need advise to change my E46 to E60@E90?

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Club Guest
May 11, 2009
i bought E46 318i '03 (local assemble) bought end of 2007.. got problem with oil leak. solve the leaking problem and still need to top up engine oil regularly and a few of wear & tear.. (headache & tired already) but still a bimmer lover.. haha..wanted to buy E60 (budget around 200-230k) need advise which one is better? local@uk@japan spec? m-sport or normal? 520@523@525? is it got same problems with E46??? what should i check before buying the car?? what is the normal defect of the car? or should i forget about E60 and just buy a new E90? ( but my heart is still at E60)help me experience E60 owners out there...... :106:
Since you have a 3 series now . Why dont you experience a 5 series ?? Upgrade yourself bro ! !
Try to go for 525 or 530 . . There're lots of good condition recon or 2nd hand out there . .

Good luck choosing
Hi bro I recently changed from E46 318 (2.0) to E60 so I hope you find my answer useful:

To sum it up, I am not 100% happy with the change. If you like to drive fast like me, and you do not need a larger car, stick to 3 series. 5 series started slower and fuel consumption is much more compare to 3 series. If you want the ego, always travel on the highway, need a larger boot to keep golf sets, go for E60, else, stick to 3 series. I bought my E60 2006 Jap spec highline 525i new engine + push start 263k. Your budget should fit to 2004-5 highline or 03-04 M-sport.

Good luck!
calvinchai;427731 said:
Your budget should fit to 2004-5 highline or 03-04 M-sport.

Good luck!

Jap spec e60 525i Hi-Line 04'/05' is selling at no more than RM 225k.

Go for e90 new is much better :top:
If you love the looks of E60... I reckon that you go for it... with your budget you should be able to purchase the specs described by David Yong. Or else go for E60 M-Sport 04...
i had problem in my E46 2.0 (mileage around 100k) got problem leaking everywhere. some mechanic said it is due to 25k oil change.. how about the E60 525 engine?
which model is the magnesium engine actually?
Normally those E60 with Magnesium engine is from late 2005 (September if I'm not mistaken) until today...

phugoid - pls, I say pls... don't follow the 25000km engine oil change schedule... always stick to 10000km or max 12000km if you want your car to live longer :D
i do the engine oil change every 10k now.. but previous owner of my E46 servise at25K. the engine is leak everywhere.. so sad :(
just wonder if E60 got the same problem due to that matter...
thule;429478 said:
Normally those E60 with Magnesium engine is from late 2005 (September if I'm not mistaken) until today...

phugoid - pls, I say pls... don't follow the 25000km engine oil change schedule... always stick to 10000km or max 12000km if you want your car to live longer :D

thule: ive stuck to the 25000kms quite religiously.

serviced at AB, then Sapura and now Ingress Auto.. the only thing i did out of the ordinary service schedule was change the gearbox oil at 100k kms.

Now at 140k kms still going good. :)

i think with the right oil grade, should be fine?

i have a friend at 200k kms. minor problems but follows the idrive schedule as well..

expensive lah brother when service so many time.

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