voltage stabilizer

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Club Guest
Dec 8, 2004
guys, what do u think about the voltagge stabilizer in the market, for example pivot???? does it really helps??? i notice that at night when i drive with my reading light on, there will be a dim in the light when ever i step on the brake... that consider quite unstable on the voltage right????
Originally posted by willie@Sep 21 2005, 07:56 AM
guys, what do u think about the voltagge stabilizer in the market, for example pivot???? does it really helps??? i notice that at night when i drive with my reading light on, there will be a dim in the light when ever i step on the brake... that consider quite unstable on the voltage right????
If your reading light dimmed when you step on the brake, then you have some problems with your electrical system.

1. bad earthing due to dry or corroded joints.
2. alternator not producing enough power to charge your battery and accesories.

Voltage stabilizer are just gimmick that is being market by ppl. For normal car, these device is a waste of money. Unless you have a very expensive ICE (Hi-fi) in your car that need very stable voltage in order to operate, don't waste your money.
how to know if the alternator got problem????and how much is it if it really got problem???

for bad earthing how to check?? a very troublesome procedure to check right???

Originally posted by willie@Sep 21 2005, 12:20 PM
how to know if the alternator got problem????and how much is it if it really got problem???

for bad earthing how to check?? a very troublesome procedure to check right???

To check the alternator, just go any battery shop. They have an ammeter which is connected in series with the battery terminals. When the car is running, the amp output from the alternator should comes to about the rating of the alternator. You can also use an DC clamp on ammeter (range about 200 amp) to do thee job. The clamp on ammeter do not required one of the wire to be disconnected from the battery terminals.

For bad earthing, there are many ways to check.

1. check for worn out or rusty terminals. Rust are bad conductor.
2. Use a heavy duty cable and clamp it at the negative terminal of the battery. You can use the battery jumper wire (rated to about 400 amp). Clamp the other part to the front of the car body. If the problem ceased after you have done it, then your problem is due to bad contact. Some of the accessories shop do "extra" earthing. Some people claimed that their Hi-Fi sound better after the earthing is done..
3. Sometimes, the problem could be also caused by bad insulation of some of the wire hardness etc. This problem is very hard to detect. Only you can know as you are driving the car constantly.
how much is a new alternator or can i service my alternator??? how much is a reconditioned one????
Originally posted by willie@Sep 21 2005, 12:44 PM
how much is a new alternator or can i service my alternator??? how much is a reconditioned one????
yes you can service the alternator if the carbon brush is worn out.

New one can cost to about RM1500.

recon can cost about RM600 to RM800.
what will happen if i ignore this problem, since i don't have much difficulty with that??? if alternator gone, means can't charge the battery, so the car can't move right???? for bad earthing what will happen if i just ignore that???

thanks thanks jarance for ur fast reply
Originally posted by willie@Sep 21 2005, 12:56 PM
what will happen if i ignore this problem, since i don't have much difficulty with that??? if alternator gone, means can't charge the battery, so the car can't move right???? for bad earthing what will happen if i just ignore that???

thanks thanks jarance for ur fast reply
if it is the alternator problem, it is better to get it repair ASAP. You cannot afford to run the car without the alternator because the ignition need the power. Your battery need to be charged in order to crank the engine when the car is stopped.

bad earthing is quite normal for a car that is more than 6 years old. You can improved the contact resistance by removing all the bolt and wire brush the surface with a wire brush or fine sandpaper. Apply copper grease to freshly bare surface for protection against future rust.
& if u find this kno what & kno how all too much of a hassle, u can always resort to taking it to an auto electrical wireman in ur neighborhood. :D
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