Hi all,I am currently looking for a UDM, been going thru the 'Car for Sale' section in this forum, mudah.com, motor trader, car list on daily basis. I'm pretty clear on my budget (plus some set aside for immediate works to replace wear n tear), which model etc.But I'm really worried that I'd make a horrible mistake of buying a real bad car as, (i) firstly there are not that many of the model (3L e39 and e46) around, (ii) I have little knowledge in identifying problems (or at least the major ones, can't even tell if the engine sounds rough or not) of a used UDM and, (iii) I don't have any close UDM buddy/mechanic that can tag along to see the car.So, what I plan to do basically is to go see the car, then get the car to the nearest UDM specialist to check for any problem/previous accident etc then take it from there (negotiate price etc). My questions are: 1. I've been going through the forum quite a fair bit, but I could not locate a thread on 'tips for buying used UDM' (everybody claims 'no need repair' 'careful owner', how?). I'm sure there is such a thread here, is there? Greatly appreciate if someone could just help point me to the right link.2. Would car dealer (typically) be agreeable to let the car to be inspected at workshop? How much would roughly a round of car inspection cost?3. Since there not that many 3L engine up for sale, my hunt for the right one can take quite sometime. That brings me to the question, if the temptation is just too much to just grab one from a few not so good ones, what are the things about the used UDM that I can tolerate, and what are the big NO NO, i.e. ones that would cause me severe headache later on?4. I expect that I'd have to do a reasonable amount of immediate restoration (set aside about 10-20k for this), starting from engine, bush, arm, joint, suspension, etc, then only to interior and exterior. Question is, can the engine and gearbox be restored to (almost tip top) stock condition with an 'overhaul'.I really hope fellow UDM owners (esp those that owns e46 and e39) can point me to the right direction, those with bad experience appreciate if you can share them with so that I can note down all the pointers. Those with with good one, need to know the tips u used to avoid or at least minimise the cost of restoration. Thanks in advance.