BMW manual driving techniques?? same as any other manual car driving techniques..

ok ok.. enough of the wiseguy answer.
anyways.. just wanna share a bit from my limited knowledge of driving...
Simply put, learn to drive with normal driving techniques. 1st of all, GET THE BASICS RIGHT. If you don't, bad driving habits can stay with you for the rest of your life.
1. Correct Seating position
2. Correct steering techniques (push pull, cross armed..cross over..etc. all are correct, as long as you understand why and when to use them)
3. For driving fast, the basics is, always brake in a straightline, get into the right gear for the corner, always try to minimise steering inputs, and be as smooth as you can. Try not to be in a situation where you need to make corrections mid-corner, as that can upset the balance of your car. Smooth! Smooth! Smooth!
Heel and Toe shifting: THIS IS A MUST, if you wanna learn how to drive fast in a manual. once you understand the concept, and how it works, you're on your way to learning it, and getting 'natural' with it. Can be heel, or toe, or outstep, doesn't matter, as long as you can do what its intended to do.
as for trail-braking, its usually a favourite FWD and 4WD technique actually, to kill initial understeer, and create a little oversteer. helps the car turn-in better. It takes a lot of practice to get comfortable and natural with this.. in this case, you are unsettling the car on purpose, but keeping in control.
hmm.. dunno what else to say.. except that, best place to learn, is in a controlled environment, not the roads la.. join a grassroots event like GRA, or even R3 Time attack... lots of people there willing to teach, and GRA even has driving clinics, costing something like RM150 per pax.. the other way is track days, but you also need to have someone experienced there to learn from of course.
Also, remember, defensive driving courses are different from race driving courses.