should I buy???

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Issit 4K a month salary or u can spent 4K on the car every month?

4K a month on a car..i will directly go buy a new e90 325..what is there to think man?!

Well, with 4K a month salary..hmm...go get a e46 325i la....but that's what I think your heart lusts for...
Originally posted by Ade@Jan 24 2006, 01:53 PM

Issit 4K a month salary or u can spent 4K on the car every month?

4K a month on a car..i will directly go buy a new e90 325..what is there to think man?!

Well, with 4K a month salary..hmm...go get a e46 325i la....but that's what I think your heart lusts for...
Well said!! Well said indeed! B)
Originally posted by drken80@Jan 24 2006, 01:00 AM
Sorry again.... I wanted to make my statement clear ,all the above problem that I mention is only mean for E36 318 ONLY.......... any problem for E36 325i :D
cilaka lu... ketuk itu kaki E36 318i ka? mana ada problem, tengok itu driber ma, sikit sikit semput adalah!
buy what you like, as long you are happy! asalkan hati senang... :p
4k..monthly for car maintainance.

I'll get a E30 and MOD it...kau kau.

E36 M3...come lar, scared arr?

E46 M3...come lar, scared arr?

:D :D :D
If u got 4k to spend on car per month.....hmmm not that hard to choose which car to buy larrr.
Originally posted by jeffreyewe@Jan 24 2006, 06:35 AM
4k..monthly for car maintainance.

I'll get a E30 and MOD it...kau kau.

E36 M3...come lar, scared arr?

E46 M3...come lar, scared arr?

:D :D :D
Or wait for E90 M3!!!! :yahoo:
Originally posted by E46Fanatic@Jan 24 2006, 01:26 PM
:blush: well his first post did say he was earning RM4k tho... But even banks will not allow you to take a loan where repayments are hitting 100% of your monthly income, regardless if you live with your parents and have everything else taken care of. Must be some reason behind it...
Sorry for my unclear statement, as you know $$$ is $$$ cannot simple disclose too much ma.....just tot that if i budget 4K will it enuf? Not necessary ahve to used it 100% ma ...rite?

Still need to eat ler ....clubing ler, holiday ler..... etc....since so many of you telling that 4k will not enuf, but if i just culcalate like my previous post, shuld be ok ma ....RM1600 monthly installment left RM2400 for standby not enuf meh? service not everytime.. maybe 3-4months once..... the rest is petrol nia.... maybe save RM600 for petrol enuf boh? then i still got RM2000 ma..... eat and clubning no need so much $$$ wat ....

The above mention is not included or major repair la ...I also hope when i got the car without much problem ma........

IF really 4k not enuf then have to dump in more lor .......I oledi say propertis and insurance and etc oledi taken care liao .....not included in the 4K......... B)
Originally posted by Ade@Jan 24 2006, 01:53 PM

Issit 4K a month salary or u can spent 4K on the car every month?

4K a month on a car..i will directly go buy a new e90 325..what is there to think man?!

Well, with 4K a month salary..hmm...go get a e46 325i la....but that's what I think your heart lusts for...
mom say money cannot disclose to other of obvious....
4k to disclose nvm......

IF can i just wanted to spen less then 4k for a car every month lor....
i guess 4k enuf to cover repayment,petrol, and etc la ....every 25K service also include la ....., NOT 4k 100% on repayment only.

Siao meh 4K on replayment nia , better i buy m3 dunno enuf or not heheheh??? :D
On a serious note,

What is your budget for the ride?? if you're planning to pay RM1200k mthly, therefore I presume you'll be able to come out with the minimum downpayment 10% (or more) for the ride.

Which I can roughly say, the ride will be in the region of RM150k .

Don't boggle your brains...just keep a look out for a nice E46 325i, preferbly with most or all the goodies i:e Rims, Bodykit, etc,etc and enjoy the ride.
Originally posted by jeffreyewe@Jan 24 2006, 02:35 PM
4k..monthly for car maintainance.

I'll get a E30 and MOD it...kau kau.

E36 M3...come lar, scared arr?

E46 M3...come lar, scared arr?

:D :D :D
BRO, you sure e30 can beat all the M3 model ??
dun SKL ok .. (sin ka l??) :D

after he MOD sure so keng arr???hard to believe..... :hmmph:
Yo M-Boy,

:D :D...

SO, I think everybody very blur la fren!...

Just answer this 2 simple question and I'm sure everybody will be able to help you choose your dream bimmer...

Question 1: How much are you willing to spend on your car (excluding petrol) MONTHLY? This will allow us to estimate your car ownership experience. If you answer is 4K, just reply "Yes, 4K". If not, fill in this "No, XK" where X is a integer from 0 to 9.

Question 2: How much downpayment can you afford?

That's all.. :getyourfactsright:

e46 beemer i can input la.

i sold my e46 328 '00 to buy an e46 325 '02.

i paid through my nose to pay for everything. lost hell a lot of money with my 328. somemore still a young ciku at that time... now still young ciku lar (or i would like to think so lar)

1 thing i can say, "I HAD IT" and "STILL HAVING IT". albeit more prudent lar. 2nd time around i know i can mod the 325 more kao la instead of going for e60 or 90

with bird flu lar, hand foot mouth disease lar, cat pimple, dog fever lar etc etc. you are definitely right about us not surviving tomorrow. like many typical "Chinamen" out there ... who works so freaking hard until the deathbed. I'm sure he/she regrets like hell for not buying the 'more' latest

what the sifus said above are all correct. Just the angle that they took. Your angle should be YOUR ANGLE.

From the way you say, don think you will settle for anything other than e46. that's why i feel for you.

If you are going for the new accord or mazda 6 (love them both) i can gurantee you will be just servicing it for the next 2 - 4 years.

with a 2nd hand bimmer, you are gua-damn-the-ranteed to pay for radiator leak lar, hose renewal lar, gearbox oil change lar, lower arm bush lar, termostat konk lar, power window lifter lar, check the list in one of the threads. bleeder nut also plastic and cost RM15/-. sure pay pay pay and spend/waste time in the workshop one.

when sell that time after 3 years, cannot get good price, lose 30k, repair so far already 20k blah blah blah. sell also painful. don sell also painful.

but remember! what's the point of driving a good and reliable jap machine, stopping at a traffic light, look at an e46 and ogling at it as it passes you ...

an important point. if you can afford to lose then buy. you will learn a good lesson but this lesson is all worth it one. that i guarantee. just don get yourself bankrupt for the car. that is "buying for the wrong reason"

to go for the moderate angle, i suggest to put a formula into place. put a stop somewhere in the budget. when you have passed that start putting your car up for sale.

maybe that would be a good compromise
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