Which is more problematic: BMW E60 525i or Honda Accord 2.4 VTi-L?

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Eggie86;645970 said:
Come come join the 5 silis gang.

Why not consider the E39 too? Loads of members here owning some pretty impressive E39s too. EL118 is one of them. :biggrin:

I've actually also thought of getting an E39 first to get a feel of BM characters first, then maybe upgrade it to E60 after a year. But a mechanic advised me against getting too old an unit as lots of parts may require changing. What say you?
Just grab the BMW.
I have been driving 3 generations of Honda Accord for the past 15 years, the last being the 2.4L version of the 7th generation.
All my 3 Accords had not given me any major problems, but I just couldn't recall if at any point of time, that I ever enjoyed my driving.

Just got my 528i exactly a month ago, and guess what, I traversed some 2500 km in just a few days' time, and I have to say that's the greatest driving experience I ever had.
For long distance traveling, I usually need to "beg" my wife to help in driving when I feel tired, but nowadays, we are fighting to drive the BMW :)
Even from the very first day I drove it back from the dealer, I "took the long way home". I'm truly convinced it is an UDM.

The only regret is that I didn't get one 10 years ago, just couldn't afford it at that time.
I dont think u can save a lot from changing parts if u acquire an 2004 e60. The e60 is full of electronic thingy compare to e39. I never own an e60 but i believe the parts price is a bit higher than e39.

Normally the e39 owners stay for e39 because the sexy body line, at least for me.
Eggie86;645925 said:
Well said bro.

I've lost count of the number of times I purposely took my car out for a spin just to enjoy getting behind the wheel.

She might be old, showing signs of clear coat failure and all, but yet, she has continued to serve me well. Almost clocking 250K miles soon.


:listen: kanot agree with you more eggie ... my 2004 model bought in 2005 has given me 299K of Sheer Driving Pleasure and its not showing any sign of slowing down :top:
comparing an E60 to an Accord..? how did those two get to be in the same sentence anyway?
dzuljazz2001;646065 said:
:listen: kanot agree with you more eggie ... my 2004 model bought in 2005 has given me 299K of Sheer Driving Pleasure and its not showing any sign of slowing down :top:

Wah! Your 2004 model has more mileage than my 97 E38... respect!

I have to agree with my fellow BMW owners above... they don't call it a UDM for nothin. Even my old 14 year old car drives better than the Accord.

Sorry to sidetrack, but have you considered a 7? :D
sevenor;645878 said:
Hi all, I'm new to this forum so I hope you guys will be gentle with me. :)

As I'm undecided which of the two cars below to buy, I would like advice from all of you sifus here with regards to which one of them is more reliable: BMW E60 525i or Honda Accord 2.4 VTi-L?

Because from what I gather, correct me if I'm wrong, it seems that our climate is not too kind to BMW engines, so much so radiator water leakage seem to be quite a common problem here. Transmission gear slippage, ATF oil leakage and what not also quite prevalent.

As my budget is only RM175K maximum, I can only buy, maybe, a 2004-6 E60 M Sport 525i whereas for the same amount I can get myself a brand new Accord. Unfortunately, I love driving, therefore I'm tempted to go for the BM to have a taste of the UDM's handling. My concern is the hefty BM bills later.

Please kindly advise. Thanks in advance.
But by posting it in BMW forum, do you expect the members to recommend otherwise? Try asking the same question in the Honda Club website.
Seriously, if you are looking for reliability and maintenance free for the next 3 years. You cannot go wrong with a brand new car. No heartaches, headaches and sleepless nights wondering what is next on the repair list and not to mention the savings $$$.

I'll go with the new car!
get an older e34 535 and whack all the way to red line and after a couple of years using it ..you'll still fetch about the same price .... :)
I don't think reliability is a major consideration for those wanting to buy a BMW. Most BMW owners buy one because they WANT one. I would think that most Honda owners would aspire to own one and based on my non-scientific observations, I think most ex-Honda owners end up buying a BMW.

Honestly, there is NO WAY a used E60 would be more reliable than a new Accord. The question is whether you are in love with the BMW or you just want a mode of transport......
EL118;645910 said:
Frankly speaking, BMW is excellent for manouvering and "status" . in terms of reliability still lags behind the Japanese car (i would say generally). Maintenance also much more. (the average maintenance for my Camry is approx RM1k-2k per year but be prepared for up to 5 times more with a BMW)

Nevertheless, there are so many "Die hard" BMW fans here who always cried foul every time served with the maintenance bill. but ask them to change to Japanese marque is like asking a 16 year old virgin for one nite stand.

you have to decide for yourself what is your priority. if reliability and maintenance are your main concern, then choose Accord. but be prepared that you might feel "less kick" when you see BMWs driving around you. you would not understand why BMW owners always "take the long way home" until you have driven one yourself.

Note: in case you do not understand the phrase " take the long way home". it means the owners purposely drive a couple of miles more before they reach home because they enjoy their ride too much.

Just to add to what's already the truth (above), once i'm on a highway, i don't wanna get off it!
After owning 3 different models of BMWs over the past 15 years. I will never switch to another make. Had the opportunity or should I say misfortune of owning other makes before but thank God I now own a BMW. Was debating between the X1 and the CRV for the wife. And after taking into consideration price and size, we went for the CRV. Biggest mistake we made.
Even my kids choose BMW:top:..why should i drive an accord?:stupid:
dzuljazz2001;646065 said:
:listen: kanot agree with you more eggie ... my 2004 model bought in 2005 has given me 299K of Sheer Driving Pleasure and its not showing any sign of slowing down :top:

Bro, Miles ah? Hehe. Awesome man! :top:
bimmerholic;646202 said:
Just to add to what's already the truth (above), once i'm on a highway, i don't wanna get off it!

Correction mate. Need to do so when the fuel gauge is running on low... :biggrin:
You must be thinking that I'm mad for ditching a 7 yrs old Honda Accord (2 years back) for a 13 yrs old E36. Yes, the Accord is reliable but at the same time it gets me less involved with the car. Less involved = less attachment = boring.

Yes, the E36 needs more TLC (and also deeper pocket), but all the pain of maintaining it is gone, everytime you push it to corners (RWD = happy), take it to redline and travelling well above national speed limit.

The only thing I regret is...why didn't I discover BMW earlier?
Drer;646045 said:
Just grab the BMW.
I have been driving 3 generations of Honda Accord for the past 15 years, the last being the 2.4L version of the 7th generation.
All my 3 Accords had not given me any major problems, but I just couldn't recall if at any point of time, that I ever enjoyed my driving.

Just got my 528i exactly a month ago, and guess what, I traversed some 2500 km in just a few days' time, and I have to say that's the greatest driving experience I ever had.
For long distance traveling, I usually need to "beg" my wife to help in driving when I feel tired, but nowadays, we are fighting to drive the BMW :)
Even from the very first day I drove it back from the dealer, I "took the long way home". I'm truly convinced it is an UDM.

The only regret is that I didn't get one 10 years ago, just couldn't afford it at that time.

Actually I've also been driving two generations of Accords since 2000, but not the new model. I find them ok only, not too bad yet not really exciting. A little sluggish, in fact, unless I really step hard and fast on the accelerator then only it comes to life. As I've never driven a BM I can't really compared the two marques.

With so many of you guys urging me on to buying a BMW, how not to get one huh? ;-) But if I do buy one, it will be to kill two birds with one stone, that is, buying myself a car and a toy at the same time. Wish me luck guys. Hehehe.
Go go go, you might even be tempted to buy a diesel [320d, 520d] once you test drive one...

Now that's a whole new ballpark bro. :biggrin:
if you like driving, you will think this way after owning a bmw.
"Driving can be this fun?" "I should have got myself 1 earlier instead of trying this & that, arh...!"

Guess what, I don't think I have use cruise control for more then 5times of my car, coz driving it is so fun, I dowan to spoil it.

Also, unless really important stuff, or when I am infront of traffice light, i ignore phone calls and messages. "Get out of my way! I am in the middle of enjoying my drive"

Driving, can be very personal.
Vroom325;646318 said:
if you like driving, you will think this way after owning a bmw.
"Driving can be this fun?" "I should have got myself 1 earlier instead of trying this & that, arh...!"

Guess what, I don't think I have use cruise control for more then 5times of my car, coz driving it is so fun, I dowan to spoil it.

Also, unless really important stuff, or when I am infront of traffice light, i ignore phone calls and messages. "Get out of my way! I am in the middle of enjoying my drive"

Driving, can be very personal.

Well said Garfield bro. :p

PS: Btw, coming for Subang TT this week? Do join us! :biggrin:
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