the bestest, greatest, e46 angel eyes

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Dec 19, 2005
hello,I am just about sick of my angel eyes.....the right side inductor (the black thingy) keeps burning out......had it changed 4 times already. Came home from overseas 2 days ago, all excited to see my baby again, and her right ccfl eye again is not working again!! Weird thing is only the right side keeps burning out while the left side still maintaining since day one! I read somewhere in this forum a couple of months ago where a sifu was explaining the latest, bestest, greatest, angel eyes in the market versus the older wan (V1 vs. V2 I think), and also where to get them. Could someone direct me to that particular thread because I couldn't find it (I looked, I swear!) Alternatively, could someone direct me here on where I could buy (and how much?) this latest version. I am interested in getting a set. I probably have the older version currently installed ....because I had it first installed almost a year ago.
you will forever face this problem. this is a fact. replacements are mahal eh? 100 bucks for the ballast. if you buy it in thailand(the same one you buy here), you can get the whole set for that price and replacements would be relatively cheap.
Stud_Daddy said:
I am just about sick of my angel eyes.....the right side inductor (the black thingy) keeps burning out......had it changed 4 times already. Came home from overseas 2 days ago, all excited to see my baby again, and her right ccfl eye again is not working again!!

Weird thing is only the right side keeps burning out while the left side still maintaining since day one!

I read somewhere in this forum a couple of months ago where a sifu was explaining the latest, bestest, greatest, angel eyes in the market versus the older wan (V1 vs. V2 I think), and also where to get them.

Could someone direct me to that particular thread because I couldn't find it (I looked, I swear!) Alternatively, could someone direct me here on where I could buy (and how much?) this latest version. I am interested in getting a set. I probably have the older version currently installed ....because I had it first installed almost a year ago.


Its called angel eyes Version 2 ENHANCED. As for where to get them....try MArco/Shedden or Calvin Tan's place.

Good luck!
popeadrian said:
try MArco/Shedden or Calvin Tan's place.

Good luck!

Yeah.. come down to KL over the weekend. Been a while since we pinched some a$$!
be careful on the connector might be the culprit lose connection cause overheated ballast / kong. Check the connector

It happened to me too (for my left angel eyes), no matter V1 or V2 both also kaput..Now im using it for almost 2 month without any problem, Here what i do;

1) I asked the mech to place the transistor no to near to the head lamp (place it near to the water tank/wiper)

Hope it works for you.


I had the same problem and in my case the ballast is ver 1.0 (CCFL angel eye ver 2). The black thingy (don't know whether it's Ballast or transistor) died immeadiately after a car wash. So the obvious/coincidence problem is water must have somehow be in contact with it.

I leave the "angel eye mata sepet" for more than one and a half month. Finally I maged to get the black thing change in Penang. It is the same part number but ther ver sion is 1.2. It work fine thus far. Now I have added an isulation and wrapped the whole "black thingy" to make sure it it water proof (I suspect highly it has something to do with water in my case). Damage: RM90 with installation.

Done in B'worth Penang. I know you are from nothern region (Kulim area) and I also remember reading somewhere in this forum that someone is selling the said part something like RM60 in KL, if I remember correctly.
winsonw said:

I had the same problem and in my case the ballast is ver 1.0 (CCFL angel eye ver 2). The black thingy (don't know whether it's Ballast or transistor) died immeadiately after a car wash. So the obvious/coincidence problem is water must have somehow be in contact with it.

I leave the "angel eye mata sepet" for more than one and a half month. Finally I maged to get the black thing change in Penang. It is the same part number but ther ver sion is 1.2. It work fine thus far. Now I have added an isulation and wrapped the whole "black thingy" to make sure it it water proof (I suspect highly it has something to do with water in my case). Damage: RM90 with installation.

Done in B'worth Penang. I know you are from nothern region (Kulim area) and I also remember reading somewhere in this forum that someone is selling the said part something like RM60 in KL, if I remember correctly.

Would you happen to remember the name of the shop in B'worth? And which part of B/worth?
I think after I get if fixed this time, I'll follow E46 2.2's advise and move the ballast away from from the hot headlamp.
Stud _Daddy,

Happen to have the receipt here.

It's is at Bagan Luar, B'worth. Will PM you the name, address and tel number.
The call it CCFL Converter. Quoted RM100.00 but after discount at RM90.00.

Sorry to reply to you only now. Miss this thread.
i saw a thread by jarance b4 on this issue.. he was mentioning aobut the inverter where u can get it from a comp shop... as a replacement for the ballasts..

jarance care to elaborate again.. cox sorry man, i really couldnt locate the thread again..! thks man..

jsen said:
i saw a thread by jarance b4 on this issue.. he was mentioning aobut the inverter where u can get it from a comp shop... as a replacement for the ballasts..

jarance care to elaborate again.. cox sorry man, i really couldnt locate the thread again..! thks man..


True as what jsen said, saw the thread before (with a picture).Anyway you can get the invertor or transistor from any computer shop or at Low Yat Plaza..If you didnt manage to get it there just PM DannPromote, im sure he can help you get the inverter or so called transistor.

cheap angel eyess......(bikin sendiri broo )

Heloo....all broo ...I am just new bie ....wish "boleh lah joint this forum...coz Im livin in jkt ....just need to share with you what I'm doin' to my old e30/m40 angel eyess....

Thanks ....

ardhy2004 said:
Heloo....all broo ...I am just new bie ....wish "boleh lah joint this forum...coz Im livin in jkt ....just need to share with you what I'm doin' to my old e30/m40 angel eyess....

Thanks ....



Is it a blue or white angel the way you should introduce your self at the newbie scetion..

Upss...sorry brother ...I'm not breaking ice in newbie room ..btw I just did it .....
its blue angel eyes...but other friends is using red , green ..colour as well.....
its quite cheap ...angel eyes ...(IDR 200 Thousand only = RM 80 ) ....mostly
fit for E30 light coz no need opening the head lamp glass..just glue arround it...

Cheers ....


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