I believe the organiser of the trip can provide more details such as the below without waiting for any feedback or the so called consensus.
Again I re-emphasized, chicken and egg situation. No one can decide or at least respond favourably without more details. Even if anyone were to say interested now, they might withdraw later when they find out the trip is expensive, not family oriented and etc...which will then be a waste of resources.
Simple things to do but pertinent for members since it will influenced their decision,
1) call a few hotels to check out the rates at the proposed date. ie; Hotel A = RM
X, Hotel B = RM Y.
2) find out what recreational activities can be done for those that intend to
bring their family there (snorkeling, golf, rock climbing, paint ball and etc)
3) cost of driving there and duration to do so (this can be done as BlackE90 has
done so many times)
4) Is there any sponsors on the pipeline? Meaning to say the organiser plan to
have sponsors or not. If no, then say no.
5) Total cost for the trip = Hotel room cost + Cost of driving (toll + petrol + etc) + food - sponsors (if any)
6) Any competent BMW mechanic to go along (with basic spares like battery, water pump, thermostat and belts)