Northern Drive Anyone?

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if u see zam, tell him solli for me k.. thks man... which one is u btw..? hhehhe
Jsen, He was damm worried who that white e36 snap photo of him and car as you were driving fast and he also tak kasi chance tekan aja so dia ingat you bouncer ke, police ke, orang jahat ke. ( panic juga dia) stop aja at at rest area jejantas Sg. Buloh told us the story. I just sms him about it, he must be sleeping by now.
Originally posted by jsen@Apr 3 2006, 12:27 AM

if u see zam, tell him solli for me k.. thks man... which one is u btw..? hhehhe
how to tell you where I am and I think I saw your car overtook me from the left I was on e30 318i code no. at my rear was 02 the last car then as jamb was really bad. I told Zam about it SMS.
thks man... me budak baik le.. not ganster or police le.. ahahah...

so happen we were at clear road, n zam was there at the right time n place, others cant manage to snap, cox of the traffic.

zam was clear ahead, so snap him a lot lor.... n the e39(but not clear le..)

i saw him accelerate, i tot he was bored saja release tension... but laju sial, 328 good le wei...

i think, i've concluded everything.. a happy ending after all..

cheers man..
Next time join us for drive, it was fun with a bunch of jokers on the road and we are all very obidient drivers sekali2 they tekan especially at Jelapang they like lots or bends, to see how the car grip on the road.
no prob man.. tried to snap u also. mana tau too dark, cannot see, somemore my shirt was hanging there...

lupa off my flash when snappin zam's car, must be annoyin for him too..

will join le, at least wont be alienated on the road if meet up..

thks man.
hahaha... no worries dude... i tot u r paparazzi trying to snap a few photo of mine... hahahaha
Originally posted by zamtresco@Apr 3 2006, 08:37 AM
hahaha... no worries dude... i tot u r paparazzi trying to snap a few photo of mine... hahahaha
hahaah.... not a paparazzi la... saja fan of BMC...

i saw u driving alone, must be bored a bit.. so saja wanna spice up u....

hai geng,

how's everybody????????

Hope everybody reached home safely......

It's very, very nice meeting new friends from the club....

nik ( coolest guy on earth, kreta mau juai?, tayar OK dah ka?)
zoggeeeee ( rACING dYNAMICS rACER)
vladd (bouncer BMW club)
Insaniac ( hensom boy),
sith (macam taiko mau pukoi olang),
kevster (macam Dato', Tan Sri, kategori dia laa tuu),
jeff (senyum selalu),
fabian (good guy),
kahar (00 kreta laju woo),
masch (IT guy, dalam kreta pun ada PC, aduhh, pening aku),
stud dadddyyyyyyyyyyyy (u're the tallest and longggest, i tot u're a guy wit a beard, big tummy, fierce looking, but u're opposite, macam gigolo hensom mana mai pun tak tau, marka tengok mesti cair punyaaa),
heslly (engineer BMW, knows a lot about engines)
zam, and banyak lagi daa, tak larat I nak tulis dah laa.....

wei nice laa meeting u all in Penang.

although I can't be with u all most of the time, but the sweet memories of friendship remains forever...
It was a good weekend for me and I guess for most who have joined us for the event.

Streamyx down at home so didn't post anything. Will try to upload some photos later.
Originally posted by jsen@Apr 3 2006, 01:07 AM
the gold e36 was nice le.. XXX 5799.. nice meeting with u guys on the road.. jeles only me...

You mean a silver E36 XXX 7599 ?? That was me dude... I didnt realise that you were a forumer too... I saw the white 36... nice bro... exhaust note also very nice...

Guys please post you picture on the right thread ya...
Guys and Gals ,

It was very nice meeting all guys and gals , had fun during the telematch .
tag of war proved to be too much for my muscle though , lucky the BBQ got lots of protein to repair them . :D

Thanks too to BMW M'sia for those very nice BMW Sauber F1 gifts and wine , they sure had high"spirit" for us. :yahoo:

Kahar, sorry that we didn't have good conversation on the BBQ as you're with your prety lady friend so i didn't want to kacau . Anyway , nice meeting you too.

look forward in the nice group meet and hope that it's soon.

Cheers and take care . :D
Where's the right thread to post pics?

Nice meeting you guys, did not manage to chat with everyone because I didnt know any of you at first except for Zoggee.

btw, I'm not an IT guy la.. I am in power industry.
Insaniac (hensom boy) --> that was totally untrue dude ! But u look more like a taiko or my friend said,street racer ! :nyehehe:

The most boring conversation = Eddy or Faisal (sorry 4 not knowing which 1 r u) said to me, "assignment dah siap ke blum?" :cry:

Thanks for the trip !
Originally posted by insaniac@Apr 3 2006, 02:14 PM
The most boring conversation = Eddy or Faisal (sorry 4 not knowing which 1 r u) said to me, "assignment dah siap ke blum?" :cry:
hahaha i remember that question bein asked :D
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