bmw7833, B4 is gas but our ori is oil. If I am not mistaken, they behave a bit different, right? What if I change only rear, meaning front still oil, rear is air? Will the car feel imbalance? Or should I change all 4.
My rear absorber is dying, can see oil stain, means leaking. Somemore can feel the rear has lost dampening power, immediately bounce back. I think time to change, but the front is still ok. Also wondering why the rear give up earlier together(both got oil leak) then front, may be i hardly have any passenger at the back?
Well, I am looking at Sachs, B4 or B6. Nothing will go wrong with Sachs or Boge. Just no idea about the B4 or B6. I just want a firmer ride vs current one, preferebly reduce the "leaning when entering corner" the rest of what ori is offering are ALL ok to me... May be Sachs safer, huh...