Phuket Here We Come...BMWCM Drive to Phuket

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blackrobe;244879 said:
I believe Mr. Sith authorised it during the drive....

yes I most likely did, thats because the one that had started the earlier planned trip seems to have dissapeared...
Ya just got free drive in E90 and this what happen. Thank you very much.
aiyo dont gaduhla..this thread is just to see who is interested to drive to Thailand and once we have the numbers we shall work from there , the other thread was getting a bit i thought i start something new..
Come Dis hotel rate is going to be very high, may be no problem for some people but how about the rest.
once we get the number of interested parties then we decide of now there is nobody to get their consensus so how do we know what can and cannot be done...once we at least have 10 or more interested party than we seat down and see where exactly do we want to go...with the date set tentatively for DEC 12-17.
Ok before we get to the nitty gritty, we need to see a show of hands to know if there is interest for this drive, as December is abt 3 months away we need to see those hands ASAP, and once we have at least a group of interested parties shall we work from suggested the tentative date for the drive is from December 12 to 17.

So all those in need of an adventure, put those names down....

Thaksin here I come.....yyyeeehhhaaaaaaaa

1. Black E90
2. Sithwarrior
3. XXX
4. python_dev
You sure or not the sith is going. After got typhoon in phuket la.
ok lah then we ban him from going...
Chicken and egg situation.

If this gonna be an official drive?

If yes (presumely so), then work out some preliminary details before posting this "feeler".

Again, other than the dates, participants will need to know roughly the cost of the trip - petrol, toll, ferry charges (if driving into phuket or leave the car at mainland), hotel and etc. How long is the driving journey? Will the trip be partly sponsored for Official Members? If yes, what will be sponsored? Petrol? Hotel?

Then, what activities are plan while in Phuket? Which hotel to stay in??

With more information, then it will certainly help a lot of folks to make the decision to join or not. Otherwise, I am afraid the response will be poor.


Just my 2 cents worth of suggestion. :)
Boss Al bundy no need to ferry now days got jambatan already. But the rest banyak betul.
at the moment its just a consensus to see if there is any interest to begin with, with a date plonked in, so need to get really serious interested parties before we embark without the numbers we cant talk to the hotel or for the matter of fact anybody..anyway from earlier costings done by redbaron but to Trang the cost came out to abt RM1500 per car (of 2 pax / 5days 4 nights incl. Hotel / Petrol / Toll) if we do Phuket it could still be abt there (as we spend less days on the Hotel) and also depending on which Hotel we book ourselves into.

Anyway this trip is not abt staying in 5 star Hotels and such its about the adventure in it self getting there...and most importantly to really do what our UDM is made for....DRIVING IT....its not called The Ultimate Driving Machine for no reason wasnt it?
I believe the organiser of the trip can provide more details such as the below without waiting for any feedback or the so called consensus.

Again I re-emphasized, chicken and egg situation. No one can decide or at least respond favourably without more details. Even if anyone were to say interested now, they might withdraw later when they find out the trip is expensive, not family oriented and etc...which will then be a waste of resources.

Simple things to do but pertinent for members since it will influenced their decision,

1) call a few hotels to check out the rates at the proposed date. ie; Hotel A = RM
X, Hotel B = RM Y.

2) find out what recreational activities can be done for those that intend to
bring their family there (snorkeling, golf, rock climbing, paint ball and etc)

3) cost of driving there and duration to do so (this can be done as BlackE90 has
done so many times)

4) Is there any sponsors on the pipeline? Meaning to say the organiser plan to
have sponsors or not. If no, then say no.

5) Total cost for the trip = Hotel room cost + Cost of driving (toll + petrol + etc) + food - sponsors (if any)

6) Any competent BMW mechanic to go along (with basic spares like battery, water pump, thermostat and belts)

So guys, here is the plan :

Date : 27 Nov 2007 - 1 Dec 2007
Location : KL-Hadyai - Trang
Duration : 5days 4 nights

Tentative plan :

27 Nov ----> 800hrs -- Drive from KL to Hadyai
1500 --- free & easy in hadyai
2000 ---> dinner in hadyai

28 Nov ----> 800hrs ---> leave for trang
1000 ---> Start treasure hunt (without the car)
1600 ---> Free & easy
2000 ---> Dinner and treasure hunt presentation (cum with prizes)

29 Nov - 30 Nov ------> Free and Easy in trang

1st Dec ---------> Back to KL

Thats the tentative plan......
This was the original plan XXX just for your info.:top:
Yes XXX please take my name out... maybe I didnt realise I was not invited

redbaron;244918 said:
hello dah tua tua nie kalau merejuk buruk rupa tau.

buruk rupa ke rupa beruk ??? yeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaa :thefinger: :stupid:
1) call a few hotels to check out the rates at the proposed date. ie; Hotel A = RM
X, Hotel B = RM Y. ok will do that

2) find out what recreational activities can be done for those that intend to
bring their family there (snorkeling, golf, rock climbing, paint ball and etc)
ok will do that

3) cost of driving there and duration to do so (this can be done as BlackE90 has
done so many times) Somebody with experience pls answer this

4) Is there any sponsors on the pipeline? Meaning to say the organiser plan to
have sponsors or not. If no, then say no. Will try to get sponsors

5) Total cost for the tripHotel room cost + Cost of driving (toll + petrol + etc) + food - sponsors (if any) estimated RM1500 per car of 2 pax could be lower if there is sponsors involved

6) Any competent BMW mechanic to go along (with basic spares like battery, water pump, thermostat and belts) thought of askin either AB or Sapura's Mobile unit to follow either that or work something out.
This could be an exciting trip if done properly.

Those that wants to play golf can do so at the excellent Blue Canyon Golf Course in which Tiger Woods was there few years back.:top:

Those that wanna party, oh well Phuket is the place to be in with all the babes.:top:

Those that wants to bring their loved ones, again Phuket has plenty of activities for the family oriented ones.:top:

1) call a few hotels to check out the rates at the proposed date. ie; Hotel A = RM
X, Hotel B = Hatyai 3-4* approx RM180 -250 per room per nite inclusive b'fast
Phuket 3-4* approx RM 280 - 350 per room per nite incl b'fast

2) find out what recreational activities can be done for those that intend to
bring their family there (snorkeling, golf, rock climbing, paint ball and etc)
Hatyai, both Thai and 'aternative' massage, immitation branded attire shopping, nitelife, disco, sexy show, akua show, tiger show, if unlucky kena 'explosive' (literally) show, tom yam

Phuket: sun and sea, snorkelling, diving, banana boat, parasailing, jetski, deep sea fishing, canoeing, motor bike and jeep hire, Go- Kart, Bungy, Shooting gallery, paintball, rock climbing, golfing, Elephant ride and show, (Fantasy ) Simon Cabaret (akua show), Monkey show, snake show, tiger show, bar hopping, gogo bars, disco, thai and 'alternative' massage & tom yam.

3) cost of driving there and duration to do so (this can be done as BlackE90 has
done so many times) Somebody with experience pls answer this

4) Is there any sponsors on the pipeline? Meaning to say the organiser plan to
have sponsors or not. If no, then say no. Will try to get sponsors

5) Total cost for the tripHotel room cost + Cost of driving (toll + petrol + etc) + food - sponsors (if any) estimated RM1500 per car of 2 pax could be lower if there is sponsors involved

6) Any competent BMW mechanic to go along (with basic spares like battery, water pump, thermostat and belts) thought of askin either AB or Sapura's Mobile unit to follow either that or work something out.
Answer no 3
Petrol if to phuket +- RM500
Duration if we are going to phuket it is better to put up at hadyai for 1 night. KL to Hadyai 600km.Hadyai to Phuket 480km.So total one way journey is around 1080km. Go and comeback 2160km. Yes you can drive 1 day frm KL to phuket but it will be very stressfull for some people. For guys like you bundy.XXX, black E90 diffrent story la.Tol lebih kurang RM180 that if you are frm KL.
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