Recirculated-air mode

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Dec 9, 2004
Hi sifus - is there a way to set the recirculated-air mode "on" as a default feature, instead of needing to switch it on everytime? Thanks
Switch on your air-cond using recirculated button (MFS) on the steering wheel.
huattie;474953 said:
Hi sifus - is there a way to set the recirculated-air mode "on" as a default feature, instead of needing to switch it on everytime? Thanks
Not that I know of. The older bimmers you can use the modic to set it but not E90
In my E39, E46 and E90, when you switch off the engine whilst the aircon is in Auto Mode, during start up it will start with Auto Mode.

If you switch off the engine whilst the aircon is in recirc mode, it will go to fresh air during restart.

The default is fresh air so that the occupant dont keep breathing stale air so recirc is only used when the air outside is worse. This is a dangerous situation when say there's CO coming into the cabin. Even is auto mode, it will most of the time be in fresh air mode.
Peanut - haha....i knew it read it somewhere - that it can be set "on" permanently. Perhaps too nostalgic about my old e34. Have u got ur car back from AB?

Perhaps I should ask IA if they can program it during my first 10k service
It's so typical Malaysian.... want to save tak bertempat. Of course, the compressor will work harder when in fresh mode, hence more fuel.

As Saat rightfully mentioned, it's recommended to put in fresh mode for a long distance driving. Put recirc mode in town driving esp in KL, Penang, JB, etc....
huattie;474953 said:
Hi sifus - is there a way to set the recirculated-air mode "on" as a default feature, instead of needing to switch it on everytime? Thanks

Yes but you can't do it yourself as you need to re-set it to default mode. See your mechanic with the BMW program/computer
Lefthanded;477938 said:
It's so typical Malaysian.... want to save tak bertempat. Of course, the compressor will work harder when in fresh mode, hence more fuel.

Where in the tread did anyone mention anything about saving fuel? What is typical is making an assumption, and thinking everyone is thinking the same thing as you. Nobody else is thinking of setting recirc to save fuel...because it's not even a valid premise! :stupid:
Yes, internal air circulation will save fuel but only is true once the cabin air is cool down because its mere temperature maintenance rather than introducing external hotter air into the cabin. It's not only saving fuel but also extending the life of the micro filter.. again I'm assuming internal circulation does not pass through the micro filter.. :p

But I always welcome fresh air into the cabin.. no amount of fuel saving can beat fresh air in the cabin. I only shut it when there are odor coming in... and I assume that's what the BMW design engineer intended.. :p Yes.. we love to assume things.. :wink:
Yes, assuming is so much more convenient. Ahem,....your beliefs program your realities, my young padawan.
sharp - it's the one with a circular icon on the left side buttons on your MFS.

Frankly, i am not too sure abt the cost savings part but certainly healthier air circulation is important to me. In this part of the world, unlike Europe, fresh / crisp air is premium particularly if u live in a city.

I was trailing behind a public bus last night, and immediately smelled fumes inside the car. Then I realised that I forgot to switch the Recirculated air feature "On". My view is that this feature is not friendly/intuitive feature in our Asian market particularly for those who live in polluted cities.
er.... i press once its with A, press another time, then the one without A light up

tat day pass by someon burning things as well... all the smoke masuk :(
As per the manual page 84:

AUC Automatic recirculated-air control/Recirculated-air mode

Switch on the desired operating mode by pressing this button repeatedly:

- LEDs off: outside air flows in continuously.

- Left-hand LED on, AUC mode: a sensor detects pollutants in the outside air. If necessary, the system blocks the supply of outside air and recirculates the inside air. As soon as the concentration of pollutants in the outside air has decreased sufficiently, the system automatically switches back to outside air supply.

- Right-hand LED on, recirculated-air mode: the supply of outside air is permanently shut off. The system then recirculates the air currently within the vehicle.

If condensation starts to form on the inside window surfaces during operation in the recirculated-air mode, you should switch it off while also increasing the air flow rate as required.

Caution: The recirculated-air mode should not be used over an extended period of time, otherwise the air quality inside the car will deteriorate continuously.

Via the button* on the steering wheel

You can switch between operating modes via a button on the steering wheel, refer to page 11:

- When outside air is coming in, you can use the button on the steering wheel to switch between outside air and recirculated-air mode.

- When recirculated-air mode or AUC mode is switched on, you can use the button on the steering wheel to switch between recirculated-air mode and AUC mode.
"Caution: The recirculated-air mode should not be used over an extended period of time, otherwise the air quality inside the car will deteriorate continuously."

It's not clear whether this is in the context of a single trip or continuous use over a period of time assuming if it is "always on". For example, by opening the car door (either thru entering or getting out of the car), I would expect the cabin air will be refreshed anyways.
huattie;478247 said:
"Caution: The recirculated-air mode should not be used over an extended period of time, otherwise the air quality inside the car will deteriorate continuously."

It's not clear whether this is in the context of a single trip or continuous use over a period of time assuming if it is "always on". For example, by opening the car door (either thru entering or getting out of the car), I would expect the cabin air will be refreshed anyways.

I think they are talking about one trip.

If you set it to recirc, then no fresh air enters the cabin if during the drive neither doors or window are open for any sufficient length of time so as to allow fresh air in to refresh the air in the cabin. The same bad air stays inside the cabin. If there is any malfunction, then the a dangerous situation can occur. In the past there were cases where death has occurred because of a build-up of CO in the cabin in early VWs.

For safety reason, that is why under auto, the default is more fresh than recirc and hence the warning

Why is it convenient and practical for the default to be set to recirc.

I would like to think that it is more convenient and practical (and to add safer) to leave it in auto and the system will do it for you. If you in a situation where the external air is bad, then you can force it to recirc until the air clears again..
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