Phuket Here We Come...BMWCM Drive to Phuket

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okow;244935 said:
2) find out what recreational activities can be done for those that intend to
bring their family there (snorkeling, golf, rock climbing, paint ball and etc)

Phuket: sun and sea, snorkelling, diving, deep sea fishing, canoeing, motor bike and jeep hire, Go- Kart, Bungy, Shooting gallery, paintball, rock climbing, golfing, Elephant ride and show, (Fantasy ) Simon Cabaret (akua show), Monkey show, snake show, tiger show, bar hopping, gogo bars, disco, thai and 'alternative' massage & tom yam.

Yeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!:top: :top:
Phuket: sun and sea, snorkelling, diving, deep sea fishing, canoeing, motor bike and jeep hire, Go- Kart, Bungy, Shooting gallery, paintball, rock climbing, golfing, Elephant ride and show, (Fantasy ) Simon Cabaret (akua show), Monkey show, snake show, tiger show, xxx show, bar hopping, gogo bars, disco, thai and 'alternative' massage & tom yam.

Double Yeehaaaaaaa
The thai toursim also can help if you see them. Once i did treasure hunt from KL to Phuket and they were very helpfull.
, canoeing, motor bike and jeep hire, Go- Kart, Bungy, Shooting gallery, paintball, rock climbing, golfing, Elephant ride and show, (Fantasy ) Simon Cabaret (akua show), Monkey show, snake show, tiger show, xxx show, bar hopping, gogo bars, disco, thai and 'alternative' massage & tom yam.

Ok Lets see what we can do below... individual is great, but I have very good contacts into the travel industry (I do the occassional bit of traveling :p)

1) call a few hotels to check out the rates at the proposed date. ie; Hotel A = RM
X, Hotel B = RM Y. Group rate about 30% cheaper then individual

2) find out what recreational activities can be done for those that intend to
bring their family there (snorkeling, golf, rock climbing, paint ball and etc)
As per post above

3) cost of driving there and duration to do so (this can be done as BlackE90 has
done so many times) Cost of driving & Duration depend alot on Heavyness of right foot

4) Is there any sponsors on the pipeline? Meaning to say the organiser plan to
have sponsors or not. If no, then say no.
Can Have a word to The PR guys maybe get some Fuel cards or something

5) Total cost for the trip = Hotel room cost + Cost of driving (toll + petrol + etc) + food - sponsors (if any)

6) Any competent BMW mechanic to go along (with basic spares like battery, water pump, thermostat and belts) Not really much I can input here, I can DIY anything as long as I have the tools... but don't have all for BMW
Very simple as once the great lord sith said lets set up working committe first.
redbaron;244945 said:
Very simple as once the great lord sith said lets set up working committe first.

yes yes and I recomend that you guys get a proper working committee first... Black E90 when would you like to have the first meeting ? I cant join in but get one started anyways
My suggestion is that you lads drive all the way to Phuket. If you really really need a break, then overnight in Krabi else head straight to Phuket and rest.

Hatyai is getting 'too hot' (security wise) nowadays and by then it would also be close to the Thai elections (23rd Dec) time. You dont want to be caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.

My past trips usually start very early in the morning (4am)...with the excitement of a long trip the next day, you are not going to get very good sleep the previous night anyway. Arrive the border by 9am (2 R&R stops) and go through the necessary documentation, duty free, etc and carry on. Lunch at Trang or Krabi and we arrive Sarasin Bridge at about 3pm. Photo stop and (depending on traffic) its another hour or so to Patong. Immediately after check in, off to hire motorbikes for our daily transportation in Phuket.

By 5.30pm we are in the pool, 8 pm khao phat, tomyam kung, hai cheow and homok dinner. 9.30pm Thai massage, 11pm recce the bars &/or alternative activities. Back to hotel at 4am.

Day 2 & Day a repeat of Day 1 or should I say, Night 1.
There are plenty of activities to do in phuket that will serve the needs of various members and plenty of good suggestions coming in from everyone.

To firm things up at this preliminary stage, to make it easier for everyone

1) Hotel (cost, location, car park and security are the priorities)

2) Itenary (a preliminary one will do, suggest to incorporate team activities like
paint ball, go kart, deep sea fishing and perhaps some family oriented ones like
aqua and tiger show)

3) Cost + Sponsors

The organiser should work on these few items.:rock: Then we can gauge the interest of the members. Otherwise, its just all talk.
1 car can leave la 4am boss try 10 cars. Bujang or with GF can but if there kids coming along to stress. If hadyai not safe than stay 1 night in perlis or trang in thailand.
redbaron;245007 said:
1 car can leave la 4am boss try 10 cars. Bujang or with GF can but if there kids coming along to stress. If hadyai not safe than stay 1 night in perlis or trang in thailand.

Bro, from all the overland trips I organised, smallest group was 12 and largest 34 vehicles. I mentioned, Its just a suggestion from my past experiences.
I would suggest trang because it is much more afordeble. Year end in phuket is ment for people from europe everythimg is up from hotel to food and shooping. My 2 cents.
redbaron;245010 said:
I would suggest trang because it is much more afordeble. Year end in phuket is ment for people from europe everythimg is up from hotel to food and shooping. My 2 cents.

Yup, Phuket unlike Hatyai and Betong is not dependent on M'sian tourists.

December is their peak period (Nov - Mar) and hotels are quite expensive, by international standards. Thats the down side. Upside: the place will be full of activity, more food, more people both locals and tourists and more 'imported alternatives' to meet the demand. In fact Phuket has become the most expensive city in Thailand to live in, surpassing Bangkok even.
ALBundy;245004 said:
...... perhaps some family oriented ones like
aqua and tiger show ..................

I wish I can bring-in my kids....... :thefinger: :stupid:
I might be interested in this, can't say for sure just yet. Just thought I'd put in my 2 sen's worth.

3 years ago I was on a 34-vehicle convoy of Land Rovers to Ko Samui that was organized by the Land Rover club (Coterie is the name, IIRC). There were a couple Land Rover official vehicles (including a service vehicle), and a 2-car Thai tourist police escort (complete with flashing lights and sirens so we never stopped for traffic lights) for almost the entire journey in Thailand (border-Ko Samui-Haadyai). We had a Thai tour agency make all the bookings on the Thai side, and they assisted with paperwork at the border.

4 nights in total spent in Thailand - 1 night in Nakhon (I think, memory a bit fuzzy here), 2 nights in Samui (Amari hotel - very nice), and 1 night in Haadyai. Convoy started at 8am Day 1 at Bukit Kayu Hitam, spent 2 hours going through border checkpoints (long wait at Thai side, due to all the paperwork), then onto Nakhon via scenic route (trunk roads). Day 2 was going to Samui via ferry. Day 3 on Samui. Day 4 left for Haadyai. Day 5 back to border.

The tour agency arranged for most of the food, some touristy activities (including the obligatory souvenir shopping stops), and accomodation. Total cost was RM800 per pax on twin-sharing basis and that covered hotel, food, the tour agency costs, and I think also insurance at the border. Fuel and other expenses are self-covered.

Land Rover M'sia also liased with Land Rover Thailand and there some freebies like T-shirts & caps from the Thai counterparts.

Before anyone asks, I was only on that trip as a driver and was not involved in the organization of the trip (done by Land Rover M'sia staff). Perhaps for this trip, we can consider getting BMW Malaysia (or SA/AB) to organize? Some of us here might also be concerned about car security, so having BMW Malaysia organizing it, there could be some liasing and help from BMW Thailand, which in turn could help us with police escorts and stuff like that.

Just my 2sen (or baht, in this case).
The Coterie is form by land rover malaysia it self as and marketing arm for land rover owners in malaysia. Unlike BMW club malaysia it is on is own and it is register with ROS. It is not part of BMW malaysia.
redbaron;245088 said:
Boss bikers are diffrent bread of people la boss.

Baiya, tolong elaborate sikit...... different bread camna tu ..... bikers has longer kok and BMW driver have bigger balls ke. :stupid: :stupid:
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