Well organised...kudos to da man Nazrie,thanks to his bikers gang. Cool guys. Everything went well,I enjoyed myself.
A few Sg cars was fast and clean while driving in the track,only an incident on the last 10mins, A yellow track prep levin car that was driving dangerously.I dislike his driving style when he blocked but weaved dangerously and almost squezed Silver's JCW out of T2. Thats unethical! I gave way to Silver cos he got faster car. I think that fella had some ego problems.. It when I witnessed how he drove..I had to show him how it feels when being shown what he had done to our friend Silver.....he shud have known power is nothing if you dun know what is controls.
I admit,Silver is a good driver.He gave me a hard time in my track la leh. Hopes to learn from you dude.