :rolleyes:. I doubt she's willing to compensate outside. The doors themselves (ketuk/replace) will cost more than the summon she had to pay if she reported. All I need is just her report... hmmm...

My damage:

Her damage:

Will check again for her report this evening...
Chinese say "Low Kow", Malay say "Lecer", orang putih say "Messy"...

Every such situation is different because it heavily depends on the seriousness of the damage suffered by both party.

If report, the offender will definitely be slapped with a RM300 compound.

For me, to report or not, depending on:

1. If one party admit fault and agree to fix both damages from the his/her own pocket. Then Happy ending. RM300 compound saved! or rather funding the repair work. Both party must agree la.

2. If cannot agree on settlement, then go Police Station together, if possible. If not, like Juan mentioned, go to the same Police Station to report at their own convenience within 24 hours, report to the same Officer. I will tell the offender that he will lose RM300 compound + NCB. If I'm the offender, I would definitely want to avoid that. Losing my NCB + the compound can add up to near 10k... :(

Agree with aRRrgghh on point #4, warrant of arrest should be issued by court and officers will be despatched on knock on the offender's door to detain him/her.

U think if I ran over someone or perhaps killed the poor fella (touch wood..choi!..choi!..choi!..) and I can get away with just a penalty of unable to renew roadtax??!!! :stupid:

Ur damage is buy 2 pintu, spray and pasang la.. how much agak agak? Paint job easily RM200 lio.. RM100 per pintu can get ah? So RM500 kao tim! Get the Kembara amoi to pay la. Her car no big deal la. Just a RM50 touch up. I think losing her NCB is more!!

Come, let's give the amoi a call!! Phone number please.. :D

Or get redbaron to disguise as Inspector or Constable to call her. With the husky voice and tone, she would probably wet her little pantee... :D
adoi.. sorry for you bro.
This sucks. Get the phone number of the IO (Investigation Officer), build a relationship with him/her and do the 20 cent face. The officer can kawtim this faster.
i think the ah moi tot you were too handsome la, and wanted to 'ram' you. but then she forgot she was driving a car. :D

hope you get her to 'pay' for the damages. if you cannot handle her alone, i'm sure a lot of healthy young male members here will be happy to lend a pants, i mean hand. :D :D
eh bro, sorry & sad to hear bout yr car la.....

btw, if u need any assistance on regards to your car claiming thingy, just let me know ya, i got 1 kaki doing this claiming thingy.

maybe u discuss wit him on d solution...insya'allah.. PM me !!

p/s: so far few of my frens never complaint bout this kaki assistance la....
find out who the amoi is, her address... her hp number... her name... her everything... then... muahahahahahaa
AlexNg;281449 said:
find out who the amoi is, her address... her hp number... her name... her everything... then... muahahahahahaa

then... take her out for candlelight dinner? I would call her to see if this can be settled privately i.e. pay for the cost of repair. You can allude to her that she failed to make a police report and that can get her into more trouble.
Then u tell her.. "HOR! U damn jia lat lio... either u listen to me tonight, or take your breakfast in the lokap tomorrow morning....." hehehehheeeeeee........ "fist rubbing*
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