New 2005 525 (R6) at RM410K only!!!

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Club Guest
Mar 2, 2005
I am extremely angry at BMW Malaysia for misleading me into believing that the new 525 will cost 30% more than the current RM398K, thus I was asked to quickly book the car before the price increase...conned by the salesman again!!I was just told and confirmed with AB that the new 525 will cost a little less than RM410K which is an increase of only RM10K. #%@&#!! And for that extra 10K it comes with:(1) R6 218hp engine(2) M body kit(3) Sports suspension(4) 18in wheels(5) rear door blinds, etcI am so pissed off with BMW...gosh I feel totally ripped off!!!John Chen
I heard some customers are suing them for precisely this sort of sales tactic...
Do you know who cos' I'd like to join them as well in suing AB and BMW Malaysia!!

I'm so angry that I've been misled by the sales girl who told me (in end Nov) that the existing E60 525 will go up in price by around 30% and the new 525 with new engine will cost even more. I booked my car in Dec 04 and took delivery in Mar 05.

Now I truely understand why they call car salesmen the %$#&% of the earth!!
It's wrong and it has happened b4 in UK. Check out BMWCAR's "You Say" section where a writer expressed his frustration of his 6-month old E60 being called the "older version with only 192 bhp". BMWCAR provides the following reason:- a) the dealership didn't know B) the dealership was aware but wanted to maintain orders for ongoing cars. The writer of this complaint was nominated the letter of the month and received 12 months free subscription of BMWCAR.

I think it's best to refer sales to the more experienced and longstanding sales people in Auto Bavaria who are smart enough and longstanding enough not to pull this kinda stunts. This brings to mind Jimmy (the big guy) of AB Sg Besi and Patricia Ho of AB Glenmarie or Md Rafie / Felix from Cartrade
I've heard of so many similar cases already... unprofessional sales people doing whatever it took to move the cars.
Originally posted by johnchen@Jun 15 2005, 04:00 AM
Do you know who cos' I'd like to join them as well in suing AB and BMW Malaysia!!

I'm so angry that I've been misled by the sales girl who told me (in end Nov) that the existing E60 525 will go up in price by around 30% and the new 525 with new engine will cost even more. I booked my car in Dec 04 and took delivery in Mar 05.

Now I truely understand why they call car salesmen the %$#&% of the earth!!
Issit possible to reveal the name of the salesgirl (perhaps via PM) so we take her words with a pint of salt in future? From a legal perspective, the case doesn't look strong if premised on the representation of this salesgirl alone but if intention is to institute proceedings anyway, be sure not to run foul of abuse of the legal process. I think wkwoo69 will be more apt in explaining the "invitation-to-treat" principle of contract law.
Noted JPB, but what if the salesgirl was told to do this? I've met some of the junior ones before and they don't really know what they are talking about, nor would they be able to know the consequences. I wonder if the senior folk would be able to intervene now or is the establishment going to hang her out to dry?

There's seems to be representation, reliance, breach, damage, and some very irritated people.
Originally posted by wkwoo69@Jun 15 2005, 04:42 AM
Noted JPB, but what if the salesgirl was told to do this? I've met some of the junior ones before and they don't really know what they are talking about, nor would they be able to know the consequences. I wonder if the senior folk would be able to intervene now or is the establishment going to hang her out to dry?

There's seems to be representation, reliance, breach, damage, and some very irritated people.
Ermmm... the "real" lawyer has spoken and highlighted a fresh perspective. If there is organised or institutionalised policy of giving out such misrepresentations, this still needs to be proven. I wonder if there's a case study from disgruntled UK buyers since they're usually more ready to institute class actions, hehe!
Hah, I think with your liti background, JPB, you're a lot more conversant with breach issues. In any case, lets make it clear that none of us here are rendering legal advice in the true sense of the word. Just ideas, suggestions, etc.

John Chen, we all sympathise, do update us on what's next. There's certainly strength in numbers and I persoanlly feel that this kind of irresponsibility should not go unpunished. What the hell do they think you're buying? Mangoes or even a Myvi kah?!!!
Originally posted by wkwoo69@Jun 15 2005, 06:26 AM
Hah, I think with your liti background, JPB, you're a lot more conversant with breach issues. In any case, lets make it clear that none of us here are rendering legal advice in the true sense of the word. Just ideas, suggestions, etc.

John Chen, we all sympathise, do update us on what's next. There's certainly strength in numbers and I persoanlly feel that this kind of irresponsibility should not go unpunished. What the hell do they think you're buying? Mangoes or even a Myvi kah?!!!
I'm a tad rusty so my advice shouldn't be treated as substantive. I also feel sorry for John (the bugger got an E60 and I'm feeling sorry for him?!!) and would earnestly hope he gets some recourse. Though I think the E60 525i that you have is still a GREAT car, I can understand the grievance of having been robbed of the option of getting the uprated version. I dun understand why the sales people did what they did since some fellas would have settled for the albeit slightly cheaper 525i anyways so why con fellas who genuinely would like to pay more for the uprated version??

John, if you can PM me your email add, I would like to provide you a sample of a strong letter you can adapt and draft. I don't mind reviewing it before it's sent out. BMW may grant some solace but more importantly, they will restrain on unscrupulous sales tactics. It's BMW, why do they have to do that anyway!
I feel really sorry for u too johnchen. So not only are BMW salesmen arrogant snobs, they resort to dirty tactics like these too. Being an internationally recognised and reputable car marque, BMW should realise that customer satisfaction is of utmost importance and they should take all measures necessary to weed out unscrupulous sales people.

btw, john, i've taken ur advice and decided to buy the 5 in Germany. No point having to risk dealing with unprofessional bmw malaysia! :D :D

I have heard enough. I was recently in a similar situation when I booked my car with AB in Glenmarie. I think we should be making our grievances to BMW Germany about the antics of BMW Malaysia. I don't think barking up the tree here will help.

Well, to be honest if I were some of you guys I wouldnt have bought the E60 knowing well in advance that the newer E60s would come with the new awesome engines (actually told a friend to hold on). I do agree that the salesperson/s was unprofessional in misleading the prospective buyers to believe about the 30% price increase come June (now!!) but we should also know that this so called policy is not 100% firm, it was more of a rumour to drum up car sales. And who can blame them, probably at that particular time the "info" was true until the manufacturers protested about the "proposed" duty structure.

Not trying to be an @$$hole here, but the prospect of trying to save 30% have backfired, nothing is guaranteed in life, only death and taxes! :D

Anyway, you still have a great car, take a beer and chill :)

Originally posted by ALBundy@Jun 15 2005, 05:14 PM
Well, to be honest if I were some of you guys I wouldnt have bought the E60 knowing well in advance that the newer E60s would come with the new awesome engines (actually told a friend to hold on). I do agree that the salesperson/s was unprofessional in misleading the prospective buyers to believe about the 30% price increase come June (now!!) but we should also know that this so called policy is not 100% firm, it was more of a rumour to drum up car sales. And who can blame them, probably at that particular time the "info" was true until the manufacturers protested about the "proposed" duty structure.

Not trying to be an @$$hole here, but the prospect of trying to save 30% have backfired, nothing is guaranteed in life, only death and taxes! :D

Anyway, you still have a great car, take a beer and chill :)

Its gonna take a lot more than beers to chill me down. think that after all these years of working and selling services, I can still get con so easily. I guess I was thinking with my heart instead of my head when I bought the car...but then again most BMW owners must feel the passion for the car. I hope that some amicable solution can be reached with them but I have my doubts. Hopefully it'll be more than just some apologies and a hamper....!! I feel so disgusted with them right now. I'm not so much as blaming the sales girl but BMW MY and AB for deseminating that lie just to push a few more cars!! Agree that its still a great car but the thought that I could have an even greater car for a little more....
Don't blame yourself. Sometime we use our dick rather than our head. Especially if the Sales girl is stunningly beautiful. We are human afterall :beaten:

My not give this New MD of bmw asia a buzz...Mr. Roland Krueger.

Catch him here

see...light at the end of the tunnel..
Yeah John, hopefully they will reimbursed you with something to sooth the pain. Well, you are in good hands with JPB on your side.

Thanks for the Roland tip. Let's see how Schlimme and Dato Badlishah will react to my complain letter first. JPB has kindly offered to help me redraft it in a stronger more legal sounding way.

The sales girl was not too bad looking but she was pregnant then, so unfortunately it wasn't my dick that made the decision! If it was at least it would have been easier to accept.

Will keep all updated to see how BMW and AB will react cos' I'm sure I'm not the only one upset about this right now!!
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