New Petrol Subsidy Structure Coming Soon

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affan66;496613 said:
3 ministers took firefly flights today. All different flights but arrived about similar time. I was in one of the flights.. Maybe there is already a lot being done

I think bypass traffic nia knowing the fact got vip. Just like legal road hooligans who pushes ppl to the side in traffic jams. If we see them also stuck in traffic, then maybe they are doing something...otherwise...
i was thinking of putting up a sign "rakyat diutamakan" whenever i get pushed to the side when a VIP wants to pass through.

I recently suggested that we cut down/eliminate all these "launches" by Ministers. Confirm save a lot of money but those event managers sure scream no business. How?
climenta;496773 said:
You mean to say 3 ministers taking cheap flights is a 'lot being done'? It's could be a start, but nowhere near a lot. IMO, the problem here is that our policy makers are trying to reinvent the economic wheel. But then again, this is just my humble opinion la.

This article echoes my concerns with regards to our overhyped & artificially-boosted but under-achieving economy which leads to long term issues. I don't have enough time nor wisdom to write, but this John Lee fella hits the bullseye.

Thanks bro (you know who you are) for the link:)
affan66;497592 said:
i was thinking of putting up a sign "rakyat diutamakan" whenever i get pushed to the side when a VIP wants to pass through.

I recently suggested that we cut down/eliminate all these "launches" by Ministers. Confirm save a lot of money but those event managers sure scream no business. How?

Of course cannot lah.. We have managed to send 3 top guys to DC and 2 of them went MIA.

The Govt have to spend money to promote themselves.
Plans scrapped

From TheStar today :

Tiered fuel plan officially scrapped, no increase for now

PUTRAJAYA: The Government has officially scrapped its plan to restructure the fuel subsidy scheme based on the engine capacity of vehicles, Domestic Trade, Cooperative and Consu*merism Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob announced on Thursday.

He also said there would be no price increase for now.

The plan, originally set to be implemented on May 1, was to introduce a tiered pricing system for petrol, depending on engine capacity, while foreigners would have to pay the market price.

It called for the mandatory use of MyKad to differentiate Malaysians from foreigners, requiring the need for MyKad readers at petrol stations.

Subsidised petrol would be capped to a certain amount of litres a month per user for owners of vehicles with engine capacities of below a certain threshold. The reported upper limit eligibility for the petrol subsidy is 2,000cc. Owners of cars with bigger engine capacities would be exempted from the subsidy.

However, many had considered the proposed scheme to be very unfavourable and cumbersome to enforce and some have suggested that the subsidy itself should be removed.
Signs that they are indeed listening to the it for the right reasons or otherwise.
Sorry, the G is not listening to rakyats...


KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 27 — Selangor opposition leader Datuk Seri Dr Mohamad Khir Toyo called on the federal government to continue subsidising RON 95 petrol while allowing the higher grade RON 97 to be sold at market price.

He said maintaining the subsidy for the lower grade petrol was consistent with the pledge made by the government when announcing its plan to ensure better allocation of subsidies.

The RON95 petrol is currently sold at RM1.80 a litre, while RON97 and diesel retails at RM2.05 and RM1.70 a litre, respectively.

The Sungai Besar assemblyman made the suggestion following a now-aborted government proposal to introduce a tiered fuel subsidy system to prevent foreigners from enjoying the country’s cheaper petrol price.

“There will be a lot of hassle and also abuse, especially with the plan to use MyKad to purchase petrol,” said Khir.

Last week, The Malaysian Insider reported that the government was looking at simpler ways to subsidise fuel for consumers and had quietly scrapped the proposed tiered fuel subsidies scheduled for May 1 due to its complexity.

The former Selangor mentri besar also hoped that the government would set a lower goods and services tax (GST) rate so as not to burden the people.

He said as the four per cent GST would be imposed at every level of production, the price of goods will see a compounded increase of around 12 to 16 per cent.

“Let us start small and see how it goes, I am not against GST as this is the future,” Khir told The Malaysian Insider.

He proposed that the rate be brought down to about one to two per cent.

“Start small first, look at the implication; we cannot say it won’t burden the people, any form of tax will burden the people,” said Khir, who favoured gradual increase of the GST followed by a reduction in personal income tax.

The GST Bill is scheduled to be tabled for its second reading at the March Parliament sitting and is expected to be fully implemented by end-2011.

Second Finance Minister, Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah had given an assurance that the implementation of GST would not burden the people.

Pakatan Rakyat, however, has claimed that the GST would adversely affect the public regardless of income level, unlike the current system where only some 1.5 million of a total of 12 million workers were taxed
John_Smith;498353 said:
Sorry, the G is not listening to rakyats...

Don't be fooled. They are playing good cop-bad cop. The guy who makes the suggestion to the G is even more useless nowadays. Nobody listens to him anymore.
The man behind the call to scrap it is named at the end of this Star article.... He's good for the govt and good for Malaysia... A real miracle worker if you ask me.

Here he talks about transformation including the problem of corruption in Govt...

He was appointed in the latter part of last year in his role and capacity as minister.. making his impact already, as seen in the shelving of the tiered subsidy mechanism which was likely proposed and set in motion before he joined the ranks.
UltraSensitive;500127 said:
Do they really care for the people or they couldn't come out with the formular yet

they're trying to see which is the best way they can profit from this in the short term at the ppl's expense. as!
ramsing;500146 said:
they're trying to see which is the best way they can profit from this in the short term at the ppl's expense. as!

Sing - For a person who owns 2 fuel-guzzler ... hmmmmm ... shaddap u ...
Mau murah - itu M5 convert masuk NGV .. mau ?:top:
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